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New forum?

polycounter lvl 20
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shotgun polycounter lvl 20
I've been a while in this community, and I really like it. This is where I started from.. that will never change.
It used to be a much more intimic and focused group, geared towards game editting solely, but things have changed.. have expanded since then.

I think there should be 2 pimping forums:
one strictly for game editting - concept, model, texture, anim, level.
another for other forms of "accesories" pimping: graphic engine coding, web design, photograpgy, etc.

raise votes
aaah i messed up the poll timer thing.
Stupid machines!
Alight, nevermind the poll.


  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    For all the others me and eyal were discussing it on icq
    before he started the thread.

    and my oppinion is a lil bit different. i really get his
    point and understand it too. however its difficult to get
    the individual to bother about the worthness of his thread.

    now we have to ask ourselfs if it hurts us individual and as
    a group of we see a thread from time to time in a forum that
    aint exaclty made for it. in my case for example i would
    post another piece of graphisme (some know it).
    and i wouldnt say we are flooded by it. and as a user i
    wouldnt nessacarly think wtf go away with that shit if its
    atleast at a minimum of quality and pimpworthness. opening
    one horizon to the users. we are not exactly talkin about
    much crit in this case. purpose is more an exposure and a
    general check of feedback how the crowd likes the shit.

    I must admit personally i cannot remember any case of that
    kind that i had seen nongameart content that i was happy to
    see and stunned. cannot recall any. but i dont see a such a
    great amount of it that its worth a split up forum since the
    forum would rarely have something new and there by wouldnt
    be included in my daily check of forums....

    enough blah blah...
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    No. Keep it together. I wouldn't see some of the interesting art if I had to get off my arse and look for it.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I'm going to go with Rick here, but not on the laziness platform (sorry, Rick tongue.gif) Basically, the reason Polycount is here is because of game content. Yeah, other stuff is shown here all the time and yeah, it's stuff that I appreciate. But it's the gravy - game content is our meat and potatoes. Not everyone who posts here is an artist, but everyone here *is* a gamer. That's Polycount's common thread and as much as I enjoy the other things, I wouldn't want to take any of the focus off of what has brought us all here. If nothing else, it means I have something in common with each of you - no matter how we might argue, gaming is what we share. On a general purpose digital art forum, that's really no longer true and I for one would miss that.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    we're not cgtalk... we don't need twenty (or two) different sections for 'art type a' and 'drawing type b' and 'code type c'...
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    ye, you're right.. on the other hand we're still pretty small..

    alright! thats fine.
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    i thinks its cool how it is at present. though i would wish we would have some sort of "elite" forum. A forum where just moderators can move or duplicate threads which are very good and more professional. The point behind all this is not to make a filter like "Bobo_the_seal threads will be automaticlly moved" but that -for example- "Terminator666'" who has a very shitty and dumbass name but made incredibly awesome work will find its justice. I also liked this system with ratings, dunno why it has been disabled... dunno my opinion...
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    totally disagreeing with u shimmer.
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    Keep em together. There's not enough in there to dilute it yet, and we're small. If there's too many forums, I'd never visit them all.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Now that this forum has that 'who's online' page, I realize just how small polycount still is. No need to expand unless the people in charge feel the need to. It difficult enough just to keep a challenge forum active.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    I firmly believe that right now, the number of forums we have is sufficient. Easy enough to keep things seperate without the need to check 20 different forums with a couple of threads of interest a piece.

    We have tried expanding the forums before with new ones, but, seeing as how humans are naturally creatures of habit, the new forums tend to be popular for about a week and then fall into the void where as the original ones just keep the same number of posts.

    The rating system both r13 and I and several others agreed that it doesn't really do anything except create more of a rift between the new people and the pros. What normally happens is, the people who see Bobo_the_Seal on a post (using the previously mentioned example) and will rate it as high as possible as soon as possible based on a name and not the content which then results in new people getting even less exposure (at least historically around here and other places I have seen, that's how it works. I would be glad to hear/see otherwise).

    I (personally) really appreciate it when you guys post comments or requests or give feed back on new features. It helps us out a ton and lets us know what you want and don't want to see.

    As much of an ogre as I know I am portrayed around here wink.gif , I am easy to chat with. No, really! Just drop me a PM or email or find me on #model_design on IRC.

    Umm...I think I am babbling now.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    something else i would like to toss in along these lines.
    cgtalk has that whole front-page-of-'best'-art setup, with direct links and images to the art in question.
    please, *do not* do something like that with this forum. it occured to me the other day that this tends to keep me from diving into the sub-sections of the cgtalk forums and thus missing a lot of good art, cause i get into a mindset of 'this must be the only good stuff on the forums right now'.
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    i kinda liek thios frontpage stuff. When i dont have much time i can quickly find some good art to look at. well maybe it wouldnt be that good idea but for cgtalk with its incredible size and community it works out well...
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