From reading posts in p&p about portfolios I see most often two comments
"Make it simple" and "Easy to navigate" and now a quick and easy solution..
Not only is it a totally automatic solution (select and generate!) but its completly free and easy to navigate

Get yours now!
PS: Those images aren't mine

It was just a quick generation from my inspiration folder
What is this, they paying you money for this?
Picasa.. what do I like like an italian to you?
Huh? Is that it? do I look like a fucking Italian?
Get outta here.
looks sweet umm
a tool for the lazy people.
its time for us to get recognized! yay!
I have porn in my inspiration folder.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes it still creates them, but I only see them because I have hidden files turned off (I wanna see them). They don't bother me to be honest - its not as if they're getting in my way..
If they were to just have 1 file that has every thumnail that you ever viewed - located in program files or whatever - then that file would become extremly large and would not have any idea that you actually deleted half those pics. Unless the program could do a full system scan to see what folders have been deleted, which would take some time to do as well.