Hmm looking at that JonoF's guys page reminds me a of game that I played back in the Doom days...however I can't remember the name of it anymore. It had a sci fi theme and there weren't any demons or devil-worship (not thats there anything wrong with that ) It was just straight sci-fi...but it wasn't tech-war either. It looked basically exactly like doom just with aliens and sci-fi troopers instead of demons, and brightly lit futuristic hallways instead of the dank corridors. I do remember guys would scream "MEDIC!!" when you killed them. Anyway if anyone knows what this game is I would really appriciate a memory refresher.
It looked basically exactly like doom just with aliens and sci-fi troopers instead of demons, and brightly lit futuristic hallways instead of the dank corridors. I do remember guys would scream "MEDIC!!" when you killed them. Anyway if anyone knows what this game is I would really appriciate a memory refresher.
It seems I was wrong about the tech, I guess it was more Wolfenstein era, but still a fun can still download the sharware version of it and 3D Realms other older games at their site including the first 2 Duke Nukems and Rise of the Triad...ah some good memories there.
I'm not going to let my eyes dry out because I kept them open until Duke Nukem Forever comes out. No sire, I value my eye sight (what little I have left)
James Ball
It looked basically exactly like doom just with aliens and sci-fi troopers instead of demons, and brightly lit futuristic hallways instead of the dank corridors. I do remember guys would scream "MEDIC!!" when you killed them. Anyway if anyone knows what this game is I would really appriciate a memory refresher.
James Ball
[/ QUOTE ]
That's Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold.
James Ball
thanks again
James Ball
"P.S. Keep your eyes open for the unveiling of our next game very soon.
at the end of the news entry.