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What are you playing?

polycounter lvl 18
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JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
You know, I've seen a lot of threads about what music people currently had playing, or what books people are reading, but I don't really recall any that were about what games people were playing. I dunno, maybe I'm just simple.

Anyways. So what are people playing?

Recently finished up Devil May Cry 3, God of War, and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (fuck, that game needed to stay in the oven a bit longer). I'm thinking of getting Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga but am hesitant due to the boring looking battles. I just can't take turn-based battle systems like I used to. But, other than that, I'm just waiting for somethiing good to come out.

Oh, also waiting for Warioware: Twisted.


  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Finally gave up WoW (ITS LIKE CRACK!!!!), and moved onto City of Heroes (it was free :P). Still playin CS occasionally, and working on the old Final Fantasys.

    God I love games!
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    Haven't really played anything in weeks (finals). Plan to get the 3 revamped final fantasy game packs for playstation and Jade Empire.
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    UT2K4 including CTF4 mod and Strike Force mod

    also play some need for speed underground 1 occassionally.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    doom3 for xbox
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Phantom Dust and Shaq-Fu
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Rainbow Six: Raven Shield for the pc, once i can find my damn play disc again. I like the MP Terrorist Hunt *a lot*.
  • HellMark
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    HellMark polycounter lvl 18
    I recently beat God of War (amazing) and DOOM3:ROE. Tomorrow I'll start on Jade Empire then maybe back to my WOW addiction till E3.
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    Lumines as often as I can, and Wipeout Pure multiplayer at lunch when I'm at work.
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    DK: Jungle Beat for the Cube (man, it's tough on the arms) some DDR when I have the time and Battlefield 1942 for the PC. Looking for a copy for WoW so I can join the insanity.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    finishing up RE4, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC), Ico, Katamari Damacy, Chronicles of Riddick (PC) and still a dash of CSS i guess.
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    I am addicted to CS:Source funmaps. I tend to game for the purpose of getting a quick fix, don't know why, it's just the way I am smile.gif Chronicles of Riddick is pretty cool too and I have yet to finish HL2 lol.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Lineage 2.. still ..
    lvl 57 BD smile.gif on lionna
    Oh Chronicle 3 Rise of Darkness is due for release
    in May !!!! OMFG !!! >>>> linky to new movie <<<<

    uninstalled hl2 from my PC before I finished it, not wasting time playing this when I can be leveling my L2 toon :P
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    My wife and I are still hitting it up on City of Heroes like there's no tomorrow. I'm debating weather or not to get rid of my WoW account as well. I don't play it near enough to make it worth the monthly fee. I've got better things to do with that extra money, like eat food.
  • Ribking
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    Ribking polycounter lvl 18
    Fortunately I was able to kick my WoW addiction cold turkey style back in beta....I woulda been broke by now if I hadn't! I am patiently waiting to be accepted into the D&D Online alpha though. If I get accepted, then I hope to kick that habit before the game comes out also....but since PnP DnD has run in my blood for so long, that may be unlikely. Playing Freedom Force vs The Third Reich (fun to MOD for also), Evil Genius and Quake. Gonna start playing Moonbase Commander today and hopefully get back to UT2K4 later this month.
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    Just got Live so I have been playing Burnout 3, SW Battlefront and Crimson Skies a lot.
    Besides that LEGO Star Wars and Asphalt Racing on the DS.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    Chaos Theory PC - (although I'm getting sone wierd feedback loop style screeching when certain sounds kick in).

    Oh... and XIII, which is proving way more fun than I first anticipated.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    umm Quake 2 ooo.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I still play Quake 2 DM on a daily basis too smile.gif Also plenty of Q3, UTk3, and Alien Arena of course.

    Just finished Doom 3, and wow, I loved that game.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Got SSX3, C&C Generals and Deus Ex for a tenner each. I'm finishing Tron 2.0 before I start DX, though. SSX3 doesn't get much playtime, I found out that I don't like that kind of game.

    Recently stopped playing Beyond Good & Evil (annoying stealth section, I generally don't like stealth) and Perimeter (got boring because of the weak AI).

