Had this model stored in an old folder on my harddrive. One of the first meshes I built with
3dsmax, iirc. (The 4th one, I think.) Anyway, I figured I might as well slap a biped onto
him and get working on putting him ingame. Since the mesh is a bit on the lower-end of
the scale in polygon count for the likes of UT2k3/UT2k4, I'm putting him into Q3 instead.
The mesh is about 2000 polies and the skin consists of 3 256x256 maps. The skin was done by
a guy with the alias Bill, someone who also did some skins for a JKA mod I'm working on. The
facial expression is meant to give off a more dark and apathic version of the Zero in the
GBA games, while the rest of the skin remains mostly 'cartoony', since that's what the
original looked like.
Incase anyone's wondering; I should have it ready in about a week or two, considering I'm
doing a new set of animations and am a bit short on time. I'll try and get some ingame shots
up as things roll along.
The texturing is weakest element here. 3x256x256? There should be VERY smooth, crispt detail and shading, but if I had to guess from looking I'd say this is less than 1x256x256. You can't really blame the cartoony style on this one, the textures need to be revisited, and possibly the UVs. Using 3x256x256 for this type of character may be wasteful.
Don't judge the skin too harshly yet though, I was planning on overlaying it
with a cel shader once I put it ingame.
The hair also does have an alpha channel, I just couldn't get it to look
properly in 3dsMax.
I'm going to put Zero here on a hold until I get myself a longer stretch of
free (or atleast; less occupied with other stuff) time.
I found some high quality official artwork depicting all kinds of nice little
grooves, bolts and stuff like that and it looks SO damn nice, that I've
convinced myself to redo the skin to match.