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Demo / Portfolio - April 2005 - Western

polycounter lvl 18
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Showster polycounter lvl 18
Hi guys heres a short demo I've kicked up! (XVID CODEC!!)


Heres a bit of information about the video: -

This video contains work created during a 12 week time frame, with limited resources. Planning stage January – February 2005. Construction stage February 2005- April 2005, roughly 8 hours a week.

The constraints/ objects used are as follows:-

• Low polygon models averaging around 1600 polygons.
• Small texture maps around 256 / 512
• Quake 3 Level Editor / GTK Radiant
• NPherno’s Model Compiler]
• Easy Gen
• Q3Map 2
• Quake 3 File System
• WAV file audio
• 3D Studio Max 7
• Adobe Photoshop 7
• Adobe Premiere 6.5
• Adobe After Effects 6
• Camtasia Studio 2
• Fraps
• Total Recorder

Media Created

• 4 Character Mesh’s
• 1 Interactive Level
• 3 Playable Characters
• Multiple MD3 File exports
• Multiple WAV file manipulation
• Several Hand Painted Diffuse maps
• Many JPG and TGA Textures
• Many Quake 3 Script files governing texture appearance
• Data storage and key setup

I know theres loads to fix, especially on the texturing but I simply haven't had time

Thanks for your time!



  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Good job getting all that stuff in q3 and running. That takes a lot of work.

    a few of quick things:
    That shaking back and forth at the beginning is disorienting and probably doesn't achieve what you were wanting. Anyway, what good is an old timey film effect when you follow it with a modern dither transition?

    Why are you rendering everything in a very tiny window of your video? It's all mud rendered down that small.

    If it's a portfolio, why isn't your name in here, or if it's a demo, why isn't there a web address to the mod?
  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    thanks for the crits...

    well to behonest its not entirely finished, I just wanted to show the general ermm style / approach...

    definately need to alter the size of the renders and stuff... not entirely sure how to work that one out yet....
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Looks cool to me. But is that the klesk animations? The jumping looks a little strange. The horsie anims look a little slow as well, it appears to be sliding over the ground.

    Nice work all around tho. i like.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    this may be me, but the compression is really shitty and dark on my computer, we can't really see the quality of your work..

    as said before, put your name or a web adress, also put what you have done, the constraints, why, etc (not only on the boards or in the mail you'll send, but in the video so that someone that's just looking it can know what, who, why...

    Slash said it, the horse animation seems very low...it would have been cool to see distincts run and walk animations.

    wasted space, loads of wasted space on the screen, you don't need to have the title taking that much space on the screen, just put a little logo at the top left of the scrren, everyone will understand, and make your pimpage fullscreen, it's really frustrating not to be able to see a thing because the model /texture is too small on screen.

    keep it up ! smile.gif
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