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Queen of hearts royal assassin

polycounter lvl 18
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Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
I will use this space for the latest update, so what you see below is the as far as I am.

My friend said that I need to work on my anatomy so that's what i'm doing this for.

neck and head thing is done




  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Really good start... her jaw could be pushed forwared a bit, but there are people like that. Overall the side view need the most work...

    Wireframe shots would be nice too.
  • EarthQuake
    looking really good so far, just remember the neck muscles curve into each other in the center of the shoulder bone thing or whatever its called
    [edit] clavical, thats it.
  • Todd Dinosaur
  • Todd Dinosaur
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    good job Todd

    Nice modeling, the nose tip region is a bit triangular and the lips a bit rough but the overall props are clean

    are you aiming for high or lowpoly ?
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    The teeth didn't look so good when i put them in the mouth so i had to go back and do some stuff to the teeth. when she smiles i think she looks like a boy. and i don't think she looks sexy at all. what do you think?

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps move the teeth a bit lower?
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    looks deadly enough too me!
    Actually, messing around with jaw structure is cool, and this looks realsitic enough to me to work.

    Even, instead of fixing what is inhuman, push it further and start building a cahracter. Queen of heart's domestic assasin character. Make it slightly, grotesquely atractive perhaps, and fucked up jaw is a good start.

    So far I just dont see how this head related to the thread topic. Cut the crap and focus on whats more important here, the design. Or, rename this to facial study.

    The head itself looks great btw. Really good work there.
    The only thing I could pick is her eyelid. The geomatry looks funky, especially from profile view.

    Also, and this is a personality issue here, I guess, the corner of her jaw is very angular and square for a lady. Again, if you are striving for a sexy look, you're off. But I'd push it rather than try and fix it. You may end up with a sexy but a rather generic looking female head.
  • ndcv
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    ndcv polycounter lvl 18
    Very rarely can you see both upper and lower teeth in someone's mouth, so when you show both, it looks unnatural -- like they're baring their teeth or grimacing. Also with lips as full as hers, I don't think there would be a gap that wide when she smiles (I have pretty fat lips, but not as full as hers, and when I smile you can barely see my teeth at all smile.gif ).
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    The head and neck. thanks for the comments above.


  • Peaceful Warrior
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    Peaceful Warrior polycounter lvl 18
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    I agree. however, with all the soft bevels, smooth curves, large hearts that look like they're pillow-embossed, and realistic face, i can't help but think "sailor moon" cos-player. smile.gif but with better teeth. ha ha lollerskates rofl.


    do you have any concept of what you're going for? really curious in what the rest is going to look like.

    edit: bleh, i'm stupid. no wonder it looked farmiliar.
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    Look at my avatar. I do have a concept but I can't find it, last year when I wanted to come up with a mascot for myself I though it would be cool if I made one of those wheelers from "return to oz" a girl. Those things creeped me out when I was a kid. Then I came up with this really cool story about her being an assassin for the queen of hearts. She was made by some fariy tale wizard/scientist, so she is kind of a killing machine with no remorse. And so on and so on.

    That thing in the back is a wheeler
  • Peaceful Warrior
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    Peaceful Warrior polycounter lvl 18
    Ya, wheelers were totally freaky. Which reminds me, I've been wanting to see that movie again. I wonder how it holds up.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I think that movie gave us all nightmares as children...

    I dunno whether the realistic face really works with the cartoon style hair. I suspect you might have been better to go for a more stylised look like your avatar. The texture might help to pull it all together, but you might want to think about making the face more cartoonish, pity that it is given how nicely realistic you've got it now.
  • Etienne
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    Etienne polycounter lvl 18
    I like your avatar... When I saw the current model, I though... "hmm looks familiar"...


  • Silva_Spoon
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    Silva_Spoon polycounter lvl 18
    I think this is coming along great man. I love the head dress.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    lookin cool i think it looks too realistic tho, when comapired to the drawing which is more comic bookish.. also, the heart on her hair bits is inverted from what it is on the drawing, was that intentional or just a slip?
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    very nice progress so far, i was also particularly impressed with the detail on the chompers. have some fake teeth handy or what? smile.gif
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    It's been 7 months since I touched this it's like i have fresh new eyes to look at it.


