not only will you lose your licence and go to jail, but you may also ram into some cars and fuck up someone's new car.
I was *not* driving, i was in my apartment watching Meet the Fockers (had actually just finished and was going to log into WoW) when i heard a loud noise, that initially sounded like gunfire. I moved to the back of my apartment, heard another loud pop, and some screeching tires. At this point i was pretty solid in not leaving my apartment. Until i listened and heard my neighbor cussing and yelling, then started banging on my door. Right off, i was cautious and didnt open the door, after he said " damn dawg its an emergency, shits seriously fucked up." I opened my door, and he told me that some drunk idiot had just rammed our parked cars.
we go out there (it was raining pretty hard too..) and sure enough, some fuck wad had plowed through his cadi (fucked it up pretty bad too, and cadi's are beasts), my other neighbor's pontiac, and straight into my new car (5k miles new, its been a couple of months).
The first thing the drunk asshole says is "whhaaa? who hit me....?"
i dont know too many details, as i was trying to wake up the other people in the building who may have had their cars hit, as well as finding batteries for my camera... so i dont know what happened to the dude, etc. are the pictures, my car is the dark one. Its not terrible, but im really afraid of what happened on the rear wheel well, that shit better not have fucked my frame up.
007, 008: the drunk driver's car.
012: AH my poor car
015: where the drunkie ended up, in relation to our cars
017: note, the cadi was parked ass-end-in.
020: good damage shot
002.010,011: ouch
snemmy: yeah, agreed. It happened right around the time that i got home the previous night, im just glad i called it an early night of crunching tonight/yesterday night, or i could have been worse off. Luckilly no one was out side, or in their cars.
kdr: i dunno, i gotta talk to some people and find out what my options are.
peh... at least you didn't get hit by a drunk driver. I got hit by a full size chevy when I was five. Pretty much Shattered my lower right leg, and wasted my summer in the city Hospital.
Lucky the dumbass didn't physically hurt anyone in this case :P
Moose I'll go with the obvious and tell you that this really sucks. Be VERY glad that you have taken photographs and thought to do so right away. Smart thinking like this will make this case - assuming you sue - go very smoothly.
thanks everyone, after waking up today i took some more photos, and surveyed the damage in the daylight... and hahaha fuck the darkness hid a lot i updated the link above with _day2 photos.
male: yeah, shit i may not be able to drive to dinners til i get a rental :P
sundance: my neighbor almost did, held him self back though when the cops showed up.
rwolf: yeah, definately.
parasite: lol, dubs and all.
Adam: yeah the police showed up last night, as well as a firetruck and ambulance. Today, 4 cop cars showed up as well, and my neighbor was still awake so he went out and told em what happened. People have been generally really cool, and stopping by expressing their concerns and shit. Hot chicks have been stopping by too which rules. Its cars though, cant lament too much, im glad people werent injured.
Surely the drunk owes everyone money and its straight forward because there were multiple witness to the scene and then confirmation of the scene by the police?
Either way, what a pain in the ass, and during crunch too!
Surely the drunk owes everyone money and its straight forward because there were multiple witness to the scene and then confirmation of the scene by the police?
[/ QUOTE ]
The million dollar question is: Did he have insurance?
Almost the exact same thing happened to me about a year ago. My car and my wife's car were parked end to end on the street, pictured below is her car:
Completely totaled by a drunk 16 year old kid in his parents' volvo. Not pictured is that he managed to clip my car on the way to plowing my wife's car 97 feet down the street from where it was originally parked.
We just finished putting in a driveway at our house about a month ago.
got the police report, he was charged with dwi + reckless, and yes, he does have insurance. Just got off the phone with the insurance co, getting things rollin.
damn doc! thats hardcore... heh that 16 year old will never drive.
i hope this guy is never allowed on the road again
kdr: i dunno, i gotta talk to some people and find out what my options are.
i woulda said 'me, bitch' and put the fucker's lights out.
Lucky the dumbass didn't physically hurt anyone in this case :P
Did the police come?
This sucks the most, man. I really hope that you get at least a decent settlement on it.
damn them
sundance: my neighbor almost did, held him self back though when the cops showed up.
rwolf: yeah, definately.
parasite: lol, dubs and all.
Adam: yeah the police showed up last night, as well as a firetruck and ambulance. Today, 4 cop cars showed up as well, and my neighbor was still awake so he went out and told em what happened. People have been generally really cool, and stopping by expressing their concerns and shit. Hot chicks have been stopping by too which rules. Its cars though, cant lament too much, im glad people werent injured.
kub: haha no, 2005 scion tc
cuban,jeffro,nitz: thanks dudes.
Surely the drunk owes everyone money and its straight forward because there were multiple witness to the scene and then confirmation of the scene by the police?
Either way, what a pain in the ass, and during crunch too!
Surely the drunk owes everyone money and its straight forward because there were multiple witness to the scene and then confirmation of the scene by the police?
[/ QUOTE ]
The million dollar question is: Did he have insurance?
Completely totaled by a drunk 16 year old kid in his parents' volvo. Not pictured is that he managed to clip my car on the way to plowing my wife's car 97 feet down the street from where it was originally parked.
We just finished putting in a driveway at our house about a month ago.
damn doc! thats hardcore... heh that 16 year old will never drive.
thanks for the concerns guys, much love