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Say a prayer for my little girl



  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks to all of you, truly. I appreciate each and every response, whatever your style.

    I know that a lot of you may expect that we are nervous wrecks and scared witless, but I am almost regretful to tell you that we aren't. We have seen this territory before, with my son five and a half years ago, and we never expected to be back in this dark place, but at least we know what the way home looks like. My wife is standing guard at her bedside, and she won't take a break until Jessica stabilizes. I just call her 'Xena' and that's that.

    Jessica is holding her own right now, with help from an oscillating ventilator and at least ten IV pumps. Her lungs are in a state of gentle but constant inflation. She's in a pharmacologically-induced coma. It's not pretty. She'll be on that for at least another week, maybe two. The pneumonia has to run its course, it's viral and there's precious little to be done about it. Her full recovery will take a month, probably two. But if I get back the girl who calls me Dad and gives the best hugs in the world, I will be happy.

    The Force certainly is strong with this bunch, as it is with Jessica. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. It really does. I like to call it "Love". And you may know what they say about how "(something-something) is Love."

    Just remember what the Flaming Lips say:
    "You realize
    the sun doesn't go down --
    it's just an illusion caused
    by the world
    spinning round."

    Thanks again.


    P.S. I would like to point out that the boy in the Brownie photo is not mine! Dunno who that kid is... mine is MUCH bigger. 8)
  • milla
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    milla polycounter lvl 18
    I always feel hopeless when people find themselves fearing for their loved ones. I'd like to be able to offer you more than my thoughts, but I can't. I'm not superstitious, but I'll send every particle positive energy I have up your way. Best wishes.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I wish you and your family all the best.

    After our son had a febrile seizure and was helped back to health by paramedics, we brought a gift basket full of fruit and chocolates to their fire station, with a picture of the healthy kid. It felt good to connect with them again, show our thanks for the great service they provide to the community.

    It's kind of related in a way... I think a thread like this really highlights how many good minds are out there, sending good vibes your way.

    I think it was Stephen King who wrote an interesting short story about this, where at the end of the narrative the two characters could suddenly see the connection lines between them and the people around them, as thin gossamer weblines.
  • NuclearTes
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    NuclearTes polycounter lvl 18
    You've got two lovely kids. I hope she will recover soon.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Done. I hope for nothing but the best to your daughter and the family.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Just a quick update... we are seeing improvement. Jessica's daily x-rays have been better for two days in a row, and she's off of a couple of the medications. She's still unconscious and artificially respirated, of course, but I'll take anything.

    See... prayer does work.

  • ThE_BirD
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    ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 18
    Glad to hear it JZ...thinkin about y'all smile.gif
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not exactly religious but I definetly wish you and your family the best, that cant be a pleasant thing to go through for anyone.
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    My families thoughts are with yours
  • GoK
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    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    Wish i could do more as other will to but i cant... so heres to a quick recovery man hope everything goes well!

    If thier is anything us guys could do dont be to modest to ask! a little donation from everyone for equipment/medical stuff might help!? sorry if that sounds rude its not meant!! but i know how expencive these things can be. dont be offended please..

    Im not a practacing catholic but ill pray tonight man!

  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Prayers sent

    Sorry to hear about the plight of your daughter and your family,im sure its gonna work out for you all though man.

    and as the guys have said chin-up.

  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18
    When I was 6 or 7, I spent the entire winter (+ x-mas) in hospital, usually unconcious... I actually CAN remember it, and it was definitely no fun. frown.gif

    Good luck with your daughter J - she's a beautiful child, and she truly deserves to live. JZeroHeart.gif
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    TNSLB polycounter lvl 18
    hey hey hey...any update?
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    I hope your little girl recovers soon!
    All my best wishes for you and your family.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    My very best wishes, J, for your child your family and your good self.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, you guys deserve an update. Jessica is still in PICU, and still on the vent. I won't get too technical on ya, because it would just freak most people out. Jessica has had kind of a difficult time adjusting to being on the vent, her blood pressure and body chemistry have been all over the place. But she looks like she's finally hit some level ground. Her lungs continue to improve, and the biggest thing now is that she's fighting the sedation and trying to wake up. That's bad, in a way, but really it's good, because she is still in there somewhere and trying to get out. And she will, it's just a matter of time, and the unbelievable work of the Medical City Dallas Pediatric ICU Staff. They deserve their own little shrine.

    About three weeks ago, the first day I went to see her in the ICU, I was walking down this very long hallway on the third floor. Suddenly I saw something small jumping around in front of me on the floor. It was a small sparrow that had probably wandered in through the main doors downstairs. It was flapping around and trying to find its way out, and as I approached, it veered into a dead-end hallway. I stood there watching it, wishing Jessica could see it, because she loves animals and always wants to get close to them. The sparrow flew up at that point, and, thinking the overhead flourescent was daylight, ran smack into the ceiling and then came down, looking dizzy (what flies around a bird's head when it's dazed?). I knew I couldn't do anything for it, because I'd never be able to catch it, I just had to let it find its own way out.

    Now, that's the kind of thing that you always see in cliche'd spiritual stories, and it always means something. I didn't want to assign any significance to that little episode, but it's plain that it was one of the little metaphors that existence sometimes hands you, unasked.

    Thanks everyone, for your continued support.

  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    little stars fly around a bird's head when it's dazed...
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    TNSLB polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the update! I've been thinking about her a lot lately, and I really want to do something for her. Does she like pink like most little girls? I have this cute felted bag pattern I'd love to make for her, let me know!

    Here's a link to a similar one, but the one I'm thinking of is pinks and really cutie. Would she dig something like that when she wakes up?

  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    I read this post late , and when i saw it was 3 pages , i read the first post by yourself , and then started franticly skimming through in the hope that your updates were positive, i had a sinking feeling every time i saw a post by you , dreading what might be said. I dont belive in religion , but i am a spiritual person, i can only imagine the worry of it all ... i really hope she makes a full and swift recovery.
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    I missed this thread, for all it worth my thoughts and prayers goes out for your family.

  • todman
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    todman polycounter lvl 18
    Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thyne is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever...amen. That's the best prayer I know, for all things...We'll be praying for you're little girl. (I don't mean to offend you if you're not Christian)
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    frosty sends up more prayers.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Same here Jzero. I have been following this thread from the beginning. I have a little girl as well she will be 3 this july. She is the apple of my eye. I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. I know everything will turn out allright.
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