I've started writing a modelling tutorial that I've been threatening to write for ages. It concerns the model than many beginners make where the model looks like its constructed out of primitives, with most of the polies making perfect squares.
My problem is that I need an example, and the bloody newbies have been posting higher quality models. I tried to build one, but couldn't

So, if anyone has links to one, I'd love to see it - I'll rebuild it of course, I wouldn't use someones image directly.
I think there may be an image of one on my hard disk at work.
I can re-render any of these how ever you'd like
I don't think its really what you're looking for but it is several character based almost solely on slightly warped primitives. I did used to have a render of a big stompy robot made out of completely unaltered primitives, but it seems to have disappeared some time over the last decade or so.
Created in the days before Lightwave had any sort of sensical UV Mapping. I never did learn how to texture with it properly. The composition is kinda funky though.