Just graduated college, need money to move into an apartment with a roommate, but also could use a bit more time getting my portifolio ready for a game biz job methinks...how many of you had a retail or some such job before getting into the game industry (or aren't in the industry yet, and working somewhere?)
I'm thinking I'll try Fedex or Trader Joe's or something...but if you know of a good place I could use the advice.
Personally, I was a paper boy for some time and worked on mods and such, and eventually one of them happened to go retail and voila, i had my first published title.
Edit: The comparable position today would probably be working at Kinkos.
an pretty fun place to work, i learned a TON while working there. Im pretty confident with installing ceramic flooring, painting walls/buying paint, kinda ok with installing drywall, and building things.
I worked in Paint, so i got to deal with 'art' type things all day, with helping people design rooms, pick color schemes, mix colors, learn about the chemical makeup of paints, and why some paints are more transparent/thinner than others, tools and things needed to paint, and tons of other stuff. Was a great "hands on" type of job where they really push learning, and your ultimate knowledge of the stuff, its almost 'professional' training in all areas since the people that work there sometimes do the same type of stuff on the side.
After that my last job was QA @ EA.. and now i've got to finish the last tidbits of college so i can get my B.A. and then find a job in the industry.
you could take over the world! :P
just work. bust ur ass and get better, make more portfolio pieces that replaces existing pieces, post them, be active in mod projects and such like kleinluka said.. you'll be noticed, dont worry.
Metropolitan Police Cadets( jeez I hated that)
junior acccountant in a local authority( I was a rubbish accountant)
Royal Military Police( got my nose broken)
warehouse worker
binman in Camden Town( 2 weeks)
student for 7 years.
Tk maxx for 1 year( ahhghh)
ah that was fun
- BoBo
Man, I've done a lot of crap jobs, but I guess you just want to hear the one's I did between University and my first industry job eh?
- Local computer store selling computers. I got fired, I sucked.
- Mens clothing department stockist as a fancy clothing store. I got laid off, I sucked.
- Barman in a nightclub. I left eventually, but I had a lot of fun and I was suprisingly good.
- CAD operator, Photoshop Teacher, Access programmer, Designer, assistant manager. That was one job. I did it while I was working the other job as a bartender, I had to leave, it was killing me.
- Website designer. They looked nice but they weren't particularly clever or good. So I sucked.
- AV technician. I sucked.
- Part Time Photoshop lecturer. I kicked ass
So yeah, you can do anything you like
*Lived in Keswick*
McDonalds - Front Counter and Kitchen
Zehrs - Hot Deli
Liquidation World - Warehouse
Canadian Tire - Warehouse, then Sport Dept.
Tim Hortons - cashier
*Moved to Toronto*
Lawyer's Assistant - He worked for the Toronto Police Association so I dealt with a lot of cops, fun job.
Buffalo Jeans - "Head Cashier"
Ad Efx - Sold spa packages to 'ladies' in downtown Toronto. Was making about $260 cash a day, five days a week. Was 19 at the time so that was primo de niro.
*Moved to London*
Kinko's - Fuck
Editorial Assistant at the Falls Church News-Press
Cashier at the Shopette (convenience store/video store) on an Army base in Stuttgart, Germany
Then one summer a triple: 2 interships during the day, 3 days a week at varsitybooks.com, 2 at Education Week, then back to the News-Press at nights and on weekends.
Pizza Delivery for Chanellos
3D artist Internship at the Darden Graduate Buisness School at the University of Virginia.
Full time jobs:
Creative Developer (web designer/coder) at Viant
Artist at Dynamic Animation Systems - semi-Game Industry