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Ragnarok Thief

polycounter lvl 18
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`kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
Found an art piece for a thief character from Ragnarok Online, thought it was a good chance to do a cutesy girl character. I'm trying to do the whole soft-Kingdom Hearts feel to it ( much <3 to Enix's Sora thread, good stuff there). 3240 tris (I hope to do some facial stuff), 256 and 512 maps for face and body respecitvely.

Concept pic


Obviously a lot to go, I'm not too happy with how the brassiere thingie looks right now, I might take some more liberties with it, I might make it more clothy, less super mario cloud looking...if anyone has any ideas/suggestions they'd be greatly appreciated! Thanks for lookin'!


  • Bradfordart
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    Bradfordart polycounter lvl 18
    Looks cool so far, seems like you have a lot of polys being distributed in the hands and face for this type of texture style, could you post a close up? The brassiere looks interesting, perhaps let it extend farther back/under into the jacket. Keep it up though..
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    I think this is pretty cool.
    There is still a lot of texture work, the brassiere thing is fine!

    Keep us with updates~!

  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    looks great so far. you have a different concept image than what ive previously seen... though i havent played RO for a few years

    Maybe this will help you.
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    Where are you planing to export this character?
    I think she would be great in UT.
  • cheybea
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    cheybea polycounter lvl 18
    hiya Rory
    I've always been a fan of your work
    I'm sure she'll come out great.
  • Jeff Gran
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    Jeff Gran polycounter lvl 18
    cool looking model. The proportions and balance are working well. For the brazier, I would stay away from the pure white. Maybe use a very light blue for the highlights and a darker desaturated blue-purple for the shadows. If you get the colors right it will still read as "white" but it will be much more vibrant.
  • Kirin
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    Kirin polycounter lvl 18
    I avoid using whites, like Jeff Gran said. Instead, I'd stick with certain shades of light-blue or light-brown, depending on the material. Although, I'm not sure if I could live with the size with her head ... seems a tad bit large but considering the game-reference, my thinking would fall in the iffy section.

    I can't wait to see how this turns out. smile.gif
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Hey all, thanks for the replies and crits!
    smemmy, that pic was *extremely* useful, thanks! (happy birthday btw!) After seeing that I redid the bustier to something more 'fitting' (oh har de har har)

    Haven't messed around with the unreal stuff but it might be fun to import her in...though I'm also thinking of doing some animations with her and mr. ork...we'll see. At this point it's been too fun throwing her into some poses, I might post some more later...

    Chels! We gotta chat sometime!

    As for the head crit, yeah, it's a *tad* big but it goes with the concept...maybe she's still a bit bobbleheaded...
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    That is pretty cool animation.
    You know, you can add custom animations in UT. You could make a cool little Matinee with this character running arround and bumping into stuff.

  • Enix
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    Enix polycounter lvl 18
    Very nice smile.gif. It definatly has that soft kingdom hearts feel to it, i think you pulled it off very well.

    [p.s. thanks for the wub :O ]
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I think the lips should cover her teeth a bit more.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Nice update! Seems a bit more cartoony than the concept, but I like your interpretation alright. I like the soft apearance of the skin.
    Sleeves, gloves, pants and back/mid of boots could use some of that nice shading you used in the other areas.
    The poses look fun. smile.gif
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Here's a couple animations, a cycle and a little scene type thingie.

    Walk cycle:
    476k Quicktime

    Long jump:
    higher res 2.060k Quicktime
    lower res 619k Quicktime

    Lemme know whatcha think crazy.gif
  • Stringer
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    Stringer polycounter lvl 18
    That's great work. Really love that style.

    I like the hair, but I'd like to see it making use of alpha's ?

    And the walk cycle looks great too!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    In the big leap, the pony tail should move more, but otherwise it looks good.
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    That's pretty good. You might need more of an anticipation before the run, and build up speed as she goes. Otherwise...nice.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey Billy, looking good!

    Two things seem off tho:

    On the walkcycle, it seems like her arms are 'following' the legs motion (legs are something like half a half cycle in advance in your animation); In reality during a walkcycle legs and arms should be in complete opposite motion, to help balance. Same for the bust-hips relationship I think.

    On the longjump scene, when she is about to climb up the landing block, she should use her elbows and not just her hands to find her balance, and should also lean her torso forward. This step is usually a pose during action, hence the center of gravity has to be close to the edge to allow her to rest for a little while. On your animation the cog is still below and outside the landing block boundaries, that'd make her fall backwards.

