My last name is from that area, but thats about it... no other polish roots as far as I know. In case you wonder, Krischan is a pretty uncommon (but sometimes used in northern Germany) form of 'Christian'.
My friends all call me Dik (yes I spell it without the "c", fuck you alright!).
Interesting story about my name. See my name should be Robert Dale Askren since I was the first born son. Robert and Dale are the names of my grandfathers. Well I'm an identical twin and I was born first by 3 minutes. But they didn't think I would live. I was real small, around 4 1/2 lbs. Also, my parents didn't know they were having twins. So they gave the "good" name to my twin brother who they expected to live and had to come up with a name for me on the spot. I like my name better anyway. Robert is way too common of a name.
Robert (Bob) Harkins.
I like "sal_manilla" 'cause it's easily remembered and "sal" is easy to type in a PC game. Also because it gives people severe diahrea which is a crack to speak. Nice to meet you all.
Otherwise known as:-
Bronco,Bonco,Bonc,Sheep,Sheepshagger,Hedge,Edge,Ledge,Ledges,Hedges,Edges,Sharp Edges,(any other abreviation of Hedges),Philiper,Pee,dick,wanker,twat,tosser,CO-OP Scum,Noob,Simon,Peter, sure theres many more things ive been called in my lifetime .
i both detest my last name and yet like it. sometimes i get called j.lo which is not fun, other times i get referred to as dr. love which is fantastic.
J is for 'Julius' and K for 'Krischan'
Yep, that's me.
its Javier Dela Vazquez O'Neill
Brandon VanVlack Nobbs
[/ QUOTE ]
I REALLY hope Pratchett's theories about morphic resonance and relation to Nobby Nobbs aren't true...
Paul Greveson here. Don't need none of your fancy middle names!
hmm.. that name comes up on the Homeland Security Terror Watch List XD
Scott Hilbrands here
Julius: That sounds kinda polish...
[/ QUOTE ]
My last name is from that area, but thats about it... no other polish roots as far as I know. In case you wonder, Krischan is a pretty uncommon (but sometimes used in northern Germany) form of 'Christian'.
scott nicholas fry.
(i hate my surname)
Piselli means "peas". I am probably descended from a long line of farmers from the mountains of central Italy.
My friends all call me Dik (yes I spell it without the "c", fuck you alright!).
Interesting story about my name. See my name should be Robert Dale Askren since I was the first born son. Robert and Dale are the names of my grandfathers. Well I'm an identical twin and I was born first by 3 minutes. But they didn't think I would live. I was real small, around 4 1/2 lbs. Also, my parents didn't know they were having twins. So they gave the "good" name to my twin brother who they expected to live and had to come up with a name for me on the spot. I like my name better anyway. Robert is way too common of a name.
I like "sal_manilla" 'cause it's easily remembered and "sal" is easy to type in a PC game. Also because it gives people severe diahrea which is a crack to speak.
there was alreayd an Ian W. on the last boards... don't know if he's signed up in the new ones yet?
Real hard to write that in snow.
I mean Tom Hall (not the one that created commander keen)
Otherwise known as:-
Bronco,Bonco,Bonc,Sheep,Sheepshagger,Hedge,Edge,Ledge,Ledges,Hedges,Edges,Sharp Edges,(any other abreviation of Hedges),Philiper,Pee,dick,wanker,twat,tosser,CO-OP Scum,Noob,Simon,Peter, sure theres many more things ive been called in my lifetime
i both detest my last name and yet like it. sometimes i get called j.lo which is not fun, other times i get referred to as dr. love which is fantastic.
@Bobo: LOL!!!
jew power!
My mom mispelled my middle name on my birth certificate...
nah, its Dave King.
No interesting story.
Yes, I'm Pinoy.
Daniel Luka.
<--- Benjamin James Mathis Sr.
[/ QUOTE ]
Daddy? Nah, couldn't be, I'm attractive!