I need to find a max script or a conversion table at least that converts max units to unreal units.. Meaning though say we have a pivot point at x=234.5 y=123.12 z=21312.33 the numerical conversion to equal that in unreal.
(This is specifically for offsets)
Iv imported numerous models from Max to UnrealEd and they were always the correct size.
If I remember correctly, the centre of the grid in Max is always where the pivot point of your model is in UnrealED.
To set up Max prperly, check this:
If I remember correctly, the centre of the grid in Max is always where the pivot point of your model is in UnrealED.
[/ QUOTE ]
Everything else spot on but I'm shure that the object will have it's own pivot point separate from it's loc.
And thanks for hosting that tute Fordy. I think it's one of the best ones out there.
(In Max)
x=310.5 y=86.2 z=58.5
(Unreal Ed Animations(Y is flipped-I think thats normal))
x=309.700012 y=-85.000000 z=65.000000
The only thing I can think of is maybe actorX "guesses" a bit when exporting a mesh.
Oxy- in ued's Ani browser go into view bone mode, toggle the ref pose button. If the bone in queston is flipping axes or moving you may have to re-digest all your animations (pain in the ass I know) with ActorX.