just got back from watching it with a group of co workers it was awesom, completely awesome everyone agreed. each scene tops the last. the comedy is funny not stupid
i loved shaolin soccer, but this movie was easily 10 x as good as it.. its a must see
Hollowmind i was a bit worried about this movie, cause while in the past i have liked chows work.. his comedy was not made for people outside of china to understand, he seems to have made the comedy in this one more acceptable to mainstream.. but still completely insanely funny. when me and co workers were talking afterwards we agreed that while almost all of the comedy was completely stupid /retarded/moronic. it was allso extremely funny. unlike a lot of movies that are just stupid/retarded/moronic
this movie will go down in history i believe. or at leasst become a major major cult classic. the only thing i am worried about are the rummors that mirramax is bringing chow over to america to write direct star in a mirramax funded ammerican movie..
I'm going to go tomorrow, even though I've seen it countless times already. Gotta support!
or at least become a major major cult classic
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To me, that's a given for this movie. It's too good to fall into obscurity, but not good enough to go down into movie history.
Anyway, I saw it today, and I loved it. The fight scenes were really well done, and great to watch. The Humor was pretty good as well. Though the Shining spoof was a bit iffy though. I was happy to see it was subtitled though, because I have taken notice that the general public don't like to read their ways through movies, so the theaters a genereally less crowded for a movie like this.
The movie really put me in the mood to play some Jade Empire(good game by the way). Just because of the whole kung fu thing I suppose.
i saw it and loved it,the comedy was good,the action was great and the special effects were good too, i love movies as well which poke fun at genres.
but more people chose to see the interpertor (which sucked) and sahara which i heard royally sucked.
But unfortunatly its part of the problem in hollywood right now,all the creativity is being imported atm.
The movie really put me in the mood to play some Jade Empire(good game by the way). Just because of the whole kung fu thing I suppose.
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Haha, that's the first thing my brother's friend said as soon as we walked out of the theater
Tis a shame there aren't more movies like this. I unfortunately haven't gotten the chance to see Shaolin Soccer, although I really wanted to. Is it out on DVD yet in America?
However, I don't beleive I enjoyed it as much as Shaolin Soccer. More than God of Cookery, but I felt Shaolin Soccer was a more developed concept. Kung Fu Hustle is a well constructed film and the choreography is pretty spot on.
Personally I would like to see Stephen Chow tackle something a little more serious. Chow's humor doesn't always come across that well in america. I would like to see a movie that just a tad more epic.
Shaolin was a brilliant film but theres a lot of places where you just feel "wtf" i've watched close to 30 of his movies and most of them had large chunks that you just don't get. no matter how much you love the movie.. KFH was a complete breakthru in comercilizing, without selling out.
I am glad it wasn't dubbed, It think it would have lost some of its flavor if it was.
Yes, the movie rocks, I loved it.
The things with the shoes and the lips just seems to detract for me, from an otherwise, great film. Cartoon physics seem out of place in a wuxia film.
Also, the cone rice hat that is very popular is referred to as a coolie.
My favourite were the musical kung-fu guys. That entire sequence was orgasmic.
"Look at those fools carrying around a coffin!"
But seeing it as Kung Fu Scam makes sense.