Okay so as you know my first gun sucked
But i've made some improovements and heres what i came up with..
Yes i've only been using maya for 1-2 months.. its my first gun.. besides it being blocky and the trigger bring to big, or to far from the handle.. feed back please
And also what I meant to imply is you have potential to make something better, if you think hard about it and plan beforehand. Hey you asked for crits
Here, try this
If you rely on those to make a box a ball (so to speak), you're going about it all wrong. While you may look into smoothings and subdivisions and smoothinggroups later, right now you should probably focus on creating the shape you have in mind, much more than letting the computer decide for you.
What the computer does will never be what you want (not in this case, i mean) because you don't give it enough information. You should start by making sure there's profile-information on all sides, because as it is now, if you look at it from the top it's a box.
There's is nothing there to suggest its a gun, except from one viewpoint, and that's the side. If you modelled this in perspective view: you're obviously not ready to use perspective view, and you would most likely be better off using the side and top-views untill you understand 3D space better.
Perhaps you can step it up a notch, and try to make something more organic, like a simple boxy character?
And then don't smooth it when you show it to us
As weapons go think about reloading, firing, aiming, accuracy of your projectile and what Rooster said about interface. I started in to projectile weapons with paintball guns, using polygon cylinders with 6-8 sides. If I was you, I would try to stick to realistic things for now and try to see the basic shape in things. Kinda like when drawing humans, Cylinders and rectangles.
This is a start out the primitives and you have another solid year to go, so don't be discourage, practice makes perfect. I would suggest at least do one new static model a week for now. And up the amount up every week, the more models you need to do. The faster you need to go and start explore faster ways of doing things in order to keep up your weekly quota. Then in years time or less you can explore texturing or character modeling.