I was thinking, and got a bit curious.
I'm friends with all the other people on the design team, but also have a bunch of programmer friends (I do have to interact with them alot). I'm also friends with a number of illustrators, modelers, animators, and audio guys, but these were done more actively, by going up to them and talking and crap like that.
Now, I'm just wondering what it's like for other people, if they're friends with alot of people across all the other departments. Mainly because I remember reading about Ion Storm and the anger between the artists and the level designers. And, there's that olde tale of programmers versus designers and artists.
At Ubisoft I made friends with Klienluka, Bmer, Nyk and Virgile...all very cool guys, too bad none of them were on the Splinter cell Chaos Theory team
I guess if you wanna go way back I made frien ds with my LD James Everett and Bodyrott (who ended up being my lead, a great guy to have around). My lead programmer, Dejan, he was a great guy too...very funny and he knew howto kick it. Who could forget youds, the high-strung sound guy
I never made friends at Microsoft and only one at Blackbox. I worked these places for short contracts (several for MS) so I really didn't have enough time in the office to make friends.
Didn't really get in with the guys at Criterion Derby, as I was the only artist, and lived too far away. 1 hour 45 minute communte doesn't lend itself to joining in with after work trips to the pub.
Infusion, the team was so small, the other artist is an an old housemate from Uni, upon who's floor I was staying when I started there. Very good mate.
We do go to the pub quite a lot, so you get to meet everyone in a comfortable environment, talk shite and carry each other home. I'd also say there isn't really an "us vs. Them" either -the boss doesn't have an office and sits in with the rest of us, goes to pub, gets the beers in.
someone new to the office might see it differently - we're constantly at each others throats and mercilessly ripping the piss out of each other. But it's all in the name of fun/not going insane. And even with the occasional stand-up row, it's all meaningless 20 minutes later when we're down the pub.
I think the smaller companies probably do better here ... unless you're SO small and so close together, you're just winding each other up totally the wrong way. 20 to 30-odd people creates a good balance. 7 doesn't.
Seriously though, I get on with everyone really. I mostly consider everyone I work with part of my extended family and expect that I can relate to them on some level.
Naturally I'm closer to more of the artists because I sit beside them for longer, but theres no more to it than that really.
As surprising as it might sound to some people on this board, I am actually quite a people person, especially when it comes to work. I'm no cheerleader, but I do try to be supportive and interested in who people are both in and out of work and I think that interest makes the difference.
I spend more time with these people than I do with my wife and my kid, it's worth making the effort.
Well, other than with Malekyth of course
Bloody sporran checker ye...
I get along with everyone where I work. There are a couple I try not to get stuck in the same elevator with, but in general everyone's far out and groovy.
I agree its quite easy to make friends in this industry... the fact that you INITIALLY have at least one thing in common, the passion about gaming/game art, helps it a lot I think. PaK and I used to go out on photography trips when he was still living in Montreal and I'm going to check out a movie with an illustrator and the marketing game manager on my project next week. Gabe and Nyk made me drink Dragon's Blood on my birthday so I hate them now. (j/k i pet)
all my friends are freelancers like me, because we have all the time in the world and can drink beer at our desks!
These days, I'm usually one of the quieter people at work these days, although I did try too hard to be an extrovert, but it didn't do me any good, and I stood out of the crowd for the wrong reasons, now people think I'm a bit of loony (which is most probably true) which I want to shake off over the next few months.
After seeing this thread, I now want to try and get to know everyone, and get rid of my social crapness, and not be one of the annoying tits that people put up with rather than like which has been the case most of my life.
It's pretty funny. And then I realise that I just wasn't around when they were looking, or they didn't get me because someone else was loitering that they didn't want to come, or whatever. The politics of it all is too funny. But I mean heck, it aint healthy to go to lunch with the same folks day in day out anyway. It's so cliquey at our place. Just an amusing little observation.