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Ork Warboss

polycounter lvl 18
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`kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
Howdy all, here's a feller I've been messing with. 2242 triangles (character, axe and gun) with a 512 map for the body and 2 256 maps for the head and jaw/arm.

Ork Front
Ork Back


Ork wire front
Ork wire rear

I have to update these since I took out the codpiecey thing and added a stogie.

Lemme know whatcha think, thanks for looking!


  • Spinks
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    Spinks polycounter lvl 18
    Overall i like it, especially the forearms, muscles blend into eachother nicely there. On the back some of the muscles seem more like separate blobs without real direction or overlapping. Maybe some variatons in the skintone would help enliven it some more too. Designwise it's cool, except for the pants. I'd expect a guy like this to have like metal plated assless chaps covered in spikes or something, not brown slacks. Keep up the good work.
  • ryan77
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    ryan77 polycounter lvl 18
    I dont know if you did this on purpose.. but it looks like half of his skull is missing. In WH40k they still have their whole head, just under armor.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    I like it. My only crit would be that the skin is lacking a tiny bit of contrast and tone variation.
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the replies, here's what it looks like so far

    Ork Front 2
    Ork Back 2

    Tried to add more color and contrast in the skin (not sure if it's enough tho...). Gave the pants more texture...but the assless chaps....think I'll hold off on those for now wink.gif
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    The texture is much more vivid now, great progress! But for a warhammer orc, he`s awfully clean. I think the claw could use more stains from blood, oil, rust or whatever tear and wear war might apply to such a "tool". The pants and shoes could also do with a little roll in the mud and the occasional bloodspatter.

    Other than that, i have no real crits.. i like it! WAAAGH!
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I could have sworn I posted on this already.

    I really dig the start on the texture, and the update definately looks better. I'd like to see a bit of a focus area created with some lighting painted into the texture, so that the face, or the metal jaw pops some more. Right now everything is just kind of equal value.

    Looking great man, keep it up.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I have to agree with what poop said. Also I think the pant wrinkles could be reworked and more focused. The back and chest is looking great though.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    nice! I remember these little dudes. The Ork troops need a warboss per set of troops if I remember correctly. Going with what Ryan77 says; they don't have that lower jaw as some sort of replacement, it's just armour, as this concept art clearly shows:

    I remember ork minatures to have a lot of detail in the paint. Also a lot of painters used the ink and drybrush techniques which gave their models nice dark areas with dusty highlights.
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    looks really good.

    But could be ALOT better with some tiny modifications. I would suggest: Turn on "preserve UVs" if you model in max und move some vertices around to give him more weight and more feel. Best example: The biceps. You could give it a lot more weight if you would pull the veritces of the biceps bottom more into the driection of the forearm.

    The texture looks good but i miss a light which would give it a lot more volume. The face for example. It looks like all bevels of the face are jsut darker. It would be much more intersting to have some sharp edges, sharp edges that go over to soft edges or something like that. Maybe we could take a look on the Flats?
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the compliments and help everyone, they're greatly appreciated! Here's the texture flats so far, I haven't gotten around to doing everything that's been suggested (much if not all of which is valid), just wanted to throw these up for people to look at.

    *The dingo ate the textures*

    w/facial highlighting: (too strong? too yellowy?)

    In regards to the lack of a lower jaw thing (sorry again for not addressing the comments earlier), when I modeled him the only reference I had was a few small photos of the painted model from the rulebook and I figured they didn't have a jaw (considering some of the conversions people have done it didn't seem that drastic).

    However looking at the pics that people have directed me to, it'd probably be nice to have something to help him actually eat (as well as it'd look cool to see some regular teeth hiding behind the metal ones) so I'll probably go ahead and add a jaw. I know the uvs for the head/face map are probably pretty pooey and when I add the jaw I'll try to map it so the money part of the face takes up some more space (if possible). Thanks again for the help all!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps he lost his jaw in a fight... it'd be a whole lot easier to just texture on some torn flesh rather than adding on a jaw now after you've done all your texturing, and it'd be well in character.

    You could say he copped the sharp end of a chain-sword and after eviscerating the offending space-marine he had a mech-boy bolt on a makeshift new jaw so that he could get back to the fighting quick-smart. Simple, and having a background story makes your character that much more interesting than a standard issue generic character.
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18



    Well I think this buckaroo is finished for now...added the jaw which I like (sorry jackablade wink.gif guess he's now standard issue). I'm sure there's some other stuff I could tweak out but I'll save it for a rainy day. Thanks again for all the help and crits, it's been a great experience!
  • Eli_Heuer
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    Eli_Heuer polycounter lvl 18
    Whoa! This is an awesome character. They only thing I would even crit would be that maybe it could use a bit more contrast. But that’s a minor crit. Very cool work.
  • FangsFirst
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    FangsFirst polycounter lvl 18
    I'm guessing you don't really RELEASE these, eh? :\
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    yup, im with eli (wassap man!!)
    the metal arm has a lot more contrast to it, which makes the rest of the model look relatively flat
    thats your lesson for your next model.. which u should be working on right now!
  • LiveWire
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    LiveWire polycounter lvl 18
    i like it. though my biggest crit is that i cant see him balencing very easily, though that's probably a fault of the original warhammer design.
  • Squirrely Jones
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    Squirrely Jones polycounter lvl 18
    looks really good, if you used the greyscale with color overlay for the skin try this: do a selection based on luminosity and reverse it, then reduce the saturation on the selection. this will take the areas that are darker and make them less vibrant and really adds a sense of depth by cooling the colors in the shadows. you may need to fine tune your slected area by duplicating your skin layer and changing the brightness and contrast then making your selection. It's a lot easier then trying to paint in the cooler colors by hand and looks just as good and ensures continuity throughout the skin.
  • Mark Dygert
    looks freakin awsome! I love the progression!
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    That looks great. You should put him in UT2k4.
  • Bravus
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    Bravus polycounter lvl 18
    WOW! that Ork looks real great.
    have you ever thought of putting this model into Dawn of War? around 2000 polies is normal for characters in that game, so it would fit perfectly!
  • Mark Dygert
    After giving it a second look, I have one suggestion to help bring out the colors and detail in the texture. Adjust the brightness and contrast until you get something that looks like this
  • Chunkey
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    Chunkey polycounter lvl 20
    Looking groovy laugh.gif I love the shot of him scratching his head with one hand and looking at his massive claw like he's trying to work out what the fuck to do with it- he does have a lot of personality laugh.gif

    The only real critisism that I would give is the flesh texture- there's no clear lightsource, which makes the muscles look too busy and does slightly detract from the quality of the character as a whole- I hope you don't mind if I've done this but I've done some paintovers for the places that needed the most attention-

    with the first image, I've aimed the lightsource more from above, so that way it looks more like he's naturally lit- also it's good for most lighting situations in games. I've also softened out the creases, so they still feel bulbous and meaty but are lit better.


    The 2nd pic is pretty much the same thing- I've softened down the shading so that when his arms are waving around, you're not gonna be too suspicious that the lighting looks fucked- I've tried to stay true to your use of anatomy, w(hich is a bit off compared to human anatomy, but bleh, it's an orc :P) and just tried to even out the shading a bit more.

    As it is, you've got a good character that works well, but with a bit more loving on the flesh, it could end up being fucking ace! keep going dude!
  • `kungfubilly
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    `kungfubilly polycounter lvl 18
    Wow! Thanks for the paintovers and suggestions, I'm still kinda weak in contrast in general...but yeah, I'll definately give it a shot!
  • jdevin
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    jdevin polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet! Nice adaptation of the model.
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