<font color="red"> now here it goes, what game soundtracks are bested in your opinion? preferably Id say the music for Final Fantasy X was the best of the series Nobuo Uematsu's best work but thats what i think. and the worst in my opinion well was Final Fantasy X-2. Has any one got any complaints or favorite OST's? </font>
Thanks for that.
(I'll vote for Wipeout 2097/XL btw)
Battlefield 1942's music is pretty cool, but the fact that it's ALWAYS ON in the menu and during game loading makes it get very irritating, very fast... DUN DUN DUN DUN! DUN DUN DUN DUN!
And incidentally, EA Trax is an earsore.
The music in Battlefield Vietnam and Star Wars games is but those aren't very original
darwinia has real cool demoscene music and a nice ambient soundscape.
total annihilation (same guy as morrowind I think)
a couple tunes from gunstar heroes were awesome (0 and 12 I *think)
tetris a b and c type
mdk2 I thought had a couple good tunes
most of the sonic mayhem stuff in q3 and some of q2
-Final Fantasy 7 + 6 + tactics
-Suikoden 2
-Chrono Cross
Action Adventure
-Legacy of Kain series
-Tenchu Stealth Assassins
-Silent hill series
-Castlevania Synphony of the Night
Pc games
-Heroes of might and magic 4
-Warcraft 3
-Unreal series
-Ace Combat3
Worst: Pop2:WW, NFS:U, Britney's Dance Beat
Also, Quake 1, has to be ranked up there. Trent's best work post PHM.
I like the Quake 3 stuff alot too, as well as UT2k3, 2k4, for different reasons.
streets of rage 2
metal gear solid 2
i do also love the music from super mario rpg, especially the ones where you play the main bosses, and i always have starcraft's music blasting when i used to play that game as well
Battlefield: Vietnam
"the neverhood" i have the soundtrack to it, great stuff, the same guy also did soundtrack for boombots / skkullmonkeys
alice is also good, have the soundtrack for it also,
the weird chanty music in planetside, also good
UT2004 is good for fragging along too.
Katamari Damacy!
[/ QUOTE ]
It's true! I've never played the game, but I've heard the music... best EVAR
guilty gear series
many other which i like are of the following systems: </font>
<font color="yellow"> PS2 - Final Fantasy X
PS1 - Final Fantasy 7
Game Cube - Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes
Xbox - Halo
Gameboy Advance - Metroid Zero Mission
SNES - Chrono Trigger
Genisis - Sonic series
PC - World of Warcraft </font>
<font color="green"> but my alltime favorite is that of Final Fantasy X, Seymour Battle was the track i liked the most. </font>
do-do do do-do do.. DO
Also, Cho Ren Sha 68k has great music.
One of my favourite composers is Chris Huelsbeck, Katakis and Giana Sisters are awesome.
Nintendo seems to have the most memorable music, though.
quake II's music is done by the artist known as Rob Zombie.
[/ QUOTE ]
hmm, how come quake 2 is listed in the credits section of sonic mayhem's site? artist collaboration?
Castlevania: Symphony of The Night on the PS.
hmm, how come quake 2 is listed in the credits section of sonic mayhem's site? artist collaboration?
[/ QUOTE ]I'm pretty sure Rob Zombie just did the one track while Sonic Mayhem worked on the remainder.
1. Final Fantasy 7 - Playstation 1997 - The best soundtrack by far and belive you me because I`ve been listening to game music since 1986. Noboue Uematsu`s finest hour. FF7 offers so many different types of music (battle , emotionall,soothing ) and each one is the best in the entire series. FF7 does`t have only the best music but it`s also the best game of all time in my book. FF6,FF8,FF9,FF10 combined are no match for this milestone.To cut it short, steal a copy if you have to.
2. Xenogeras - Playstation 1998 - Yasunori Mitsuda`s finest hour (author of famous Chrono Trigger on SNES). XS has the best storyline EVER. And it`s music falls only short to FF7. An experience to be treasured. XS is also my 2nd best game of all time.
3. Metal Gear Solid - Playstation 1998 - PS just doesn`t run out of steam does it ? To put it mildly incredible event from start to finishing magic touches of concubine TAPPY. Unfortunately the composer was fired and yes, the MGS music is almost crap ever since. The best that idiot Greg Wilson managed to produce is to steal MGS 1 leading song.
4. Platoon - C-64 1986 - INCREDIBLE ! You have to hear it to believe it. At elast 6 awesome tracks spanning on enormous 12 kb. in total. Ah... good old days. Available as sid file for Winamp (requires sid plugin) and also playable in Deliplayer. Jonathan Dunn you are THE MASTER. Million $ is insult for you.
5. Turrican 2 - Amiga 1991 I think - Great work from German team Factor 5 and music composer Chris Huselback. Available on WINUAE emulator and also as Deliplayer music player module. The leading song of Turrican 1 stands as the best Amiga has to offer. And if FF6 and CT are the SNES finest, than SNES musicwise is beaten big time not only by Amiga but also by the 8-bit C-64.
6. Out-Run - C-64 1988 - Err. I thought there would be only 5 entries, BUT how to avoid this masterpiece transfered from Arcade and made by legendary Sega`s AM2 division headed by Yu Suzuky. Jason Brooke made the conversion and therefore fullfilled his role as human being
Many didnt`t make it like Castlevania SOTN, RE, Battle Squadron, Lotus 2 but then again I could go on forever. Overall I think that musicians from 10 or 20 years ago kick ass of these clowns that compose today. C-64 had 3 music channels, Amiga had 4, SNES 8, Playstation 24, Playstation 2 48. But enough of me already, give regards if you feel like it !
Cheers !!!
SoulBlazer (snes)
Legend of Zelda
oh and i totally agree on the BF1942 menu music...so goddamn annoying after 3 seconds. Especially if you happen to have your volume up at all.