  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    awsome hair! don't forget the eyelashes...
  • spider2cool
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    spider2cool polycounter lvl 18
    ok, for the pic before last, i know it is a wip but definatly get the hip to sholder ratio fixed. two impressions come from a ratio like what you have right now; trany or preteen girl. definatly make it look like her hips have gone through puberty as much as her boobs. i am liking this model overall though. the hair design is cool. i think that maybe she could use some pointy earings or somthing...something assassiny.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Looking ace dude. Can wee see wireframe shots? Also, her jugglies should hang at least a little bit. Right now they are gravity defying helium spheres.

    Also, I'm lolling at your url in between the teeth. Good work on that.

  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    It's looking good! I agree with poopinmymouth about the boobs, they look a bit...hard. Maybe the shoulders are a bit small as well, or the arms are too thin.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Those breasts are enormous! Comon, dude, jump off the band-wagon and make em a reasonalbe size. Real women with boobs that big are actually quite ugly. It's also very unproportionate to the rest of her body.
    And besides, if those wern't defying gravity right now, they'd be sagging below her rib cage.

    Other than that problem, it looks great. Nice work, dude. laugh.gif
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    feh they are less insane than a lot of models I have seen. and "Real women with boobs that big are actually quite ugly" is far from true. Breast size vs beauty is totally personal taste... there is this one friend of mine.. and as for the sagging that's why bra's were invented.

    But boob issues aside can we perhaps see a full body shot front and side? The face and hair looks great so far.
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    I worked on the hips and butt. I spent a half hour on the taint.

    Poop - the titties will be held up by a coustume peice so no need to sag them but if she was naked that I would. Good eye.

    Spider2cool - ratio better now?

    Makkon - oh i'm on the band wagon. She isn't no little japanese girl, this girl is all american cornfed, hell I might make them bigger! thanks though.

  • spider2cool
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    spider2cool polycounter lvl 18
    much better! i am totally diggin that ARS(well the behind view anyway). mucho progresso!
  • carakong
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    carakong polycounter lvl 17
    Hey that looks great, I love the teeth, the belly button seems a bit big but it there's gonna be piercing there or something then it would look fine
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    awesome man I was hoping you'd finish this character some day. Progress is looking great so far... couple crits...

    The ass looks a bit too long vertically, maybe try pushing the bottom of the cheeks up a little to give them a nice round look.

    I also agree that the breasts look rigid and hard.

    keep on rollin, bilbo
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Real cool Dinosaur. It seems to me if her ass is going to be that big she should be hippier or her cheeks would be perkier, like they were sitting on a shelf.
  • Franko
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    Franko polycounter lvl 17
    Todd - nice work, I like those corn-fed girls too. Think it's kinda silly though that the guys can have exaggerated proportions - way big muscles - but if the girls' boobs are more than bumps someone thinks it's unacceptable. Make 'em so big she knocks herself out when she runs! heh. Ya I'm new here, can't get my avatar to load yet either, dang . . .
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    I worked on the legs and a little on the feet. I dropped the milk pillows a tad. Spent another large chunk of time on the butt. I swear, I can spend all day fine tuning the hips. I made the belly button smaller. I think the human knee must be the ugliest part on the body. Really; no one has good looking knees, except me.

  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    Todd: She's coming along pretty well. As a fan of the unaltered human form the pillow drop is a welcome touch. Personally I would drop her down to a B if she is an assassin, a heavy workout tends to reduce the size of a woman's breasts plus as an assassin they would be a liability more then an aide. However seeing as she's from wonderland you have some justification in giving her virtually any form you desire.

    My major crit is her rear. I know you've worked on it quite a bit already but she needs just a bit more work here. The cleft shouldn’t ride as high as it does; maybe lower it by an inch to and inch and a half. However if you want to keep it the way it is I would suggest at least smoothing the transition from cheek to lower back. It might be the lighting but the sphere shape of the ass seems like it should flow a bit more cleanly to her waist. Finally while there is a gap left in the crotch at the top of the legs on a well defined woman, the thigh should probably come in just a bit to meet the butt. Either this or the hips should be flared a bit more. This will help to offset the size of the breasts too.

    It's great to see you make such progress with this model and I can’t wait to see the final piece. Best of luck moving forward with it.
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