That's because the world outside the USA is just a lie spread by the bush administration to make people believe there are dangers they need to be protected from!
Yeah it's cool. It's too bad it doesn't zoom in a bit closer. The company they bought that suplies this has some software I tried before, it was exactly this but you had another level of zoom. You could make out people (well, half-pixel blobs).
This is interesting. The oval shape near the center of this image is a small racetrack my dad and I built years ago so the kids in my neighborhood could race bikes and go-karts together. It's still there hidden behind the trees. Something I made shows up on satellite. Awesome!
Whoever said you can never go home again, was wrong. I just tracked down most of my old houses, one is an dirt lot =/ One of the others, the backyard into a pool, the whole thing! It looks like my old highschool has astro-turf instead of grass on most of thier sports fields, and they added a new science wing. Also they re-did the park just off main street. Now I don't have to fly back and check it out, thank you google map, you saved me a plane ticket and statisfied my curiosity! My 10 year reunion was coming up and now I don't have to go =P
I also looked up my old house in Minnesota which was in the middle of a corn field and now is surounded by strip malls and parking lots. I was also suprised to find it was pretty close to the Mall of America.
The satellite photo of my area is at least 3 years out of date. There have been two churches and a huge Wal-Mart/Target complex built near me, and according to Google's images they are all vacant lots. BE WARNED!
is the maps thru the same satalites that do thenvidia keyhole stuff? i havent checked the google map one, but i know the area around mythic is at LEAST over one year out of date, and more likely.. 3 or more
This leads me to believe that by the time we develop an orbital ion cannon you can zoom in enough to see the faces of your victims before pushing the big red button. Sounds like fun!
Verm: I have absolutely no clue. Sand or something?! It's just sort of marshland down there, but I've no idea why it would be red. I just looked out my window to try and see it, but it's just a teeny bit too far south from my place. ( and no, that aint my *actual* address ) Plus, well, there's a hill in the way. And it's dark ;-P
Mr. Ruggels will tell us I just know it!
The whole top left portion of this image is a huge military base with enough ammunition to completely destroy my town's existance. Just below center is a large nuclear power plant capable of proving the first sentence correct. In the bottom left, a small airport. I'm slightly NE of the airport.
Now let's see if I can find Lindsay Lohan's boobs.
Is the red stuff cranberry fields? They have those here - and I think they flood them and rake the berries off the surface. Not sure though, that seems like pretty big fields!
i believe epic is to the right of the bubble, right above where it faintly says "google" on the map. i seem to rember the view from thje top of the building over the pool, and the green field
Here's my walk to the beach (though I go through the tree'd areas, mostly)! Not really my house, but close. Scroll north and you can see the airport! The planes fly right over my house, yay!
Bloodyhell that Nasa proggie is awesome joolz. I've been playing with it for ages. Very cool, and informative. ( If a little politically simplistic. Flags for the isle of man and the channel islands but not for England, Scotland and Wales?! boohoo )
co worker tipped me off about this one, local high school paints the graduate class year on the bleachers every year.. so as you can see the sat photos are from 2002.. or maybe 1902 tho i'm not sure how god their satalite imagry was then.
funny, i looked up groom lake, papoose lake and even china lake and none of them showed up...
check it out tho, you can't zoom right in...!
[/ QUOTE ]
That's just because the data isn't at the highest rez- it's not some special 'block'. BUT if you go a little southwest of Groom Lake you can see a nice chunk of very high rez CRATERS, likely the result of UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR BOMB TESTS. Fuck yeah!
Here's a theme park I use to visit as a kid.
Took me a while to find this one:
Here's :
EA's main Canada Complex (EAC)
The building I'm in Just up the street, much nicer (real offices!!) I should upload my workspace pics
My sister's place (almost in the middle of Elysium's map
The actual Hollywood sign A little north west the previous one.
A 4 kilometer long pier/breakwater By the airport, we've taken the dog for a walk out there. It's actually pretty boring, but fun to do once.
Pizza places near my house Wow, this is insane!
The route I would take to drive to the main campus It even knows the good roads to take
Toronto's SkyDome and the CN tower (nice shadow)
Statue of Liberty
This is interesting. The oval shape near the center of this image is a small racetrack my dad and I built years ago so the kids in my neighborhood could race bikes and go-karts together. It's still there hidden behind the trees. Something I made shows up on satellite. Awesome!
Pizza places near my house Wow, this is insane!
[/ QUOTE ]
I also looked up my old house in Minnesota which was in the middle of a corn field and now is surounded by strip malls and parking lots. I was also suprised to find it was pretty close to the Mall of America.
and it won't show davis-monthan AFB either, which is the boneyard...
The satellite photo of my area is at least 3 years out of date. There have been two churches and a huge Wal-Mart/Target complex built near me, and according to Google's images they are all vacant lots. BE WARNED!
There have been two churches and a huge Wal-Mart/Target complex
[/ QUOTE ]
Im sorry, Im sorry. But I can't miss the sarcasm. Thats so appropriate a image of america.
That is too cool btw.
Niagara Falls
red stuff?
Mr. Ruggels will tell us I just know it!
This thing is awesome. Look at my horrid commute!
22 mins my arse!
So DaZ - is your commute really 22 mins?
edit - doh, I guess you just answered that :P
The whole top left portion of this image is a huge military base with enough ammunition to completely destroy my town's existance. Just below center is a large nuclear power plant capable of proving the first sentence correct. In the bottom left, a small airport. I'm slightly NE of the airport.
Now let's see if I can find Lindsay Lohan's boobs.
my walk
This is kinda cool, slightly related:
NASA 3D Earth explorer
Bloodyhell that Nasa proggie is awesome joolz. I've been playing with it for ages. Very cool, and informative. ( If a little politically simplistic. Flags for the isle of man and the channel islands but not for England, Scotland and Wales?! boohoo )
Does everyone here live on the coast?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Not exactly.
co worker tipped me off about this one, local high school paints the graduate class year on the bleachers every year.. so as you can see the sat photos are from 2002.. or maybe 1902 tho i'm not sure how god their satalite imagry was then.
i believe epic is to the right of the bubble
[/ QUOTE ]
cool. I'll be driving by there sunday afternoon. this will come in handy.
Where's Area 51?
[/ QUOTE ]
Right here
Area 51
It's the white spot on the lower left. That's Groom Lake, where Area 51 is suppose to be.
check it out tho, you can't zoom right in...!
Its so cool to just look around!
funny, i looked up groom lake, papoose lake and even china lake and none of them showed up...
check it out tho, you can't zoom right in...!
[/ QUOTE ]
That's just because the data isn't at the highest rez- it's not some special 'block'. BUT if you go a little southwest of Groom Lake you can see a nice chunk of very high rez CRATERS, likely the result of UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR BOMB TESTS. Fuck yeah!
my skewl! :O
Its so cool to just look around!
[/ QUOTE ]
what the fuck im in astoria.