i have absolutely no hope that this will turn out anything other than "watchable if it's on tv late at night" or "ok as background noise while doing something else". might have one or two cool moments but it'll probably outdo Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat:Annihilation and Super Mario Brothers for worst-video-game-to-movie ever.
I don't know...Street Fighter and both Mortal Kombat movies were pretty fucking awful. Super Mario Bros. is really fucking bad too but I can actually watch that one.
Plot Outline: When a Special Ops squadron answers a distress call from a science lab on the planet Olduvai, their investigation reveals that a series of mutant beings are systematically killing off the population there...
Plot Outline: When a Special Ops squadron answers a distress call from a science lab on the planet Olduvai, their investigation reveals that a series of mutant beings are systematically killing off the population there...
[/ QUOTE ]
Is't that the plot of Aliens?
Why do they even bother. Will tacking on the Doom name make this any better? "it's game over man."
Whoa...it's The Rock. To soon to make any judgement. I don't think the Doom storyline would transfer well to movie screens anyway. I mean, c'mon...hell, mars?
Truly a sad moment. First off, the rock is a massively bad choice. The original person they chose was much better imo (can't remember his name, he was the assasin at the beginning of Bourne Supremecy). He looked just like the Marine in Doom3 as well.
No hell, no demons - it just won't be DOOM. Sounds more like Resident Evil than anything else now. I hope they at least keep their plans on filming a lot of it in first-person.
Well if you want to be a little optimistic, as difficult as that is, our main Marine (John Grimm, aparently) is played by Karl Urban whos not too bad an actor. He was quite good as Eomer in Lord of the Rings. The Rock is playing Sarge.
Its also rated R which doesn't mean a great deal, but at least they won't have mangled it into some hideous Spawn: the Movie style mess <shudder>.
I also heard today (though its not confirmed by IMDB) that Stan Winston (he of Terminator and the Thing fame) will be doing the creatures, and doing them with a minimal amount of CGi. Given some of the awesome stuff this guy has done in the past, he might be able to raise this film to the level of bad cult film.
How could this have happened? Aren't Carmack and the gang (who surely at least had refusal rights) just like us, fanboys at heart who want to see film adaptations at least resemble the source material? Don't we all breath a sigh of relief when a derivative gets it right, and roll our eyes when it doesn't? Surely id is the same way?
Is there a single member of this board who, presented with that synopsis before filming started, wouldn't have shuddered in disgust?
I also heard today (though its not confirmed by IMDB) that Stan Winston (he of Terminator and the Thing fame) will be doing the creatures, and doing them with a minimal amount of CGi. Given some of the awesome stuff this guy has done in the past, he might be able to raise this film to the level of bad cult film.
[/ QUOTE ]
the stan winston guys are handling it, they've got doug jones, the guy who was in the abe suit in hellboy, playing the imps and carmack
that Stan Winston (he of Terminator and the Thing fame) will be doing the creatures, and doing them with a minimal amount of CGi. Given some of the awesome stuff this guy has done in the past, he might be able to raise this film to the level of bad cult film.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ya the more I hear about Winston from Movie contacts. The more of a fake he really is. Its his crew that does it all. He just takes the credit. He used to be even worse.
[ QUOTE ] http://www.filmfocus.co.uk/newsdetail.asp?NewsID=306
The wrestler-turned-actor told us that it wasn't going to be like every other action movie coming out these days, "What's great is that the monsters in Doom are not CGI monsters," he said, "they're made by Stan Winston studios so these monsters have weight and they're huge and incredible and I'm excited about it."
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow their buget is so small they can't afford CGI. Here come the film students wearing garbage bags, making imp noises... But serriously I am tossed up, on one hand I want to see a movie based on Doom, but then I am reminded of Wing Commander, Mortal Combat, Street Fighter. I hope it doesn't suck but the magic 8 ball on my desk pointed to "yes" when I asked it...
Hmm, iam optimistic with this crew of actors and fx people. Game/comic movies are popular now (not like in the days of wingscommander) and that a good gamemovie can be made shows the Resident evil film - and the only weak moment in resident evil is the cgi licker crawling on the wall imho.
I see also they are using a "closed VEE" formation,with no tail-end charlie for when the aliens jump on them!!.....gawld didn't World war 2 teach anyone anything?
(only you WW2 nuts will know what im yapping about )
This is going to be do different to your typical sci fi aliens clone wearing the doom name. I remember reading a review a while back with the guy who penned the script. I remember him talking about difficulties adapting games to film, but saying that he was a fan and would do his best.
Sure, they are going to have to change things to the story, thats acceptable. They might have to add new characters, thats acceptable.
But honestly, why the hell are they even bothering if it isn't set on MARS, it isn't supernatural, it has nothing to do with HELL.
Wow, people have been mutated into monsters through experiments.... how original! And how hard would it have been to keep the original teleportation experiments instead?
The only reason they have changed it is so that they don't have to find a location to film as mars, and do neato effects for hell. With the new story they can film it all in some guys backyard.
And I thought Carmack and Co had special terms that would allow them to let this film go ahead... what were they thinking?
At least we know the script writer is still a genius. Lets make a scientist called Dr Pinky, then mutate him into a demon, and call him Pinky Demon! Hopefully we will see other scientists such as Dr Imp, Dr Caco, Dr Mancubus and Dr Cyber.
actualy from what i last read rock is not the main character, but the guy who was the lead horseman in lotr, and in bourne supremecy (is that him right of the rock? i can't tell he's so generic looking)
also good made traditional monster effects still outdo most cgi monster effects, the hounds in hellboy were really nice examples, everytime they used a cgi one in the shot it looked off.
i predict this movie will suck, but i will lay the blame on the writing and directing more than anything else,
oh cloud and mop.. look AT IMDB.. doug jones is playing "Dr. Carmack Imp" thats the name.. Dr. Imp. if he was playing Dr. Carmack and the imp they would have broken the names up like Dr Carmack/Imp like they do other dual roles
also this could be interperted difrnelty since they have another carmack listed, doug jones may just be playing the Imp that dr carmack mutates into
I just checked IMDB, I cannot believe they have a Dr Imp! As it is looks like there is a Dr Carmack, then a Dr Carmack Imp.
