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Game over: Press start to continue

polycounter lvl 20
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
I can't recomend this book enough. It's about the history of Nintendo and touches on other parts of the game industry (atari, etc) It has biographies on all the major players, Miyamoto, Yamauchi (Japanese ceo of nintendo, and the guy who made Nintendo what it is), Awaki (american president of Nintendo). I am over halfway done with the book, and I started it 2 days ago. (being sick certainly gave me plenty of time however) I can't recomend this book enough.

I was reading an old loony games article that recomended if you wanted to get into games, read up on the history of games, and this was a book he recomended, and dag on it's been worth it. READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2!!


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