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Game Industry or HollyWood ?

polycounter lvl 18
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phusnikn polycounter lvl 18
It seems like more movie industries are opening up game development studios and with the game industry as a whole going into high poly movie like chars and scenery i'm not sure if anyone given the opportunity to work for a gaming studio or movie studio, why would anyone choose a game development company over a movie company ? Besides the salary smile.gif

I mean eventually technology between the two industries will overlap to the point where the content and creation detail is almost identical, LucasArts is actually one of the first studios i've seen where artists at LucasArts are actually using the same content used by other artists at LucasFilms/ILM. As someone who has been given the opportunity to work for a movie studio and game development company wouldnt it make more sense to work for a movie studio where you will already be working at the level we games aspire to be?


  • Eric Chadwick
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    The biggest difference for me is working with interactive media vs. linear narrative media. I find it more entertaining to work on something I can interact with than something I passively watch. Although I must say film generally offers a deeper, more viscerally emotional experience.

    I also find the technological side of it to be very intriguing. Figuring out how to get luscious graphics and animation within sometimes very tight limitations can really inspire my creativity.

    In the little taste I've had of cinematic-style graphics, reaching the bar was never quite as satisfying somehow. More likely I just never reached it. wink.gif

    Games also typically seem to involve more creative leeway for the average artist than what tends to be offered in film studios, which often seem to be overshadowed by the lumbering behemoth of corporate oversight. Although I think DaZ for one might beg to differ. Heh.

    Bigger game studios definitely seem to be moving towards the assembly-line discipline-segmented approach. But smaller studios still offer a lot more at the creative end of things.
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    why would anyone choose a game development company over a movie company ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know how it is where other people work, but in a game company i expect to have some saying and influence over anything in the game (just like the rest of the team), from gameplay, over strory to visuals, which gives you the feeling to be working on YOUR baby.

    Now, in the movie industry, i doubt they will change Brad Pitts dialogue or his interaction with a CG asset, or even the look of the CG asset at all based on your comments. At ILM you can't even speak with Lucas or bother him in anyway if he ever shows up, which gives an idea of how much input you have in the project you're working on.

    And yeah, i guess big dev studios feel more like working at ILM, although they probably still pay more.
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