Over the last few months, and winter.. I went on a woody allen rampage at the video store. Lucky for me they had a woody allen mini section. I would randomly grab a movie and not even read what its about. It was more fun that way. I've seen 36 of his movies so far.
I really became attached to his style and characters. All his movies sorta gel together, and sometimes is hard to remember what movie was what. However.. I never was really never dispointed with his work , except when he didnt star in the film. :P Cuz hes a very funny guy.
If you've never seen his stuff I'd recommend it.
His most commonly known movie "annie hall" is really good, but it wasnt my favorite.
If you want to see some interesting stuff, I'd recommend
Whats new pussy cat.
Play it again sam.
shadows and fog
take the money and run
Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask.
the list goes on...
Some recent movies i saw were
were bullets over broadway, Radio days, Purple rose of Cario, and the Sweet and lowdown.
I just watched Jonney Stichinno, with roberto benini. That was awesome, and very much like a woody movie. Kinda over the top and just fun.
ok.. have fun. :P
So does anyone else like woody like i do?

It might surprise you to know that he has always wished to be a director and writer that was adept more with tradegy rather than comedy?
He's 70 now, his recent interview in Empire was where I once again read about his higher level of respect and desire for tradegy than for comedy. He's very interesting to read about compared to many in the movie industry, perhaps because he is introspective enough to have his own opinions.
I personally beleive that all worthwhile endeavour and wisdeom comes from isolation and introspection and I reject almost completly the notion that 2 heads are better than one because the philosophy leads to talk shop insitutions such as the U.N.
Anyway, yes I really enjoy his work and I think the key to that is that he has generally just let his own mind and desires inform his work rather than trying to go the Lowest Common Denominator route and appeal to more of the people, most of the time.
In particular I am fond of Bullets over Broadway and Radio Days, I'm eager to see Melinda and Melinda which I have read is a return to form for him.
Again, surprisingly, he expects that the industry will soon reject him. Although he makes low budget features, he has such his maintenence demands in regards how he makes a film;
for instance, he refuses to reveal who he intends to cast, what the contents of the script are and so on and thus he expects that eventually he will get to the point where people will just not fund him.
I hope he is wrong, I'd like to see a good few more films from him before he goes.