Finished my first full day at Mythic Entertainment today without too many bruises. I know there are a bunch of you pcounters lurking around who work there with me and I just don't know it yet. I can't match the nicks to the faces. CAN I GET A FUCK YEAH FOR HALLBICLES!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Well, is this your first gig? If not, I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I think it's a huge deal!! Your models look good, I'm downloading your demo to see how you did it!! I think even more is your portfolio is informative and complete and easy to look at. Good job
Poop, Mojo, Arshlevon, Cochtl are a few who spring to mind... I'm sure there are more but I can't remember
I occasioanlly speak to Mojo and i speak to Poop (managing to spell and pronounce his name wrong....mathis...not mithis *slaps self in face*)
I never even relised they were both working in the same studio...dho.
though it gives me some pride to come to the reality that I acturally speak to a chunk of the mythic crew
Congratulations and welcome to the team. It seems that you got that godforsaken hallway desk of doom along with the chair of eternal torment to boot. But don't fret, as everyone will be playing musical chairs in the very near future.
cant wait to meet you!
Nice to see another polycounter here at work. I'm the one that needs a haircut and a shave.
cochtl- am I the spazz?
Damnit! I glanced over it and thought i saw your name on Mop's list of polycounters that are currently employed here. Oh and Spazz is that guy that looks like Dirty Hairy with dreadlocks. I think he might be the UPS guy or one of them old weiners across from our offices, you know, the ambulance chasers.
Oh, and his penis. Can't let you forget about his penis. He sure won't.