oii. I got an offer to go up i declied. too soon after my first job to be organized enough to head out. hope you guys have fun tho! i'll catch up with you next year...
Unfortuneatly, I probably won't be able to go this year. We have to hit our gold date around the same time, so we'll be swamped. Sadly, couldn't find you pcounters at the show last year. Next year though, for sure
Uhhhmm.. is it open to non-in house artists? (IE: People who've done contractors??)
If so, I'm down
EDIT: Hmm, few questions. I don't need a passport for Canada to US do I? I don't think I do but the rules seem to be changing daily.
My birth certificate is laminated and last year when I flew I almost wasn't allowed back in to Canada. If I *need* to get a new one I definitely couldn't go as that takes about a year.
it looks to be my first E3 as well... not sure about the particulars about how i'm going to do it though.
it'd be tempting to take another road trip out west so i could lolligag around at my leisure on the west coast... we shall see. gas prices are pretty rough, but it'd allow me more operational flexibility to have a car. i'm coming though.
I will be there. Something I would like to see, and I know we talked about this last year, would be a polycount mini-party or something of the sort. We could have it in the afternoon when the doors to e3 close but before all the big parties kick off in the evening.
Unfortunatly I dont go downtown much so I cant offer any ideas, but if someone knows a nice bar in the area around the convention center that would be choice.
I will be there as well, I live in hollywood and can provide transportation and a place to chill if needed. Hit me up at dane@frameworkla.com if you are interested.
I'm getting MARRIED May 6th.. So I will be away on a honeymoon to Belieze the following weeks..
I will keep some tabs on this thread though to see who I would be missing this year.. A shame to, since it was great to see all the people I missed for a few years, at last years E3..
it'd be tempting to take another road trip out west so i could lolligag around at my leisure on the west coast... we shall see. gas prices are pretty rough, but it'd allow me more operational flexibility to have a car. i'm coming though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Road trips are always fun, me and a friend will be driving down from Seattle for E3. Only bad part is my car has no cruise control .
Unfortunatly my time off request was DENIED! Doh.
Oh well. The boss promised to pay for me to go to the next event to make up for it. (Next CA.org workshop perhaps?)
Ah, how I wish I could attend...
Unfornately, various things prevent me from doing so:
1. My age - Only 17
2. My geographical location (combined with my age) - Travelling to LA? Don't think so. ;P
3. My lack of "Being in the Gaming Industry" qualifications. :P
Ah well, enjoy it whoever is going. I shall be paying very close attention to the Internet when it arrives. It shall be massive this year!
I have sinced changed my mind, and will be attending E3 afterall. I'm only coming down for a single day though (19th), to help myself save some cash. BoBo has my cell#, but if anyone else wants it, just PM me, so we pcounter's can hook up for lunch or whatever.
Hmm I used to have many a hook at E3 for a variety of parties..
Ive been to the Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sega parties a few times.. Gamespy too, twice..
Though some of my hooks have changed, I may have been able to go if I wasn't getting "hitched" next week.. Hmmm I guess it's too late to push back a wedding huh ? LOL
I saw we try to do as many meals together as possible. Breakfast before, lunch during, and any dinners we can squeeze in. I know I'd rather spend my time with you guys than the random putzes I'll run into.
This E3 is going to be PACKED with P/C's.
Should be interesting. I've only met BoBo, so it will be nice to meet the rest of ya freaks
Again though, I'll only be attending on the 19th (expo day 2). I'm flying in/out of L.A that same day. If anyone needs my cell # for contact info, just PM me.
If so, I'm down
EDIT: Hmm, few questions. I don't need a passport for Canada to US do I? I don't think I do but the rules seem to be changing daily.
My birth certificate is laminated and last year when I flew I almost wasn't allowed back in to Canada. If I *need* to get a new one I definitely couldn't go as that takes about a year.
it'd be tempting to take another road trip out west so i could lolligag around at my leisure on the west coast... we shall see. gas prices are pretty rough, but it'd allow me more operational flexibility to have a car. i'm coming though.
Unfortunatly I dont go downtown much so I cant offer any ideas, but if someone knows a nice bar in the area around the convention center that would be choice.
Maybe I can work it out somehow to get passes anyway...anybody got any ideas?
Also, room-share anybody?
I'm getting MARRIED May 6th.. So I will be away on a honeymoon to Belieze the following weeks..
I will keep some tabs on this thread though to see who I would be missing this year.. A shame to, since it was great to see all the people I missed for a few years, at last years E3..
Maybe I'll postpone the wedding a few weeks..
This will be my first E3, so vet's can point me toward a bar where I can get some quality Singlemalts alright?
as the date draws closer, i can give my cel # out to those who want to meet up, or whatever.
it'd be tempting to take another road trip out west so i could lolligag around at my leisure on the west coast... we shall see. gas prices are pretty rough, but it'd allow me more operational flexibility to have a car. i'm coming though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Road trips are always fun, me and a friend will be driving down from Seattle for E3. Only bad part is my car has no cruise control
Oh well. The boss promised to pay for me to go to the next event to make up for it. (Next CA.org workshop perhaps?)
Unfornately, various things prevent me from doing so:
1. My age - Only 17
2. My geographical location (combined with my age) - Travelling to LA? Don't think so. ;P
3. My lack of "Being in the Gaming Industry" qualifications. :P
Ah well, enjoy it whoever is going. I shall be paying very close attention to the Internet when it arrives. It shall be massive this year!
I may have to reach out to Harl and Tins for advice.. this is all starting to make me nuts..
I'll be there ... though we'll probably be staying out in Universal City ... again.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here. the Sheraton, but at least I can Fandango Movie tickets for the star Wars Movie, opening night, at City walk.
P.S. Of course the movie won't be good, but I'm just there for the supreme eye Candy.
Ive been to the Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sega parties a few times.. Gamespy too, twice..
Though some of my hooks have changed, I may have been able to go if I wasn't getting "hitched" next week.. Hmmm I guess it's too late to push back a wedding huh ? LOL
This E3 should be one for the books. I'll see how close I can come to filling my camera's 1GB card.
Should be interesting. I've only met BoBo, so it will be nice to meet the rest of ya freaks
Again though, I'll only be attending on the 19th (expo day 2). I'm flying in/out of L.A that same day. If anyone needs my cell # for contact info, just PM me.