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7 years ago: what where you doing?



  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    senior year of high school.. trying to make horrible 3d shorts in max 2.5.. gave up 3d shortly after and started selling paintings.. then got a job for the military doing the graphics for interactive coursware and was making 50 grand my first year out of highschool.. also was doing insane amouts of LSD and smoking lots of dope.. pretty dumb, but my parents were hippies.. you cant blame me!!!!
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    Bumbling around on the dole, no longer kidding myself that I was ever going to make a living playing in punk bands, swapped the guitar for the pen, and delved into this 3d nonsense, properly. Finding Q2PMP was the real boost. Happy Birthday and thanks... glad you`re still here. =]
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I was unemployed for the most part, but teaching myself 3dsmax and maya. Thats was the year after I left middlesex university, studying scientific illustration.
    started work on a ww2 mod for unreal I think it was , called 'sturm'. never got released as PU wouldn't give us hosting at the time.I was 29 at that time and 3 stones lighter than now smile.gif
  • D63
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    D63 polycounter lvl 18
    Was an 18 year old unemployed bum, playing WAY too much Quakeworld TeamFortress. Wouldn't discover 3d for another year, although I had always been interested in computer art since Deluxe Paint on my Amiga 500 back in the day.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    In 98 I was 21 and spent a disastrous 3 months in Idaho trying to get a good band together with a guy I met in the summer before my senior year of high school. He was a very talented musician, great drummer and bassist. Around here a good drummer is the hardest thing to find. Anyways, for some odd reason he wanted to move back to Idaho from Michigan. He did a year after we finished high school in 96. I kept in contact with him and by 98 things were kinda' going shitty for me in Michigan. Couldn't get a good band going, was fighting with my friends, crap like that. Only good thing was my first daughter was born in Dec. of 97. smile.gif So me, my wife, and my 1st daughter all moved out to Idaho so we could start a good band with my old high school buddy. Well, Idaho sucks...bad. We quickly got on each other's nerves mostly cause he had a bitch of a fiance that was completely wrong for him (I've since heard they're divorced now). Ended up flying back from Idaho and leaving all our stuff behind to have the people we were living with ship it back to us later. That was the brilliant idea of my now ex-wife. =/ I lost $3000 worth of guitar equipment, shitloads of momentos I'd saved through the years that meant a lot to me, baby pics of our first born, and other shit I can't even remember now. I wanted to save up to drive back but she wanted out of Idaho ASAP. When my car got repossessed that pretty much sealled the deal on flying back. The rest of the year we spent recovering from that disaster. Never did get them to ship us any of our stuff.

    I got into 3d and then game art when my ex-wife got lucky and won I think $3500 in the Daily Lotto back in 99 and we bought a computer. We spent about a grand on it. It was some shitty Compaq with I think an AMD K6 256mhz processor in it. Maybe it was 300mhz, can't remember. I'm not even sure if I'm remembering the name of that processor correctly, I mostly remember it was an AMD. Anyways. a friend of mine gave me a copy of Photoshop and I bought a book on it and checked out a lot of online tutorials learning everything I could about it. Another friend of mine gave me a crappy book on 3d modelling she had that came with a demo version of Truespace. After playing around with that for a while I found Milkshape3D and started making Half-Life models. I discovered Polycount I think at the end of 99 or early 2000.

    98 was probably the shittiest year of my life except for my daughter, she was the one bright spot of that year. Things are a much, much better for me now. It was because that friend of mine gave me a copy of Photoshop that I have the job I have now. Got me out of doing the shitty factory work I was doing after high school. I have a total of 3 absolutely wonderful daughters now. I may be going through a divorce but I have an incredible girlfriend that I've been together with for 6 months now. I believe she's the closest thing to the perfect woman for me. Very smart, very confident, beautiful, and she's heavily into metal music. Our personalities mesh very well together. 98 was a shitty year but life is great now, heh. wink.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I wonder how many people started put on imagine and truespace. guilty on both counts
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder how many people started put on imagine and truespace. guilty on both counts

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    Imagine! Great piece of software for a great price. I think it cost me just a bit over 200 bucks if I remember correctly.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    he he, I got it free on a cover disc
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    wondering if i would ever get laid...
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    In '98 I was 25 and already working for the same evil corporate giant that I work at today. I was living the single life and messed around in 3d studio max 1 or 2.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    don't worry mr. toast you will some day!

