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Phantom dust (booya)

polycounter lvl 18
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Badge polycounter lvl 18
i was returning some stuff and i saw this in stock. i had no idea it was released yet, but the 20$ tag definetly caused me to act.

so far ive only done the single mode, but it is so crazy. the environments are so fun to mess up. the gameplay isnt as fast as halo2 per-se but its still a lot of fun. they def took advantage of the xbox tho.

pretty unusual character designs, i like a lot of them.

and for some reason i get a real "Cowboy Bebop" vibe from this, so im somewhat elated smile.gif

what do you guys think?
( i did a search on the boards before posting, so i hope this hasnt been covered....)


  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Holy crap, the videos on gamespot look amazing. I am definately gonna pick this one up, thanks Badge. 8-)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    whoa no shit its out?

    /me runs to eb tonight

    have been watching the game for a year or so, got to see a little of it in action a while ago too.

    tons of cool fx, and tons of shit to unlock. ill have to check it out 'fo real soon, definately a must own. Its awesome it was released here, its been out in japan/asia for ages.
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    oh its definetly a must own.

    its got what i call"The megaman BN" factor";

    in which you kinda collect all the powers you can, and put them in whats called an arsenal. this arsenal will randomly place 3 atks ( or def or spec or env or whatever) down , along with 4 equipped.

    so the real hotness, is getting all the powers, making your own bitchin arsenal, then trading, ante-ing and selling them ( online too btw).

    tons of fun.
    GamerTag - MutedGrunt , hit me up and you can see the ownage first hand :P
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    any game that can give one a cowboy bebop feel is worth it's weight in gold. Are there any videos of this?

    I was reading some article the other day, basically stating that for the past two years nintendo have made the most profits by double and no x-box titles reached the Japanese top 100 sales... could this title give Japanese sales a boost then?
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    if the game was sold from a japanese merchant to US customers , then yea. but the way i see it, Katamari is still uber-hard to find and this game is making me think all $20 games are stupendious wonderful. NFL2k5 was a pretty decent title, and for its price you got a lot of stuff. this game here has a good single and multiplayer experience.

    let it be the underground super smash hit success creeper, then only the people inthe know and those willing to risk 20$ will enjoy this beauty.
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18

    im still playing this beast hard every night.

    i still recommend checking it out. lemme know if you snag it.
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