I don't care what the reviewers are saying, I'm having a blast with it. Very twitch, and I didn't think a shooter would work on the psp, but this is awesome. I'm about 3 hours in and still loving it.
Also I got my SNES emulator for psp and looking for some good roms, any suggestions?
TMNT Turtles in Time no.2
and Super Mario Kart no.3
I could name alot more, but i'd start w/ those...
...and Castlevania 4.
I don't like the mario kart series either. I'll have to try tmnt though.
Also I got my SNES emulator for psp and looking for some good roms, any suggestions?
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Super Mario World and Super Mario bros 3 !!!!
Also, if you're into turn based strategy you could try Super Conflict, the SNES predecessor to Advance Wars
Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario RPG, EarthBound, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Final Fantasy V, Super Mario World, Super Metroid
BTW, if you want to send me a 512 memory stick I can stick the ENTIRE Snes library on it and send it back to you.
Do they make an arcade/mame emulator yet?
Finally somethign to play on my PSP besides Untold Legends.
As far as Im concerned the games on PSP are crap, and I got an upcoming release list...and was very dissappointed. Not a single game peaked my interest.
bomberman!!! any of them
breath of fire 1&2
castlevainia 4
EVO (you might like this.. an rpg.. but not turn based you evolve from a fish to a dinosaur to a mammal.. all the way up to become adam and your princess is eve in the garden of eden.. cool idea for a game)
gradius3!! omg you will love this
megaman 7 or the various X titles
ninja gadien trilogy
i actually liked the starwars games for snes..
i could keep going.. so yeah there is tons of gems for the snes...
i know your pain
You're right. Although I used to have many triple copies of games labeled as US, JP, and UK. Being a dork, I wrote a MAXscript that deleted duplicate copies of games.