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skewed uv's in Maya?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
I have created some uv's on an object, then I rotated them 35 degrees, I changed my mind and decided to go with a bigger texture 512x256, I turn on the apect ratio button in the texture editor window so the texture and uv's do not look squashed and now that I am trying to rotate the uv's back to their original positoin they are skewed and the skewing gets worse the more I rotate, this doesn't seem to make any sense, I realize that switching to a non square texture will squish or stretch the uv's and you will have to scale in the appropriate axis to get them to look square again, but why would rotating them actually change their scale? Anyone had this lameness with rectangular textures in Maya?


  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Problem solved, I guess if you uv map something with a square texture applied and then apply a rectangular texture it will stretch, but since I had rotated the uv's 35 degrees they got stretched when I applied the new texture, this caused the skew action and it was a matter or rotating and scaling in various axis to get it looking square again, pretty lame but I guess there is no way around this.
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    I think you smoke too much crack! UVs are independant of the texture you apply to the model. The image ratio in the uv editor is just a visual thing, the UV's act as if they are still mapped to a square (and they are, the 0-1 uv space).

    I created an object, rotated it's UVs, stuck a rectangular map on it, turned on the image ratio.

    Now, the UVs looked skewed, as they should. I rotated them, and they rotated perfectly, looking square again when spun back to their start position.

    remember: drug = bad! smile.gif
  • Kachiusa
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    Kachiusa polycounter lvl 17
    Yes... I've the same problem.

    - I know how to solve the problem in SoftImage (hold down the Alt key when rotating).

    - 3DS Max 6.0 has the same problem, but they fixed it in version 7.0

    To solve the problem, I must export the model to Max 7.0 and uv mapping it, then re-export to Maya - but I can't do this if the model use VertexColor or anything else that can't export to .obj file....

    How to solve this problem in Maya ?
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