I know its very childish, a grown man getting a bb gun but the missus just let me get this... and i am very excited, blabber drewel etc.
Ajustable to 30Ftlb 8 shot magazine, silenced with a 3-9x40 tasco scope, 0.5" grouping at 50yds
There are restrictions that make it very difficult to get a FAC here like a ~ $400 compulsory training course so i will see how fun this is and go from there, and i always wanted one as a boy
Love to see what you got and hear what they are like.
P.S does anyone know if a scilencer messes up accuracy, or even works?
Anyways, when I was ~18, I seriously thought about trying Paintball a bit, and there was even a club near the place I lived back then (duue... thats already 5 years ago
* ok, but this is an exception... http://www.connext.net/~daq/airgunelka.html http://www.connext.net/~daq/index.html (check out the velocities, can anyone say if it is higher than a rimfire?)
if you still have your first one it is probably a collectors item and worth a fortune by now.
-Julius- its amazing how everyone turns into raving psycos paintballing (and video games have a bad name), but the guns are so damn expencive, the rifle i got costs less than a paintball setup, o.k. i guess i cant shoot other people with it but i couldnt aford the paintball ammo either.
i've also go a pretty nice paintball gun as well, think its called a Spyder 2 or something. spent way too much for it and only used it a couple times... hard to get enough people together to get a good game on. up here in maine we just run around in the woods, no courses set up like i understand they are in the cities.
one thing that bothered me with paintball is the big bladders that hold all the ammo. i broke out my welding tools and made myself a set of 'clips' out of copper tubing. fits perfectly, is nice metal like the rest of my gun, and doubles for a handle. each clip holds ten shots (+ one in the hole). then i sewed a holder for them out of a shotgun-shell strap. that straps onto the thigh, holds six of the clips. great for running around without wanting to go through 1000 paintballs.