hey folks. forgive me if this has been posted before.. i'm sure it has

i'm looking for a site that has head to head comparisons of the current top-of-the-line PC hardware out there, and a total layout of specs so i can figgure out exactly what i need to make sure everything runs properly, in the way of motherboards, etc. i'm also trying to decide between a radeon x8500 or a gforce 6800, but i'm not even sure if they're going to release new stuff soon and i should wait. i've been out of the hardware scene for so long i don't even remember exactly what i've got in my own comp hehe.
long story short, i'm finaly just going to go all out and get the best damn system money can buy without crazy stuff like nitrogen cooled heat syncs and stuff.
anyone got a good link for me?

First result in Google for [Review Radeon x850 GeForce 6800]. I've used Google to find out about the differences between Athlon 64 cores, mainboards, printers, graphics cards, etc. Just add the word review to the name of the product or product group.
for reviews, comparisons