I'd take a photo of my desk, but it's in a transition period at the moment since my desktop computer's hard drive packed in for good, so it's got a laptop and a 2nd monitor sitting here, along with a lot of pens and a Gloomy Bear.
flaagan, is that a huge cum stain on your bed sheet i'm seeing or part of the patern? I personaly have never seen blue sheets with white small splaters on them, but this could be my first....
You're at work! What do you need privacy for?
I found working like that pretty handy... although I had more desk space and the office was less cluttered in general ... and the guy sitting next to me was really helpful
Very nice cube bobo. Looks coozy.
Kleinluka. Whats it like working like that. Looks like theres no privacy at all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like MoP said, it's work... its not really necessary you're locked in your own little room so you can do whatever you want without anybody looking :P I think Pak is exagerrating a bit. I have sufficient space. The noise can be a bit distracting sometimes but that's why god invented headphones and music. It's nice being able to just turn around and talk to your neighbor (who usually happens to be one of the people you directly work with) when you have a question about something. Also you see more of the team more often than you would probably do elsewhere, which is nice and strengthens the harmony within the team ...given you work with the right people Can't complain.
just sitting here chillin' lookin at the thread, my friend here is playing doom 3 on my xbox with my mouse and keyboard adapter... ,my comp is too weak to play the real thing
daaaamn... steady, it looks like 1 picture wtf
its like u opened the door behind it
it doesnt make any sense because of the keyboards.. but everything else fits, strangely, perfectly
Wow abit of Wacoms out there. (I'm kinda pissed right now that Intuos 3 has a new 6D pen with the addition of rotation ). Kinda makes me wish I waited 1 more year to get my Intuos 9X12 (have Intuos 2 9x12)
And nothing like rooming in underneath your desk lol :P
My desk is mess right now. Running 2 Samsung 19"s w/ 2 comp's 2 sets of keyboards and moused +Tablet +junk +dishes +etc. Prolly post pics when it's a wee bit more tidy.
My mouse and tablet are on the left because I'm left handed. Spending most of my day in maya/photoshop, I keep the keyboarded angled keeping my right hand on the shortcut keys. Orginally used this setup for fps gaming.
Fair enough, I just like having the keyboard in front of the monitor while typing. I understood that you are left handed, I am too but prefer to use the mouse in my right hand.
Don't get me wrong I am happy for you to work as you please, I just found it intriguing
The whole company swapped it's 2 dev teams on the floors they were on this past week, so you might see some more mythic polycounters post. I know Mojo had 3 different cubes during the last week. My new office pictured below, and the home setup as well.
I'd take a photo of my desk, but it's in a transition period at the moment since my desktop computer's hard drive packed in for good, so it's got a laptop and a 2nd monitor sitting here, along with a lot of pens and a Gloomy Bear.
I'll post pics next week when I finally get a cube.
it's on comedy central right now!
Desk built from scratch by yours truly (that's why its drooping in the middle, argh)
and at home:
- BoBo
Kleinluka. Whats it like working like that. Looks like theres no privacy at all.
I found working like that pretty handy... although I had more desk space and the office was less cluttered in general ... and the guy sitting next to me was really helpful
fairly old pic, its changed some, i'm moving to a new cube tuesday i'll get a pic then
I really wish I had been wearing more fashionable boxer shorts that day, though
My Kink-ho's:
bhahahaha god damn Kinko's. HELP ME.
Note the ultra cool Tikis I keep my drawing materials in.
Pathetic, I know, but look- it's my home non-paying space while looking at Adam's space at Kinko's. And my cat is in it. joy!!
Very nice cube bobo. Looks coozy.
Kleinluka. Whats it like working like that. Looks like theres no privacy at all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like MoP said, it's work... its not really necessary you're locked in your own little room so you can do whatever you want without anybody looking :P I think Pak is exagerrating a bit. I have sufficient space. The noise can be a bit distracting sometimes but that's why god invented headphones and music. It's nice being able to just turn around and talk to your neighbor (who usually happens to be one of the people you directly work with) when you have a question about something. Also you see more of the team more often than you would probably do elsewhere, which is nice and strengthens the harmony within the team
its like u opened the door behind it
it doesnt make any sense because of the keyboards.. but everything else fits, strangely, perfectly
And nothing like rooming in underneath your desk lol :P
My desk is mess right now. Running 2 Samsung 19"s w/ 2 comp's 2 sets of keyboards and moused +Tablet +junk +dishes +etc. Prolly post pics when it's a wee bit more tidy.
And you bitch about working at Kinkos?
I actually have an office, with a door & everything! No cubicles for moi!
I must... know... that womans name to the left.
old school setup, hasn't changed in a while, minus the cycling of new transformers.
My mouse and tablet are on the left because I'm left handed. Spending most of my day in maya/photoshop, I keep the keyboarded angled keeping my right hand on the shortcut keys. Orginally used this setup for fps gaming.
Don't get me wrong I am happy for you to work as you please, I just found it intriguing
camera farked up
and a clean one too...
the home place.
Sonic, is that a bigscreen television next to your desk?
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