Is anyone here excited for quake for.. IMO, I am very excited to see the sequal to quake II.. Which would be Quake 4 .. But.. I'm scared at the same time.. Be aware that quake 4 is NOT made by ID software.. yes cry cry lol.. Its made by Raven Software O_o.. Makers of SOF.. anyways heres some stuff on Q4 if you wanna take a look
Please post why you are/are not excited for the release of Q4 supposeablly to be released in December 2005... But i think it will be released late march 2006 because well.. Everygames always been delayed
I can't vote in that poll, because my excitement level is somewhere halfway between "yes" and "no".
It has the potential to be really great - I loved Quake 2, and they seem to be taking a lot of cues from Q2 for style and theme, which is a good thing.
However, the screenshots I've seen so far just look like Doom 3 all over again. I wanted to see something fresh... But there's still time. I'll save my excitement for when it gets released.
They got the hand totally wrong, though. In Quake 3, Bitterman looks like a weirdy green fish-man! How are they gonna explain that one away in Quake 4? :P
I personally liked doom 3 and I think this will be another good shooter though hopefully the story is a little better then Doom 3's . Looking forward to seeing more beutiful graphics like Doom 3
They got the hand totally wrong, though. In Quake 3, Bitterman looks like a weirdy green fish-man! How are they gonna explain that one away in Quake 4? :P
[/ QUOTE ]
Bitterman was the Q2 guy? I thought he was mutated from the slipgates (Q1).
huh, my understanding is that ranger is the q1 guy, grunt is the q2 guy and bitterman is just some random weirdo, no?
edit: although yes I do recall bitterman was written on the pod when you land. Still grunt looks much more like the q2 marine.
edit again: maybe the stroggos got hold of him and fucked him up with tentacle hair :]
Yeah, Grunt looks like the OTHER Quake 2 marines you see, and the Q2 multiplayer default model. However, you never get to see yourself in Quake 2, although I'd assume you look the same as the other grunts, since you're in the army.
Ranger was indeed the Quake 1 guy.
Bitterman was indeed written on the landing pod in the first level of Quake 2.
As far as I know, Ranger has nothing at all to do with Quake 2.
Grunt, Ranger and Bitterman are all separate people in Quake 3.
However, the intro for Quake 3 clearly shows Sarge battling the Strogg blaster-wielding soldiers! What's going on, eh!? so...Raven's making it, and personally I've always thought of Raven's games as solid, but nothing amazing. They might have a fun feature (SOF had ubergore, Jedi Outcast had saber fighting, Elite Force had the trekkie atmosphere...) but in the end, they end up being linear games with average story...
What I am REALLY lookin forward to is what iD does next, they hinted about a new franchise.
Agreed. I really cannot get excited about the Quake franchise one iota. Having said that I'm looking forward to seeing some of the character content. Kolby Jukes is one kickass modeler.
Now BF2 on the other hand it just looking like incredibly good fun. The latest video on Gamespot makes me pant. It's not pretty.
Yeah DAZ colby is probebly only one of 2-3 3D modelers I am totally blown away by skill wise . I can't wait till the game comes out just so he can post his models !!
no, it will be just another FPS. the only thing that will be different from a dozen other shooters is that it has Quake in the name. what will this game add that doom3 didn't?
Quake series really made me wanna be in the games industry, I'm looking forward to it but I don't have particular high hopes of an amazing game.
I think FPS in general created much of the mod community which we have today, so it would be a shame if Quake 4 blowed... besides its Raven software it has to be good!
Im waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (and I hope the hold up is they arent reacting the story with american voiceovers.. I want russian with subtitles dammit! Versus shitty voice acting), and hopefully Serious Sam 2 (not to confused with Serious Sam: The Second Encounter-The croatia guys already said that wasn't two so much as a expansion on the first).
Since I didnt like Quake 2, and thought it was the dud of the series. I might pick this up eventually... used. :P
but it wouldn't be nearly as obvious. I vote subtitles too, it'd feel more authentic.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? And miss out on hearing "Y'all come back to Chairnobble now, y'hear?"
On Q4 - it does look extremely doom3y, but I hope some of the alien environments will give it a fresh look. Still, it's a bit of a 'meh' from me at present.
Subtitling a videogame seems stupid to me. With a film it makes sense, since the actors' voices wouldn't match up with the audio, but with a videogame all you have to do is redo the speech animations. I don't see why you'd bring up the quality of the voice acting, because how do you know the original voice actors are any good if you can't understand what the hell they're saying?
I guess it would help with the "authenticity" (I don't know how "authentic" man-eating mutants are ), but it doesn't seem like something that would enhance the experience.
well, authentic as in its set in russia so they should speak russian..
Personally I watch foreign films with subtitles because thats the original format, and if you add different voices it changes the characters and the meaning of what they say. Thats why I watch with subtitles anyway, not because of dubbing issues. Original voices are how how its meant to sound, dubbed voices are someone elses interpretation.
From the votes everyone seems less than excited, I voted not, visually yes but from the long running history since Q1 came out the only reason I played ID games were the aftermarket freebies presented by the mod community. IE reapers bots Q1 eraser bots Q2 and the map rotaters and launchers for Q3, and those Q3 bots were at times so stupid. The utter ease and fantastic subtle or radical changes with UT titles by just adding or mixing mutators is tops. imho.