    My DS is loaded with Mario 64DS (never had an N64) and Astro Boy Omega Factor, sometimes I throw in a few rounds of Guilty Gear X2 and Nightshade on the PS2.

    I should try continuing Anachronox and Tales of Symphonia some time...
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Just finished HL2 three nights ago. Ready to play it again on a more difficult level.

    Currently playing through HL1, FarCry, and American McGee's Alice...and soon God of War.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    World of Warcraft, finished dmc3 last week and played through again with super dante and quicksilver, pure ownage.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    umm Quake 2 ooo.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I still play Quake 2 DM on a daily basis too smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    any servers in particular? and what name do you play under?
    I usualy play under {TNP}Dukie
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    Kinda lost interest in WoW, sadly.

    I am, however, enjoying the HELL out of God of War.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    umm Quake 2 ooo.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I still play Quake 2 DM on a daily basis too smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    any servers in particular? and what name do you play under?
    I usualy play under {TNP}Dukie

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Usually NYGANG or DS1 servers. If KansasNet is on a map I like, I'll occasionally venture in there.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    I play Kansas every once in a while. Do you every play any of the tasyspleen servers?


    I am an admin at the Vanilla server (but keep that under your hat smile.gif )
  • ndcv
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    ndcv polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished HL2 (I had to wait for a new video card), and I am about to install both Fallout games and both Planescape games. Never played them, got them all for $10 from the madness sale place online.

    Oh and of course, Matrix Online smile.gif
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    I lost interest in WoW, but recreated my beta warrior for a big relapse ... and my life has ended anew! Thanks Blizzard!
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    HL2 - I believe I am very close to finishing this one

    Doom 3: RoE Expansion - more of the same, but I like it tongue.gif

    SWAT 4 - I only bought this because I did some character textures for it, but have found myself really enjoying it. I like the challenge of not being able to just rush into a room shooting everything in sight. I never would have thought I would get into a tactical shooter. The AI is really quite good as well.

    WoW: Still can't get the monkey off my back, but my interest is waning slightly.

    Project: Snowblind (Xbox): A friend at CD hooked me up with a free copy. I don't play my Xbox much but it seems like a pretty fun, solid shooter.

    Too many games, so little time ...
  • Redlemons
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    Redlemons polycounter lvl 18
    Red Alert 2! We've been playing that co-op for the past few weeks. And a little bit of System Shock 2 but it's too hard and I didn't have the patience.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Call of Duty TDM for the most part. I've become ridiculously dominating with any sub-machine gun. I'm trying to hone my rifle skills a bit more to completely master the multiplayer game.

    Half-Life 2 single player. I get bored of it pretty quickly though, so only play it in short stints.

    Tiny bit of CounterStrike source. Just enough to get my ass handed to me, at which point I quit, and go back to COD.

    Just bought Riddick, and should be giving that a whirl shortly. Looking forward to melee fun.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Haven't played anything in far too long frown.gif

    I'll see if I can get Trackmania Sunrise soon though, that looks like fun... and Call of Duty is one of the most fun LAN multiplayer games I've come across!
  • War_Destroyer
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    War_Destroyer polycounter lvl 18
    I just beat Devil May Cry 3 for the 2nd time, got alll the styles upgraded except for gunslinger. Overall I like DMC3 better than the first which I despised. I beat God Of war last week, solid game, it was pretty much a break in between boss fights on DMC3. Gonna see what Jade Empire is like. I've also been playing way to much UT2004. Headshotting people driving scorpions is addictive.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Music: was: Danzig - 1000 Devis Reign is: Porno for Pyros - Pets will be: Jimmi Hendrix - Little Wing
    Books: (yet another)Ultimate guitar book, Redesigning HUMANS: Our Inevitable Genetic Future, The Sorcerer,and soon, Resurrection: War of the Spider Queen, Book VI
    Games: NWN, UT2004, Half Life 2, Vampire: Bloodlines
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Splintercell SP and co-op (when it wants to work, ffs!)
    Trackmania Sunrise Demo mp with cep - rocks!
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
  • Chunkey
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    Chunkey polycounter lvl 20
    Gran Turismo 4, GTA San Andreas (both PS2) and Flatout for the PC

    not really had chance to play much recently, though I almost got sucked into Second Life smile.gif
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    Currently knee deep in Chapter3 of NWN:Gold, started Brothers in Arms. Still playing Battlefield1942 and BFV regularly as well.