    7 years ago.. working at a hardees in florida, trying and failing to patch up my marrige, had just started messing with 3dsmax but had no idea that you could use it to make games. my life was pretty miserable. i was looking foreward to spending my life in the fast food industry in dixie county florida. misserable and unhappy.

    now 7 years later and after polycount i have several released games, have moved from fl to oregon to wash DC, and currently workin at a great studio , i love my job and love work.

    the strange thing is, my after work, life is still just as miserable and deppressing as it always has been
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Ahh.. 7 years ago...

    *cheap timewrap effect
    "Eyal! you stop mallesting that camel! I't does- "

    *cheap timewrap effect
    Woah... wrong year... alright I'm 16 now.. OMG I have hair!!
    and my memory is working again! wow...
    I had a hopeless crush on my 27 neighbor. She found out and stopped talking to me. Her dog still liked me though.. :~
    Yes, a typically innoncent high school boy, before quake has ruined my life, and before Q3 got me into this whole crazy thing.

    God damn, how many of us place a time mark on the day we got quake. We can sue id guys.. we'll be rich!!
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    Yup, it was after I found out that people had made extra player models for Quake 2 that I started looking into game modelling. I think it was my discovery of the Homer Simpson model that helped get me started.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
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    I wonder how many people started put on imagine and truespace. guilty on both counts

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    Imagine! Great piece of software for a great price. I think it cost me just a bit over 200 bucks if I remember correctly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thing I miss about imagine was the really easy animation and modelling interfaces. Something I still pine for. I made a tonne of things in imagine that I still have no idea how to do in Max. I liked the face that you had a different editor screen for modelling / stage / animation / render.
  • mr.toast
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    mr.toast polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    don't worry mr. toast you will some day!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    heehe it already has,sometimes i wish it hasnt though, only thing to show for it is my paycheck getting burned every week at the mall, and no more boys night out.... frown.gif
  • HarlequiN
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    HarlequiN polycounter lvl 18
    Ruz, guilty on both charges, except Truespace was called Calligari back then I think (at least the Amiga version was). I've got a CD with Imagine on it not 15 feet from where I sit right now in fact smile.gif
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18
    I was working for a dinky company in Seattle (started in 97) which mostly did architectural visualization. I was basically the guy in the shop who did everything BUT architectural visualization. Splash screens. Flying logos. Zippy CD animations. High-poly character simulations. I had a year of 3DS and Photoshop under my belt. I'd been living in Seattle with my future wife for one year. I played a lot more video games back then- I think in 98 I was playing Myth or Terra Nova. Hell, I don't remember.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I've got a CD with Imagine on it not 15 feet from where I sit right now in fact smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    heh heh Harle, I've stile got the oringinal 3.5 amiga floppies not 3 feet away laugh.gif
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    I was fighting with an E-machine I'd bought, a 333 and the hard drive kept fragmenting after playing Q2 after about 3 hours, I 'd just installed two voodooII's in sli and paid 220 dollars for both, and of course, thought, these vid cards will last me 20 years! I was also heavy into mech warriors and die by the sword followed I think in late '98.

    I'd not joined PC until 2000 and began to churn out wretched skin after skin.
  • Conor
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    Conor polycounter lvl 18
    I was 23, finishing up an animation course in college and had already submitted about 5 player models to the Q2PMP. I still preferred texturing in Deluxe Paint to Photoshop.

    Played a whole lot of Q2 - and since I only had a 14k modem I tended to test all my player models with Eraser Bot.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Damn, 7 years ago. I was 18.
    I just graduated high school, moved to Minnesota. Started working with my 2 older brothers at a glass fabrication company called Viracon. Working in the cutting deptartment, I ended up losing 50lbs in 3 months, due to the extreme heat and working conditions inside the plant. After moving to MN, I also got introduced to the PC. I had never used one before, and I haven't turned away since.
  • Paolo
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    Paolo polycounter lvl 18
    7 years ago I was just ending my first senior year at UMass, had yet to learn any swing dancing, and made my first fruitless attempts at getting into the industry (it would be 4 years till I got my break). I had done a bit of simple 3D on the Mac using software that was eventually bought and killed by Metacreations. Was mostly playing Starcraft at the time, but had just started playing Q2. It would be that summer that I stayed at my GF's place north of Boston, taught myself to use 3DS MAX R2, spent alot of time hanging out on the q2pmp, created my Q2 PPM, and had an all around great time.
  • Bradfordart
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    Bradfordart polycounter lvl 18
    7 years ago I was 16 years old, and really into video games and drawing. I had done a little work with Paint shop Pro but that was the extent of my computer art stuff. I had sketchbooks upon sketchbooks filled, and I drew all over the sides of my papers in schools, and not paying attention in class. I had the dream like a lot of kids to end up with a job in this industry, but I had no idea how to get there; funny how times change. smile.gif
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