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Skeletal Player Model w/Q2 Anim Frames

polycounter lvl 18
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jitspoe polycounter lvl 18
I'm working on adding skeletal animation support to my Quake2-based game engine, and I was wondering if somebody could make a skeletal-based model with the same animation frame order as the Quake2 player model for testing purposes. The format is proprietary -- Qfusion's SKM format -- but if you can export the model to the Half-Life 2 format, it can be converted. For the converter and SKM viewer, check out this thread: http://www.quakesrc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4731

The model doesn't have to be anything in particular, but preferably human. I'm not asking that anyone go build a model from scratch, just reanimate an existing model with the Quake2 frames. I would also like to be able to redistribute the model with a tutorial I'm going to make so others can use it for testing as well (credit will be given, of course). Something that could be released under the GPL would be ideal, but not required. Also something that uses multiple meshes/textures would be nice. Polygon count doesn't matter, but something along the lines of current-gen games (~3000?) would be good.

Thanks in advance.


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