    Simple nitpicking here smile.gif

    What are you using for these? Looks nice and smooth smile.gif And are you keframing all the bones each time you pose her or do you animate only what is needed, relying on interpolation for the 'big' moves?

  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    hello ,
    This refence could help You -


    (whoaaa - what's the sexy walk,isn't it crazy.gif )

    When I've got some free time - I realize some animations , ...but I'm not PROFESSIONAL, so don't take my animations as reference, but You can have look -



    go on
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Hey all, thanks for the comments and crits! Glad to see you're enjoying it. Right now I'm trying to plot out a char modeling/texturing/animation reel so...

    To answer your question Pior, here's a snapshot of the skeleton+rig setup:
    It's basically the rig from Antony Ward's Maya game character book, and it's been a pretty fun rig so far, I'd definately recommend looking through his book for those curious about Maya rigging and character creation.

    The geometry's bound to the base skeleton (green in the picture) that is controlled by the rig (white) that's composed of the nurbs curve control surfaces and duplicated bones that the base skeleton's constrained to. You finally end up with a setup that if done right you don't ever set keyframes on the base skeleton. This is nice if you muck something up and have ro rerig, you don't necessarily have ro rebind.

    The actual animation is pretty much pose to pose, some parts I had to use a bit more control on, especially getting the hands to stay still when she's hanging. Then I hope the magic gods of interpolation reward me with something good for all the inbetween frames and if not I'll just tweak as needed.

    Hopefully somewhere in that I answered your question confused.gif

    Thanks for the reference Dizzy wink.gif, that's actually quite useful and mesmerizing at the same time....huh wha?

    Oh and those Smith animations look pretty sweet, that walk in particular's pretty serious. For the run the center looks a bit stiff, I like to add a bit of Z-movement to my runs to add a bit more...but that might not add to Mr. Smith's character. If it was Hugo Weaving from Priscilla Queen of the Desert that might be another story...sorry, babbling again.

    And don't worry about being a non-pro, I'm not either, but helping others out and giving support's definately a characteristic of a pro.

    Thanks again!
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    hi I've found in my favorits something else which can be interesting for You - have look :
    there's many way how to walk - go and see :
    (make the example in option "lines")

    keep on cool.gif

    zut , I've forgotten to say it that
    Agent Smith was modeled by Mr.J.TURNER !
    of course I respect his "(c)".
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey Dizzy thanks for posting that here, I totally forgot about it. Awesome ressource, need to screengrab that soon smile.gif
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey Dizzy thanks for posting that here, I totally forgot about it. Awesome ressource, need to screengrab that soon smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    with pleasure, Pior.
    I'm glad that You appreciate the ressource.
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    I'm appreciating too laugh.gif

    btw, I really like the style of your character `kungfubilly smile.gif
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    I like the animations.
    I'm really impressed. Is that book good? Do you have the ISDN so we can have a reference on Amazon.com?


  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Dizzy: Wow, that animation site's *extremely* cool!

    Renaud Galand: hehehe glad you're enjoying her..hopefully once I get some good audio I can start messing around with some lypsynching.

    Etienne: Thanks! Here's the Amazon link to the book I was talking about...it's a really good and thorough walkthrough on the whole character creation process, the rigging stuff in particular...granted it's just one way of doing it but it's pretty helpful.
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    Thank you for the link.
    The book seems to be on discount. I might buy it from there, because I remember seeing it here in Canada for aprox 85$. Ouch.

  • ryanH
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    ryanH polycounter lvl 18
    very nice dude..i love this character.. the textures are really nice

    are you planning on doing another one of these? i want to see another.

  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    Thank you for the link. I've placed an order for the book. I've seen it in a local bookstore, but with the online discount it's worth buying.

  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Etienne: Sweet, hope you get a lot out of it...as well as saving some $$$

    ryanH: hahaha I'm glad to see you like her boss...I've got a couple other fellers I'll probably throw up in a bit *hurl*
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    `kungfubilly : What other animations are you planing, did you give up on making her for UT2k4?

    I'll take 23% off any day on a good book.

  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Heh...I still have to do some tweaking on the jump animation (I'm a bit of a lazy bastard), and I was thinking of doing another animation with some lyp synching...probably some other basic things like some more cycle animations, some where whe's carrying something (or something to express 'weight')...
    As for the ut2k4....well, if I get a chance I'll try that out and see what happens
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    Yay... I got my book!!
    I'm happy. There is a lot of information in it.

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