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Counter Strike Source Map - work in progress

polycounter lvl 18
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eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
I realize there's not many level design posts here, but what the heck..

Here's a simple CS:S map I've decided to put together. It's a small/medium sized map with a "figure 8" layout. It's got a little bit of everything, sniping, close quarter combat and some z-axis fighting. Right now I'm still working on geometry and roughing in some detail. Hopefully I'll be able to start polishing it up and optimizing it in the coming weeks.

I'd like any feedback/crits or suggestions from those who wish to offer them. Maybe I can get some polycount playtesters to give it a run when I'm getting close to finishing it smile.gif

Map Picture 1

Map Picture 2

Map Picture 3

Map Picture 4


  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Looks nice... have you posted this at http://www.map-center.com/ ?
  • EarthQuake
    Hey exp upload a beta somewhere so we can get it running on the polycount CS:S server
  • eXpendabLe
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    eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
    Thx, JKMakowka I havent posted there in ages but I'm gonna tweak it amongst the polycounters first before pimping it elsewhere for now.

    EQ: I will as soon as I get it a bit more finished smile.gif
  • melkior
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    melkior polycounter lvl 18
    Its not a bad map - looks reasonably well done but let me give you some simliar advice that I gave the level designers at 2015 when we were a startup:

    1) Levels just arent places for things to happen - it should be a REAL place that your action happens to be taking place in. Translate this into the fact that your level doesn't strike me as any kind of place that I can recognize? Is it a factory? A warehouse district? What is it? Most of the best maps make you feel as if your in a place that could actually exist.

    2) Your not using the 3D Skybox features to any benefit here. The 3D Skybox feature in the Source engine can help your players really get a perspective of where in the map they are - even if they are slightly lost. Make some large horizon features to help you feel like your not inside a box but in the middle of a place that has things that exist around it.

    3) You did not specify if this is a rescue or defusion map - if it is rescue ; then make part of the architecture relevant to where hostages are held instead of just some damn building that has no relevance to the rest. So if this is a warehouse area, maybe its the head offices or something. If its a defusion map then make something that looks like its worth blowing up .. oil tanks, cargo, credit card company offices laugh.gif

    Those are my main tips without having had played it ... you seem to be throwing in some crates and cargo containers here and there for space filler. I think if you decide what this place is you can re-do a few key elements and this place will feel much more "real".

    I would say a good reference is the new train map that was just released - it feels much more "real" than the original de_train did ; and has so many small gems that really just make you feel like you are in a trainyard! Go for that feel and you will really suprise yourself how good this can come out.

    Good luck!
  • eXpendabLe
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    eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the advice melkior. I agree with everything you've posted and I'll try to explain a few of the questions you've raised:

    The map is an industrial complex and loosely based off an area of Los Angeles that I visited a month or so ago. This area had numerous small buildings backed up to a water canal that led to a larger canal. for the obvious reasons I sealed this area for layout's sake and have tried to build the surrounding architecture to reflect independent industrial buildings that may be using this canal to "dump" waste etc. I agree with the randomness of the ocean containers and some of the crates which I will cut back on or convert into some other industrial visual as to make it more believable. What's not pictured are the spawn points which tie into the shown buildings.. these give the player a better feel for the area by showing entrances, parking, truck docks and some warehousing to tie everything in.

    The 3d skybox is also planned once I have the geometry built . I may not be approaching the level building the right way.. but I'm changing things around from my 2d layout as I go along.. kinda mapping as I go.

    The map is a bomb defusion map. The platform surrounded by the ocean containers is one of the bomb spots and the other is near the CT spawn. The other area I have not shown is the hallway which spans the canal. This area ties into the level as an indoor office/workers locker area which will also add to the overall feel. I'll post screens of these areas as I finish them off.

    Thanks again for the comments smile.gif
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    It looks very nice, while it was loading I thought it was a picture. Looks sweet. Keep it up.

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    It looks very nice, while it was loading I thought it was a picture. Looks sweet. Keep it up.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    well thats sort of the engine doing that beauty, maps are about gameplay. True though, lookin' sweet!
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