Christ don't remind me....that series cost me a bloody fortune...still they eventually grew out of it, now she's got the DS, he wants the PSP, and I want my pci express.
My personal choice would probably be the PS3, but after a little while, maybe for MGS4.
I really can't believe Sony changed the design of the controller.... looks like it has all the same buttons, now with an awful PC contoller design. If it ain't broke....
Probably the 360 first and if there are some killer "PS3 only" games that I just cannot live without I'll end up buying a PS3 too.
The new Nintendo system all depends on what it is and what games are out for it.
I personally don't buy a console till two requirements are met.
A) a game comes out I really want to play my roommates don't own the console it is out for.
I bought an Xbox because Xmen Legends came out for it, and Gersh only had a ps2 and gamecube. I already have 4 or 5 xbox games that I had played on Monsters Xbox on Texas, so it worked well. I won't buy any of the new cosoles till a game comes out I really want.
Well... It won't be Microsoft, I won't help them leverage their monopoly tactics into another market. Probably not Sony either, at least not until the third or fourth revision since I'd like my investion to last more than three days. Not Nintendo unless there was some huge new feature they forgot to mention somehow. So that makes... uh...
Although I will end up getting a PS3 along the line as well.
Dead Or Alive (I'm a big DoA fan) and Project Gotham 3 pretty much sold me.
I'm not a huge fan of any of Sony's flagship titles. Gran Turismo bored me to tears, stealth isn't my thing, Devil May Cry was good, but I really don't need to play it for the 4th time, I really did not like Killzone, never really liked Tekken (Was more of a Virtua Fighter man myself), GTA lost me after San Andreas, The Getaway sucked...
As soon as something comes out that actually interests me I'll jump on board. Although if it ends up being anything like the PS2, it'll be for one randomly obscure title like Disgaea.
I really don't know. I have bought Nintendos products since the Game&Watches but I'm really unsecure about the next generation. I wish I had the money for all three (mostly so I could try out KMans' idea) but since I don't I'll probably end up flipping coins. Unless the Nintendo Revolution costs around $70 at launch (and comes with a devkit)...
I'm liking the 360, i'm very intrested in the revolution too. Nintendo is very smart I think they leave the games somewhere between enxt gen and this gen so small developers will more likely make game for their console together with the "revolution gameplay" as an "escuse". So if nintendo puts a low prise on their revolution people who have a ps3 can buy it as a second console and people with a 360 can buy it as a side console, very smart... if you could follow what i'm saying :P
I'm definately going 360...the DVD drive on my XBox is on it's last legs...I keep getting dirty disc was particularly bad when I went back to playing Ninja Gaiden the other week, and with the 360 being confirmed as backward compatable, it'll save me having to pay £100 to get a new xbox to play all my current gen games, plus give me a nice shiny next gen system That said, i'd say its probably 100% certain that between myself and my brothers we'll end up getting all 3 next gen systems anyway (as we did this generation...I got the xbox and my youngest bro got the other 2), plus i'll probably get a PSP as well...gonna be an expensive year...
this is like one of those math equations where the correct answer is
not enough info
Badname: i think you may be right. I mean, how many people on this forum can honestly say they're able to produce next gen quality work atm? show of hands? how many game studios? I'm reminded of Ror's comments in the Epic Hiring thread. It's quite a large step forward.
duh, all 3, but i can say out of the cureent generations i play xbox about 70% ps2 about 25% and GC about 5% of the time. so i don't give a rats ass how orriginal nintendo may be, just nothing from them really interests me..
considering nintendo has the best launch line up ever for a console (pretty much everything they've done since the begining of time) Even if the launch titles are bawls I'm sure all Have a great time playing all the GC games I never played because I never was interested in the GC.
Gotta catch 'em all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Christ don't remind me....that series cost me a bloody fortune...still they eventually grew out of it, now she's got the DS, he wants the PSP, and I want my pci express.
My personal choice would probably be the PS3, but after a little while, maybe for MGS4.
Oh, and you forgot "Phantom"
Than the PS3.
I'm personally looking forward to the 360 but after lastnights press conference I have no idea!
You shoulda made this a poll.
Oh, and you forgot "Phantom"
[/ QUOTE ]
what are you kidding, have you seen the way this forum engine handles polls? Man someone really missed PHPBB when deciding to use this ****
consoles are boring
I friend of mine had me hook up his comp to his 42" tube tv. I had to dumb the comp down to 640x480 to make the VERY LARGE type readable.
That killed consoles for me.
The new Nintendo system all depends on what it is and what games are out for it.
A) a game comes out I really want to play
I bought an Xbox because Xmen Legends came out for it, and Gersh only had a ps2 and gamecube. I already have 4 or 5 xbox games that I had played on Monsters Xbox on Texas, so it worked well. I won't buy any of the new cosoles till a game comes out I really want.
So far PS3 blows me away !
consoles are boring
[/ QUOTE ]
sniff, sniff. It brings a happy tear to the eye of this old PC whore to see that such people still exist.
Although I will end up getting a PS3 along the line as well.
Dead Or Alive (I'm a big DoA fan) and Project Gotham 3 pretty much sold me.
I'm not a huge fan of any of Sony's flagship titles. Gran Turismo bored me to tears, stealth isn't my thing, Devil May Cry was good, but I really don't need to play it for the 4th time, I really did not like Killzone, never really liked Tekken (Was more of a Virtua Fighter man myself), GTA lost me after San Andreas, The Getaway sucked...
As soon as something comes out that actually interests me I'll jump on board. Although if it ends up being anything like the PS2, it'll be for one randomly obscure title like Disgaea.
I really don't know. I have bought Nintendos products since the Game&Watches but I'm really unsecure about the next generation. I wish I had the money for all three (mostly so I could try out KMans' idea) but since I don't I'll probably end up flipping coins. Unless the Nintendo Revolution costs around $70 at launch (and comes with a devkit)...
Badname: i think you may be right. I mean, how many people on this forum can honestly say they're able to produce next gen quality work atm? show of hands? how many game studios? I'm reminded of Ror's comments in the Epic Hiring thread. It's quite a large step forward.
That nintendo live feed sucked ballz though.
There where very few original IPs being touted for the next generation, with the notable exception of Gears Of War for Xbox 360.
Although I quite liked the look of Heavenly Sword for the PS3, but it's not really being heavily promoted by Sony like all their flagship sequels
my mario one wins. sorry
I think the design is great.
I think the design is great.
[/ QUOTE ]