Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Announced [May 16, 2005, 2:22 pm EDT] - Viewing Comments
id Software and Activision announce Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, a class-based multiplayer shooter in the works at Splash Damage to debut at E3. The game will be built on a new technology from id called MegaTexture "that crunches millions of polygons and a gigabyte-scale texture into a single, seamless and un-tiled landscape with unique detail down to the square inch or the un-obscured distant horizon" (though the Splash Damage Website clarifies this is on top of the DOOM 3 engine). Accompanying the announcement is a (massive) first screenshot, and here's word, which does not include a release date or target platforms:
web page
Sounds like marketing fluf anyone have any thoughts?
About the screenshot though.. Looks cool, but some of those designs are so uninspireing its all vanilla ice cream to me.
I really wish at least they were wearing (quake 3 style "ranger" helmets) That would be badass.
The terrain-tech used in Q3:TA was nice, but nothing revolutionary.
Looks cool, but some of those designs are so uninspireing its all vanilla ice cream to me.
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Its as if you went into my brain and stole my thoughts exactly!
hey gauss "normal maps" was about the same kind of buzz word and currently its pretty commonly used, but thinking back, they should have caled normal maps Ultramaps, would hav been better
there has been a solution for rendering this kind of stuff out for a while its called wavegen http://www.ermapper.com/downloads/download_view.aspx?PRODUCT_VERSION_ID=185
from what i hear its super fast so i guess they used a similar technique for realtime..
Everybody wants to bash Id. Seems like it's been like that ever since Quake came out. Always trying to tear down the old man on top of the mountain for the sake of the new. Human nature at it's finest.
Everybody wants to bash Id. Seems like it's been like that ever since Quake came out. Always trying to tear down the old man on top of the mountain for the sake of the new. Human nature at it's finest.
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Not me, I love them
And last but not least, they support Linux and opensource, which alone would be a reason to love them.
And as far as I know a lot of people think like me (=are id fanboys
MEGATEXTURE on the other hand is totally awesome and totally unstoppable!
It's like they'd call mip-mapping SMALLER-SIZER-FILTER-TEXTURE (tm) or UV scrolling SUPER-MOVING-TEXTURE-EXTREME-ALPHA-4-TURBO!!~ (tm)
Sometimes marketing might seem lame, but it's a necessary evil when working with the retards that buy our products.