Team name:
Daedalus Development
Project name:
War of the Roses
Brief description:
A computerized version of the boardgame 'War of the Roses' (original name 'Rosenkonig'). The game has been made by me to use as a demo with my job applications. Work on this version started at the beginning of this year, although work has been put on hold since the game is pretty much done.
Target aim:
I made the game as an exercise in actually finishing something to put in my portfolio. Because the game ideas are not my own, I have contacted the publisher of the boardgame, and they have allowed me to distribute the game for free.
No pay is related to this project. The publisher is also allowing other people to distribute the game, so if you do work on this you are free to use the game as a portfolio piece and you may also offer the game for download.
My own engine (Daedalus) is powering War of the Roses. Since the game is turnbased, system requirements are very low (although I haven't ascertained how low exactly). Currently only on Windows (XP) using OpenGL, but I am working on porting Daedalus to Linux, and possibly Mac OSX.
Talent needed:
2D artist: I'm looking for someone to spice up the graphics. Everything in the game right now is either self produced, or downloaded from the internet and altered. As such the quality is not that great. Basically you'll be given a free hand to redo ALL the graphics as you see fit, as long as the theme of the game stays medieval. This also includes altering the position of widgets etc.
Team structure:
Game/Engine Programmer: Myself
AI Programming: Risujin
Website:Daedalus DevelopmentThe Game (288 kb)
Either per email (rick_appleton AT hotmail DOT com (remove the usual)), PM or simply reply here.
Additional Info:
I have always believed that artists should be given as free a reign as possible to ensure that the quality of work produced is the best possible. As such, I will be working closely with you, and will remedy any problems you might encounter during the process.
Two pictures because pictures are always nice (note: the current version of the game also includes a single player mode not shown on the screenshots).