I had a geforce4 ti 4200, but its like all messed up, so im gettin a new one. Anyone know of a nice 128meg videocard, that is fairly cheap? Im talkin about one that can handle HL2 and 3DSM with no problem but keep nice and smooth.... Anyone?
Ahhh, my friend just showed me one
any good?
(Stay away from the gigabyte brand. The heatsink is held on by thermal tape vs a clamp and thermal paste method {I found out the hard way
When you're working with 3d avoid ATi, they suck for that.
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I've used a variety of 3d apps and games with my 9800 Pro ATI card using the latest Omega drivers and have never had problems. Smooth with HL2. My girl uses a 9600 w/ Omega drivers and no problems. Good price and performance, I highly recommend it. And my brother uses an 8500 with several games like Call Of Duty as well as using Wings3D, Blender, and Gimp...no complaint from him. And aren't XBOX360 and GameCube (possibly Revolution) using ATI for their consoles?
Make sure you have a good amount of RAM.
6600GT would be my recommodation too... they start at about 150 here in Germany.
I have the plain vanilla 6800 and it rocks my socks. Was only 200 bux too.
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I agree, I just got one of these too and I can play Doom 3 smoothly w/ 2xQ Antialiasing and 16x Anisotropy @ 1024x768, and it looks killer!
It's the 256 pci-express version btw.
Newegg has a 128MB 9600Pro for $76 (which would probably end up being more than $80 after sales tax and shipping):
Here's a list of cards they have in your price range ($50-65):
Not many options as you can see. I don't think I'd recommend any of those cards found in the second link. The performance of the X300se or GeForce 6200TC (the low-end of ATI and Nvidia's current generation) might be comparable to the 9600pro, but I really don't know. Look for benchmarks on Tomshardware.com or a similar site.
[edit] Oops, the x300 and GF 6200 seem to only be available in PCI express, so I guess you can scratch those options.
I like it, its cheap, and its sexy....hmm...there are some nice choices here, im plaining to get a new system within a few months, im gonna ebay a bunch of my crap.
With 60 bucks I'd continue saving and buy once you can afford something worthwile. With a low-end card you'll just end up having to upgrade again next year.
Shouldn't a GF4 be good enough to play HL2?
PCI-E or non.
I dont understand how the first card Enix posted says 256 DDR memory but its only 128MB.
I've used a variety of 3d apps and games with my 9800 Pro ATI card using the latest Omega drivers and have never had problems. Smooth with HL2. My girl uses a 9600 w/ Omega drivers and no problems. Good price and performance, I highly recommend it. And my brother uses an 8500 with several games like Call Of Duty as well as using Wings3D, Blender, and Gimp...no complaint from him. And aren't XBOX360 and GameCube (possibly Revolution) using ATI for their consoles?
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Well FYI Maya works with ATI cards, but not well. The Artisan and 3D Paint tools don't work all that well.
What do ya guys think? Is this model a good buy or perhaps you can suggest something better for the dollar?
I would recommend staying away from Gigabyte & Chaintech brands, but thats just me.
Its cheap, has good reviews and its an nvidia... thoughts?
Its cheap, has good reviews and its an nvidia... thoughts?
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Eck... I wouldn't touch that thing with a 10 foot pole. If I were you, I'd avoid any of the FX series of cards like the plague. Compared to your Ti4200, a FX5200 would be very disappointing.
I dont understand how the first card Enix posted says 256 DDR memory but its only 128MB.
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It means its 256bit bandwidth versus 128bit. Basically how big the memory bandwidth is. Thats what turned me off the 6600 series. Its only 128 bit, so your gpu is being limited by that memory bandwidth.
I believe the 5200 scores lower than the Ti4200 in some benchmarks.
In fact, look at this chart!
I cant go SUPER high priced, like i said, im on a tight budget. Will it stand up to my GF4 at all?
Can you repurchase another 4200?
Honestly I'd recommend a GF 6600 128mb if you can afford it.
[I have no knowledge of videocards, i have used a geforce3 ti500 for the past 3 years, and if this card will do a bit better then that card, i will be happy
As the benchmarks show for the 4200. The 4200 will still beat it (the FX you listed). Ya, you will be able to play I believe. But dont expect any real frame improvement. Especially since the fx series in the source engine, dx9 is turned off by default since it shader engine is so bad.
Well anyway, I told my bud to hold up on buying anything cause im just gonna save up for a bit, i can use this damn onboard for a few more months :P. If i could get this geforce4 a new fan im sure the problems will stop but i cant find one taht would fit...
Only cost 18 bucks.