    Recently finished Call of Duty & HL2.

    Thank god im not playing any MMO.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Just beat God of War and stuck on the second boss battle in Phantom Dust. I've gotten back into Second Life trying to relearn scripting and open up a shop.
  • Seyiji
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    Seyiji polycounter lvl 19
    Beyond Good and Evil (PC)
    Half-Life 2 (PC)
    Max Payne 2 (PC)

    The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Playing on Nintendo DS)
    Metroid Zero Mission (Playing on Nintendo DS)

    Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo DS)

    God I hate having ADD :\
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Trackmania Surise and Riddick (PC), GTA:SA (still), Katamari, Need for Speed Underground (PS2), Metroid Prime (Game Cube). Also waiting on a new soundcard so I can play FarCry without the audio hitching and occassional lockups. Oh, and a whole slew of old PS1 racing games I bought on Ebay, including Wipeout XL (2097) and Rage Racer.

    Yes, that is a lot of games, And no, I don't usually have enough time to play them properly wink.gif
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    bought demonstone at lunch, today. it's ok. i don't have too much of a drive to play this game, though. bleh.
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Trying to find time to tryout the new BR maps for UT2003 otherwise just gba stuff, hand head in shame.....
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    So you've finally found a GBA game you like?
  • Creamy_Goodness
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    Creamy_Goodness polycounter lvl 18
    > Hmmm, lets see...

    - Warcraft III: I play it whenever I can convince my younger cousin to let me borrow his CDs. I'd like to buy a set of my own as soon as I could afford it.

    - Starcraft: Single player only. People tend to be fucking pricks on BattleNet, and I don't need anymore of that elitist shit.

    - Worms World Party: Against the computer only, since WormNet Also has its share of elitist pricks.

    - Tetris 2: Emulated SNES version. VS. mode against computer.

    - Capcom Vs. SNK 2: One of my all time faves.

    - Simpsons Hit and Run: Once in a while

    - Quake2: Been away too long, but just starting to get back into it. Would be better if there weren't so many damn cheaters. By the way, this year's QuakeCon will be featuring a Quake2 1 on 1 tourney, and I'm trying to brush up on my feeble skills before entering.

    - Double Dragon 2: An NES classic which I hope to get off my lazy ass and download along with a good NES emulator.

    - StepMania: Primarily Light mode, since I'm not fast enough to handle the deluge of arrows on the harder settings. I'm going to get a metal dance pad as soon as I can afford one.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    WoW still..... the entire syringe has been jammed into my arm and is under the skin now. going to have to do some digging to get that shit out.

    just beat God of War, and all the challenges. working on God mode now (such a bitch)
    RE4 still...
    Gradius V (off and on, there is only so much of it i can take)

    UT2k4 DM, daily. Just so i can get my ass kicked by Malekyth.
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    So you've finally found a GBA game you like?

    KDR it totally owns me! I still like karnaj rally and asteroids, but SF Turbo is it right now!

    Hey Moose I did not know Mal was that good, hehe. smile.gif
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    Brothers in arms- s'ok An Unreal engine game so I was skepical about how it would handle movment/ ironsites but it seem to be not pissing me off so :thumbup:.

    If you played CoD, BF42 or any of the doz. odd games of the same style this will be old hat to you. The new stuff they added was squad comand. Basicly you direct your fire team where to go and what to shoot at while you cut around back and flank the fuckers. It works well and runs smooth. There is a freeze- top down planing mode that I see no point in. It seem like an idea that was not totaly fleshed out.

    I'd rate it a buy.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Crimsonland, still. It's the best pick-up-and-go-bang game i've come across since forever. I bought it at the same time as HL2, and have played it far more. Bang! Bang!

  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Picked up Untold Legends (psp) couple days ago, worked up to a lvl 13 knigh/archer. It's a fun dungeon crawl, very Diablo.
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