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Battlefield 2 - Pre-order your's yet?

polycounter lvl 18
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sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
Fans of BF 1942, I'm sure you're up on this new game. There is a pre-order out with a great Logitech headset/mike combo for free. I got mine at Best Buy for $10.00. Of course the total price is $49.95. Get 'em while they last, doods. TTFN smile.gif


  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    i got the ut2k4 box ser with the headphones, can't rember what brand htey were, but they were HORRIBLE un comfortable and terrible sound.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with Mojo (they were Logitechs). The mics good on them. But they actually hurt my ears to wear (unfortunately I dont have any good headphones). And the sound is terribly flat and distorts easily.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Yah - BF2's been on my list since Day 1 smile.gif
  • JonT
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    JonT polycounter lvl 18
    Oooh I may have to get this and do some good round with the boyz (yyeeeeeeaaah!) over the summer while I'm home smile.gif

    It ain't 1942 though, dunno how well it'll play. But they'll definitely do a multiplayer demo like last time, we had some awesome ruckuss' on there
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Whats the release date? I dont want it just yet. I was pretty dissappointed with BFV when it first came out (that was until I upgraded my video card to actually run it! and they finally patched and fixed the damn m60.) Now i play BFV exclusively wink.gif

    *waits for demo*
  • sal_manilla
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    sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like 6/27.....release. Slayer: I agree about BFV. Now, on my machine with XP SP2 I can't even install it. CRIPES! mad.gif
  • sal_manilla
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    sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Did anyone play this at E3? How was it?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    DH has an entire album showing him playing it at E3.
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    I really cant wait for bf2, friends of me. I'm not gonna bother pre-ordering it, thats always been a waste of money everytime i've pre-ordered anything, since the pre-orderes arrive the same day as the general stock, and all go on sale the same time. Plus I've already got one of those headsets from my ut2004 SE.

  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Mot Only did I play Battlefield 2 at E#, I won a Prize at the Nvidia Booth doing it: Here's the post from my E3 Report:
    [ QUOTE ]

    We then left Console land, and headed to the main hall (West Hall). We heard yesterday that there would be a contest at the Nvidia booth, featuring EA's soon to be released, Battlefield 2. I had seen , and played a little with it the previous day at the Nvidia booth, while watching folks play in the "Red Orchestra" contest. The interface, and stile of game play has remained mostly unchanged, What his improved was the feel of the controls, weapon sights. The Graphic Upgrade was impressive. The environments were detailed and exceedingly well lit. Grass and plants were there, as well as the water, which looked cool, and inviting, and in fact I did swim a bit (instead of waiting for a boat to show up). The animation and troop models were a lot better, and very distinct, and the terrain collision was very accurate. The Video cards now match the applications well enough so that the game had no "stutter" or "flutter" or video lag, and the clip plane ranged seemed to be about 900meters. The Game had a lot of new features and vehicles, and while the setting resembled the "Desert Combat" mod for the Original Battlefield 1942, the feel was slightly different and a lot smoother.

    For the contest, Nvidia had 8 machines set up in a semi-circle in front of a raised dais. The Dais was manned by the M.C. "Redneck 9", who kept a patter going, along with corny music. Each person was sat in front of the machine. Tom sat in his seat, and I stat on his left, and his brother Mike st to his right. The other person on our team was a very young kid,who was a writer from one of the on line game review sites, whose name escaped me, but he had a Yellow Press Pass, which meant he got to see all the cool stuff that us mere developers didn't get to. The Machines were running dual Video cards, jumpered together, so there was no lag. They Keyboards were the custom $40.00 peripheral Keyboards made specifically for Battlefield 1942, and while your right hand would use the mouse, the left hand sat over a custom rosette of keys that controlled movement, stance, and communications in a very nice ergonomic way. Tom and I practiced with the controls while EA and Nvidia IT techs played and jiggled around with the machines and connections. The connections were a little buggy and the machines would drop off the network randomly and one would have to rejoin the server. The new controls worked very well, and soon it was time to log on to the contest map. We would be facing a room full of EA developers, or testers, probably in Redwood Shores, but I did not know that, thinking that I would be fighting with the four other folks on the floor.