There are quite a few subbed games on the market, many japanese games that were translated cheaply keep their original voices (GGX2 and KOF aren't dubbed, for example). Sub support has to stay in anyway because few bother to redub their games for European audiences (and even when they do sometimes you need subtitles anyway to understand anything, see Half-Life 1&2).
I have a feeling the russian version VA will be horrible. C'mon, it's Russia! Though I hope the rest of the world won't see huge cuts to the story as it did with Perimeter.
Some of my fondest quake memories came from quake 2 and the multiplayer that came with it.. s'how I found this place. Maybe quake 4 will have a similar feeling to it.. Thats really the only reason i am looking forward to it
Meh, Q4 isn't going to be much, I think. The visuals, at least, are nothing special. They are Doom3, redone. The specular mapping in that engine is soo overblown, that everything looks like cheap plastic.
As far as story goes, you can only take it so far. It's Quake, afterall. The focus isn't exactly on storyline.
The specular mapping in that engine is soo overblown, that everything looks like cheap plastic.
Naah, you just have to keep your spec maps really dark. I think they appear about twice as bright ingame as they are on your specmap (and remember that they are added to the diffuse lighting!). Just keep your values very low (Ryoka's face specmap doesn't use values above 82 out of 255), what you usually consider dark will still be too bright.
Need some good multi-player. If it's got it, I'm excited. If it's just good single player, I'll lose interest after a couple of hours, just as I did with Jedi Knight 2, Half-Live, HL2, Far Cry, etc., etc.
I play games for the competition. I need another option besides Call of Duty. If Q4 gives me that, I'm happy.
It has the potential to be really great - I loved Quake 2, and they seem to be taking a lot of cues from Q2 for style and theme, which is a good thing.
However, the screenshots I've seen so far just look like Doom 3 all over again. I wanted to see something fresh... But there's still time. I'll save my excitement for when it gets released.
has potential and they say its going to be very different from doom, but I'm yet to be convinced.
To be quite honest though I'd rather see a return of our favourite slipgate adventurer.
I still play q2 for multiplayer (the best online experience for mulitplayer as far as I'm concerned) so I don't care how well the Q4 multiplayer works
I say By October 05
They got the hand totally wrong, though. In Quake 3, Bitterman looks like a weirdy green fish-man! How are they gonna explain that one away in Quake 4? :P
[/ QUOTE ]
Bitterman was the Q2 guy? I thought he was mutated from the slipgates (Q1).
edit: although yes I do recall bitterman was written on the pod when you land. Still grunt looks much more like the q2 marine.
edit again: maybe the stroggos got hold of him and fucked him up with tentacle hair :]
Ranger was indeed the Quake 1 guy.
Bitterman was indeed written on the landing pod in the first level of Quake 2.
As far as I know, Ranger has nothing at all to do with Quake 2.
Grunt, Ranger and Bitterman are all separate people in Quake 3.
However, the intro for Quake 3 clearly shows Sarge battling the Strogg blaster-wielding soldiers! What's going on, eh!?
edit: Rooster, go to bed :P
I don't think those are the strogg soldiers, they have goggles and rocket launcher backpacks. ok im going now!
What I am REALLY lookin forward to is what iD does next, they hinted about a new franchise.
Now BF2 on the other hand it just looking like incredibly good fun. The latest video on Gamespot makes me pant. It's not pretty.
will it even run on average systems?
Battlefield 2 on the other hand...I want my vehicle combat!
I think FPS in general created much of the mod community which we have today, so it would be a shame if Quake 4 blowed... besides its Raven software it has to be good!
Since I didnt like Quake 2, and thought it was the dud of the series. I might pick this up eventually... used. :P
And you really think they are going to get some great voice actors for the russian version?
but it wouldn't be nearly as obvious. I vote subtitles too, it'd feel more authentic.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? And miss out on hearing "Y'all come back to Chairnobble now, y'hear?"
On Q4 - it does look extremely doom3y, but I hope some of the alien environments will give it a fresh look. Still, it's a bit of a 'meh' from me at present.
I guess it would help with the "authenticity" (I don't know how "authentic" man-eating mutants are
Personally I watch foreign films with subtitles because thats the original format, and if you add different voices it changes the characters and the meaning of what they say. Thats why I watch with subtitles anyway, not because of dubbing issues. Original voices are how how its meant to sound, dubbed voices are someone elses interpretation.
I have a feeling the russian version VA will be horrible. C'mon, it's Russia! Though I hope the rest of the world won't see huge cuts to the story as it did with Perimeter.
As far as story goes, you can only take it so far. It's Quake, afterall. The focus isn't exactly on storyline.
Naah, you just have to keep your spec maps really dark. I think they appear about twice as bright ingame as they are on your specmap (and remember that they are added to the diffuse lighting!). Just keep your values very low (Ryoka's face specmap doesn't use values above 82 out of 255), what you usually consider dark will still be too bright.
I play games for the competition. I need another option besides Call of Duty. If Q4 gives me that, I'm happy.
I still have yet to play Doom 3, and doubt I ever will. (I haven't even SEEN it being played.)