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New Yorkers?

polycounter lvl 18
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Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
A few of us are popping over to New York for a few days, and want to check out some gigs if possible. Can anyone recommend some good venues, or any gigs mid April (18-26th)? Or a website with gig listings for New York that aren't just local bands. Google so far seems to be turning up only local bands or gigs for the current week.

We like Punk and Rock mostly.


  • Hunter
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    Hunter polycounter lvl 18
    Check out "Irving Plazas" website.. they are a small venue, but an awful lot of great bands play there for the "cozyness" aspect (they should have a section with upcoming events).. My sister used to work there for years, doing all the bookings and other PR things.. One of the coolest bands (which I got to see and hang with briefly) was U2 (VERY cool gents).. In fact.. my sister and Bono had some nice pics taken together which she conveniently used as her "X-mas cards" a few year back.. LOL

    Oh.. and BTW.. i am still waiting for my Grand Theft Auto San Andreas T-shirt (XXL) that was promised to me at last years E3 when I swung by the booth with a few ESRB cohorts.. LOL

    Anyways, Rick.. drop me a line.. depending on how many people you have visiting.. I may be able to show you around NYC a little or at least bring a few of you guys along for a "ride-a-long" with some of NYs Finest..

    (or you may have to settle for just me) Dont worry.. we can supply the bullet proof vests.. laugh.gif
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