    Well first I got kicked off the server. then I was logged back in by one of the Nvidia IT techs, and spent half the 20 minutes on the wrong server, until one of the EA IT folks spotted the error, and logged me onto the correct server, and I rejoined the game. Tom's situation was worse. He was on the right server, then got kicked, then was as i was logged onto the wrong server, the put on another wrong server, and only had 8minutes left when they put him on the right server. Tom became upset, but being the athlete he is, instead of complaining, he channeled his anger into the game, found an LAV, and started to kill things all over the map with its automatic cannon. I have to say that the medics on our team were impressive, and every time I was critically wounded the Medic would run up and drop a health pack on me... Until he got shot by a rocket, and a sniper took me out. Sniping in the new game sucks, so I switched my role to "Support" which means I got an M249 Saw, a Bag of Grenades, a Knife, and something else I never used, but I didn't have to, because when prone, using Iron Sights, the SAW was everything I wanted in a game, as I was laying down murderous covering fire. The Marines Smoothly took each of the flags, and held them, steadily with only one flag changing back briefly during the game, until the Marines reached a bridge across a steep walled arroyo. On the Marine side was a level railroad crossing making a slow berm, and on the other side of the bridge was a pair of apartment buildings on either side. Laying prone, and belly crawling into advantageous positions, I was making the bridge impassable, but the Marines were getting picked off by unseen snipers, and distant rocket teams. However no MEC troops could cross the bridge as the Marines would park their HUMMMV's hull down behind the railroad, and also machine gun anyone attempting to cross the bridge. I finally figured out how to avoid the snipers by crawling and taking up a position under a box car, that blocked any view to and from the windows, but gave me a good area of fire on the ground level at the off side of the bridge. I was mowing them down, until one guy I missed, because he fell into the arroyo ran upstream to a more sloped bank area, and then belly crawled all the way back down to the bridge from between the rails and knifed me.

    I re spawned by the bus stop down town, and sprinted for the bridge just in time to see the MEC force the bridge with a T-80. It bashed the HUMMMV's out of the way as it got air coming off the railroad berm and slammed down on several marines, slewed to it's right, and started to use the coaxial machine gun on the remaining troops. Just then, Tom in his 8 Wheeled armored car, comes squealing around the corner, pounding away at the rear of the tank with the auto cannon, until the barrel overheated and the gun shot down. Tom briefly swore, then remembered that the alt fire was anti-tank Rockets, and fired them onto the rear deck, exploding the T-80 (Nice particle effects and Debris), and continued down the road and shot all of the MEC troops trying to cross the bridge. I then resumed my position under the box car, and continued there until the game ended. When the game ended, it was time to award Prizes. Apparently Tom's football spirit triumphed because they awarded him first place, and a GeForce6600XT Dual Processor Video Card. Second place was, surprisingly, me. and I won a Pentium4 3.8Gig CPU and fan unit, and third place went to the kid from the On line Review Site, and got a 512meg USB Thumb drive.. Apparently Thumb Drives were popular prizes all over the show. When we got our prizes, we signed our names and got our badges read, as we were not ineligible for any futher prizes at that booth, but I wasn't complaining. Tom's brother Mike, apparently spent most of his time on the wrong server and didn't win anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hope that answers some folks but I will be buying it, as will a lot of the rest of the office when it's out.

  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    Id just like to brag.. I have to play bf2 all the time.. Tough job but someone has to do it.. wink.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Tough job but someone has to do it.. wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Get back to work! hehe

    DH looks satisfied in that pic. I read an article recently about all the new features, such as interactive map sizes with up to 100 players, and vehicles that change features depending on passengers. Pretty cool stuff for more addictive gameplay. I hope importing geometry from 3D apps isn't difficult when modding.
  • eXpendabLe
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    eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
    Just wanted to add my two cents having played it at E3 for a fair amount of time.. bouncing between EA, Nvidia and Games for Windows booths. This version has a Joint Ops feel to it which is a good thing imo. The commanders screen adds a strategic element and ragdoll physics is a big plus. One of my fav games showing and I'll definately pick it up when available.
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18

    Gold baby gold!!

    :lol: ao;eifha;sdfka;sldkfja;lkdfj!
  • DeathTrip
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    DeathTrip polycounter lvl 18
    f'ing definately! love 'dem battlefields crazy.gif

    please dont drool on your keyboards...
    (yeah i know, in reality teamwork wont flow that awesomely but its still great!)
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I am chomping at the bit for this game. I was so impressed with it at the show. As well as being great fun, it looks absolutely stunning. I cant figure out how they do the global illumination cheat. Check out how in this shot in the shadows the troops have bounced blue light hitting their normals that face upward, and bounced brown light hitting their normals that point downward. Very very cool. I've not seen that done before. Hooray for not shading to BLACK finally!!! They're all self shadowing too. Plus the scenery draw distance is amazing. Gamespot annoyed me by saying that the visuals were on a par with HL2. If you look closely at the game and its engine features, it actually significantly surpasses HL2 imho:


    Were meant to get copies into the co. store imminently. I should organize a contest and dish out some as prizes or something really.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Impressive. I'll probably pick this up when it's released over here. If it looks that good and is at least as fun as the previous games, it'll be a blast!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I'm definitely getting this.
  • da_milkman
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    da_milkman polycounter lvl 18
    Preordered, I can't wait.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    HL2 does that "GI trick" with a set of precomputed environment maps that are placed throughout the level and the character blends between the closest ones.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    hhhmmm I'd have to see that to be convinced KDR. I've played HL2 all the way through and never noticed anything resembling 'dynamic' ( i.e not baked ) GI for the character lighting. Where did you get that info from? Even If it's true ( and Im not disputing that. I had no idea it was capable of that ) it's not implemented very well, since the effect in the above shot is way more apparent than in HL2.
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18

    I can't remember the last time i was this excited for a game. Hopefully its as addictive as DC, and still has all the unintentional comedy.

    Demo is rumored to come out next week.

    hook us up with some early copies daz

    (also its 6 am and I really feel like shit!)
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Daz: Dunno, I read that in these forums somewhere. Can't say I've seen it either but I guess the envmap approach probably is it.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm pre ordering mine today, but I'm still disapointed in some aspects of the gameplay (which remain unchanged). One thing in particluar is weapon lethality. If I shoot someone in the head/neck/chest, they should go down in 1-2 shots, period. Kevlar isn't going to stop a 7.62 AK round. In most of the videos, I see people unloading onto others, and they don't die. I know it's for gameplay reasons, but it's utterly ridiculous, and quite annoying.

    Things like a persistant persona, and dynamically scaling maps are going to be REALLY amazing, though. Can't wait smile.gif
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Headshots were what i loved about BFV. A simple NVA engineer can take out the entire US force with a few well placed headshots wink.gif

    Makes the gameplay more fun as you have to really watch yourself out there.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "but it's utterly ridiculous, and quite annoying."

    Is it really though? What I hated about BF 'Nam in contrast is how incredibly *quickly* you die, with seemingly no time to respond or evade the fire. The worst thing about that game was spawning out in the open at a mobile spawn spot, only to be shot dead instantly without time to so much as look around and see who killed you. Now as far as Im concerned thats more ridciculous than being able to last a little longer in battle. It is meant to be fun after all. Each to their own though.

    One thing I didn't get to find out playing it at the show, was If they've done anything to prevent spwan camping. Like temporary invulnerability after you spawn or something. Doeas anyone know?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    True Daz, that was annoying in BFV. But when you're on the giving end, did you really care? I don't really mind the semi bullet proof nature of BF. When I fire first though, that person should die.

    The temporary invulnerability is a great idea though. I haven't heard if they are doing that or not, but I'm sure they have some kind of system in place.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    The farther the damage system is away from Counterstrike's, the better. Ideally something like Quake 3 where a single shot rarely killed you.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "But when you're on the giving end, did you really care? "

    bahah no. good point.
  • Hunter
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    Hunter polycounter lvl 18

    My wife is already dreading the release date figuring she won't see me anymore.. smile.gif

    I would definately like to plan a large Polycounter game or two when it finally hits the shelves ??? What do you say, are you all up for some PC wars ?
  • sal_manilla
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    sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
    I'd definitely be up for some of that action. violent-smiley-090.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    oh yeah baby! Count me in!
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Aye chihuahua there goes what's left of my scant free time.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I would be down for a PC game or two.
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    me wants it too, when's it coming out ?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Supposed to be June 21st I believe laugh.gif
    Should be really damn fun.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Hey - I'm part of an online gaming community that monitors their own Battlefield 1942, Nam, and DesertCombat servers 24/7. I'll post the IP here for all those to join once BF2 is out on shelves. The admin's there make sure EVERYONE follows the rules - and give 2 warnings before a kick.

    Rules like no spawn killing. You cannot go to the enemies spawn points UNLESS to take out a Sam or SCUD launcher. Otherwise, its off limits. The group is a lot of ex-military guys so they're always encouraging team work. Anyway, check it out. (www.ChicagosFragFest.com until then).

    That said, I *think* BF2 will have a server option of slowly killing someone within your base. However, the person being the commander of a team is actually still in the game as a character.. so he CAN be killed. So that sort of encourages spawn attacking. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    I would be up for some Polycount Action , and most of the Company may be purchasing it. Not pre-orderingl but then the local Bast Buy has been a good source, whereas Fry's hax been an instant sell out, anddon'tget me started on the Stupidity that EB Games, now Gamespot, is.

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