I should point out that I did get 1 UV Map, but it was parts in different quadrants....for a single mesh. The mesh is combined so you only get 1 uv map.
I exported the OBJ file into LithUnwrap, gave each UV Map in a different quadrant a different group name. Reimported the OBJ into Maya....now the Mesh is separated and not combined......so I can move each piece independent of the other.....that's not good right? For Maya, if you're expecting to animate the mesh?
I exported the OBJ file into LithUnwrap, gave each UV Map in a different quadrant a different group name. Reimported the OBJ into Maya....now the Mesh is separated and not combined......so I can move each piece independent of the other.....that's not good right? For Maya, if you're expecting to animate the mesh?