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Enviroment modeling and texturing questions

polycounter lvl 18
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JO420 polycounter lvl 18
Hello i just recently was assigned a police training hogans alley project which i am to do in 3d and i have techincal questions on problems which i frankly havent had to deal with.

1. the road,the city will be a few blocks so i have to make a road texture,will i just make 1 tileable texture of concrete for the road and the programmers add the traffic lines and sybols on the floor or do i have to texture that all in??

2. the buildings,would it be better to break up a whole building in uvw unwrap and texture it with 1 map or make a few functional modular pieces which i can use to make the building keeping giving me a better texture quality?

thats it for now but im sure ill have more questions to ask

ill add the words MORE QUESTIONS to the title if i need anything


  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    What is the final product? Game or CG movie?

    1. Depends on how big the road and the road texture are. If the road is 512 wide and the texure is 512 then no probs. If you would have to tile then you could break the road tile with another texture or if you have them, you could project the lane markers on to the tiled road text.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    police traing prgram,hogans alley basiclly a shoot or shoot not application
  • flachdrache
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    flachdrache polycounter lvl 18
    Just know about the videowall police training programms.
    I guess they use video because of face expressions etc.

    For a realtime env. imho it depends because of the fact that you are limited by texture (memory), triscount or both.
    So, in every scene, you have to avoid the maximum to keep the framerate pretty stable (more or less)?

    Iam not good with technical terms .. i would search for "anti-fear programms" i know some universitys are
    doing research with virtual reality systems building such environements.

    hth,low smile.gif
  • JO420
    Offline / Send Message
    JO420 polycounter lvl 18

    this is the first building ive produced so far,its a 512 x512 texture which programmers said is fine,4 total pieces 1 door,1 window,1 lower wall and 1 higher wall

    when i get all the building laid out ill make models which ill use to dress up the building and othersaswell likedraining pipes,lights etc
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18

    the second building.
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    In the second build the windows at the corner of the building are too close.
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    1. I'd make a 1024 texture for the whole width of the road with all the white/yellow etc lines on it.
    Additional signs that shouldn't tile are usually added closely on top of the road as decals with an alpha channel for the transparency and blending with the road.

    2. Go for plan B. If a building is 10 storeys high segment it every 3-4 storeys or so (whatever still looks sharp enough but doesn't make the tiling too noticeable) and make a sharper texture that covers only so much, and tile it vertically.

    Textures are expensive, polygons are not. If a solution gives you more polygons but better texture quality without additional textures, go for it. Better a few hundred polygons more than bad res or a new 512 texture. Polygons are cheap cheap cheap compared to textures.
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