Nice work getting out the full model and texture. My only crits are: the legs are short/stubby, head from the side looks weird/pointly. Body texture is a bit bland, seems to be relying too much on the material pattern. With longer legs, I'd say ou've pulled off a great NPC. With that and an enhanced texture, could be a great character.
Head in the side view is really out of whack. The underlying shape of the skull is not there at all, she appears to have no cranium at all.
Texture is pretty good, but she could use some "accessories" ... just pretty boring at the moment.
I like the face in the front view. Texture is good there.
Dunno what the hell you were doing with that first pose, the skirt is going all kinds of crazy, and it appears that her jumper/sweater is absolutely huge there. There seems to be a fair amount of clipping there too. Any chance of a wireframe or smooth shaded shot with no texture? Model looks like it could use some work (like i say, especially on the head).
The socks look insanely white and lacking detail. Again though that's probably just cos of the fullbright render.
Not bad, but definitely doesn't reach the standards of work i've seen you do in the past.
She looks like she's taking a crap in the first pose.
She's bow legged.
Why are her legs wider at the ankles in side view than her thighs?!
The way her head sits on her body in side view is awkward.
The proportions are strange. Her arms are too long for her legs or something. You need to decide how old she is, then look at some reference of a girl that age.
Heh, I just realised what it is about the side view of the neck that looks wrong - as Daz said her head sits awkwardly on the body - take a look at the line of the neck (flesh colour) and try to follow it down the line of her back... whoa! It's like her neck is broken or something around the shoulder area. Plus, like I say, the skull shape is pretty wrong in the side view too.
Ye nice to still see you posting occasionally (what the hell are you doing all day anyways).
Just something to thing about: the shade at the top of her forehead (a drop shadow from the hair) is a lot more red than the one under her chin. Under her chin, its a plane facing away frm the light, and generally getting blueish reflected light from the shirt. Therefore, the forehead shade should be more gray and yellow than the bottom chin shade which should be more magenta.
Specifically this hair chin shit isn't gonna bother anyone, but the idea of picking your colors more carefully, as an overall habbit, will deffinately improve things. Especially the way normal mapping is taking over and all we texture artists do is put the right color.
Chris: thanks, i'll go back and lengthen the legs, i'll throw a head ref over the head to get the pointyness sorted.
rollin: thanks, i'll put wires up for it after i've tweaked the mesh.
mop: yeah, it's like the back of the skull is missing.
no more work on the texture, it's too boring to work on.
the rig's shit to say the least.
the socks suck, i need to practice painting white cloth more.
steady: thanks, i'll leave the bukkake mod to you, though.
daz: i'll delete that pose
i'll get the bow leggedness fixed
ankles are that wide because of those weird puffy socks japanese girls wear, but they definitely need shrinking a bit.
her neck does look broken i'll fix that.
shotgun: thanks, i spend my time playing wow and procastinating, i'm very good at it now.
you're right about the colours, and the worst thing is, i keep wondering why most people forget about the reflected colour from clothing, hair, etc.
won't be doing any more work on the texture, but it's something i'll keep in mind for my next piece.
Marine, I've seen that happen a few times of development cycles in Maya. I'm not totally sure, but it seems to happen to models that have been duplicated or mirrored a few times. The most affective fix I've found is reseting your model by exporting it to obj or some other basic format and importing it fresh. If anyone knows a better solution, I've love to hear it as I still have a few models that keep doing that.
Yeah it's not your gfx card. Your normals are broken. I'm guessing because you are perhaps using non manifold geometry for the hair which Maya doesn't like.
That unlock vertex normal thing is CRAZY. I've had to use it a few times - hell, last year at work I had to tell a couple of people (when I'd been using maya for about a week, if that) how to do it since they didn't know what was fucking up.
Looks cool, but those sox are hurting my eyes.
Maybe you should tone them down a bit. The facetexture has a slightly different value then her legs and hands, but im just beeing picky. Good work.
and could u post some edged/wire shot? there are some wired parts.. like the skirt
but keep on
Texture is pretty good, but she could use some "accessories" ... just pretty boring at the moment.
I like the face in the front view. Texture is good there.
Dunno what the hell you were doing with that first pose, the skirt is going all kinds of crazy, and it appears that her jumper/sweater is absolutely huge there. There seems to be a fair amount of clipping there too. Any chance of a wireframe or smooth shaded shot with no texture? Model looks like it could use some work (like i say, especially on the head).
The socks look insanely white and lacking detail. Again though that's probably just cos of the fullbright render.
Not bad, but definitely doesn't reach the standards of work i've seen you do in the past.
subway grope mod!!!
nice job marine good to see new work from you
give her a hello kitty backpack or maybe a nintendog
She's bow legged.
Why are her legs wider at the ankles in side view than her thighs?!
The way her head sits on her body in side view is awkward.
The proportions are strange. Her arms are too long for her legs or something. You need to decide how old she is, then look at some reference of a girl that age.
Ye nice to still see you posting occasionally (what the hell are you doing all day anyways).
Just something to thing about: the shade at the top of her forehead (a drop shadow from the hair) is a lot more red than the one under her chin. Under her chin, its a plane facing away frm the light, and generally getting blueish reflected light from the shirt. Therefore, the forehead shade should be more gray and yellow than the bottom chin shade which should be more magenta.
Specifically this hair chin shit isn't gonna bother anyone, but the idea of picking your colors more carefully, as an overall habbit, will deffinately improve things. Especially the way normal mapping is taking over and all we texture artists do is put the right color.
rollin: thanks, i'll put wires up for it after i've tweaked the mesh.
mop: yeah, it's like the back of the skull is missing.
no more work on the texture, it's too boring to work on.
the rig's shit to say the least.
the socks suck, i need to practice painting white cloth more.
steady: thanks, i'll leave the bukkake mod to you, though.
daz: i'll delete that pose
i'll get the bow leggedness fixed
ankles are that wide because of those weird puffy socks japanese girls wear, but they definitely need shrinking a bit.
her neck does look broken
shotgun: thanks, i spend my time playing wow and procastinating, i'm very good at it now.
you're right about the colours, and the worst thing is, i keep wondering why most people forget about the reflected colour from clothing, hair, etc.
won't be doing any more work on the texture, but it's something i'll keep in mind for my next piece.
thanks again for the replies, guys.
i don't have a clue what happened to the hair, probably my graphics card though, it's managed to fuck up twice in maya today
edit polygons>normals>set vertex normal> ( open dialog box ) >unlock normals.
If that doesn't work reset all the normals. edit polygons>normals>set to face.
Maybe you should tone them down a bit. The facetexture has a slightly different value then her legs and hands, but im just beeing picky. Good work.