There is also someone who is called Curtis Stahle/The Baron. Who conveniently gets turned into a Baron of Hell lookalike maybe?? Oh man, this is sounding so lame.
And the rock is playing Sarge, the main character is played by Karl Urban from LOTR.
Also another character is named Goat. I want to see a Goat Demon!
theres a sarge in doom3 (sargeant kelley) which this is more or less based off of. The movie doesn't look like its going to be good but i'll reserve final judgement if/when i see it. it may end up being a decent movie with the wrong name.
neglecting the beautiful twisted horror in the doom universe, it's quite bound to fail, quite like with PWA on avp, where he'd obviously rather have the aliens and predators go at eachother in slowmo and obviously have not even noticed what made the alien and predator movies so special..
it's another movie down the grinder, and sadly it cannot be done how it should've been done, as a movie true to doom.
That really sucks. Can't even see why they had to remove hell, which is a much more scarier and unpredictable factor than some experiment gone wrong ...again.
In all the years it took them to go into space they forgot to come up with some new weapon designs too it seems.
Event horizon pulled off the hell in space stuff, so it's sure not a moral issue. Lame.
well personaly i think this is going to be the greatest movie eveer made, The rock is a fine actor and im sure will pull more than his usual 3 facial expressions in this one. This is bound to be a wold blockbuster, bigger than lord of the rings, breaking boundries in cinamatic quality and excelence! if this doesnt rock (hahah) your world then NOTHING will. I give it 11 start! acadimy award winning stuff. i just cant wait...
The original pic is completely indistinguishable from a shot taken from the 'Resident Evil' movie. Looks like the iDguys did an Alan Moore on this one, where the contract specifically states "You hand over the tons of cash, and after that I have nothing to do with whatever the fuck you idiots are doing with my material. Stay the hell away."
i say we all do a J and bob and go over thier and kick some ass! we need to stop this movie! actualy i dont give a rats i just think its funny good on id getting some extra cash and not even having to lift a finger... they wond get blamed cos everyone will know a game developer wouldnt have had anything to do with production so hell who cares
I think the imdb is supposed to read Dr. Carmack/Imp
From Doug Jones' blog he says he is playing various imps done up in glorious Stan Winston creature fx. Doug played Abe Sapien in Hellboy so at least we can look forward to some good non cg monsters in this movie.
I'm not arguing that this movie won't suck, it will probably suck major balls.
Is that the Rock in the center?
Um.. there is grass on Mars?
Plot Outline: When a Special Ops squadron answers a distress call from a science lab on the planet Olduvai, their investigation reveals that a series of mutant beings are systematically killing off the population there...
No Marines. No Mars. No Demons. No Hell.
from imdb.com:
Plot Outline: When a Special Ops squadron answers a distress call from a science lab on the planet Olduvai, their investigation reveals that a series of mutant beings are systematically killing off the population there...
[/ QUOTE ]
Is't that the plot of Aliens?
Why do they even bother. Will tacking on the Doom name make this any better?
"it's game over man."
It does look like a Cheezy movie from that pic. I think they'll Wow the audience with high budget CGI.
No hell, no demons - it just won't be DOOM. Sounds more like Resident Evil than anything else now. I hope they at least keep their plans on filming a lot of it in first-person.
Its also rated R which doesn't mean a great deal, but at least they won't have mangled it into some hideous Spawn: the Movie style mess <shudder>.
I also heard today (though its not confirmed by IMDB) that Stan Winston (he of Terminator and the Thing fame) will be doing the creatures, and doing them with a minimal amount of CGi. Given some of the awesome stuff this guy has done in the past, he might be able to raise this film to the level of bad cult film.
The odds are against it, but you never know...
Is there a single member of this board who, presented with that synopsis before filming started, wouldn't have shuddered in disgust?
And seriously, The Rock...?
I also heard today (though its not confirmed by IMDB) that Stan Winston (he of Terminator and the Thing fame) will be doing the creatures, and doing them with a minimal amount of CGi. Given some of the awesome stuff this guy has done in the past, he might be able to raise this film to the level of bad cult film.
[/ QUOTE ]
the stan winston guys are handling it, they've got doug jones, the guy who was in the abe suit in hellboy, playing the imps and carmack
that Stan Winston (he of Terminator and the Thing fame) will be doing the creatures, and doing them with a minimal amount of CGi. Given some of the awesome stuff this guy has done in the past, he might be able to raise this film to the level of bad cult film.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ya the more I hear about Winston from Movie contacts. The more of a fake he really is. Its his crew that does it all. He just takes the credit. He used to be even worse.
The wrestler-turned-actor told us that it wasn't going to be like every other action movie coming out these days, "What's great is that the monsters in Doom are not CGI monsters," he said, "they're made by Stan Winston studios so these monsters have weight and they're huge and incredible and I'm excited about it."
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow their buget is so small they can't afford CGI. Here come the film students wearing garbage bags, making imp noises... But serriously I am tossed up, on one hand I want to see a movie based on Doom, but then I am reminded of Wing Commander, Mortal Combat, Street Fighter. I hope it doesn't suck but the magic 8 ball on my desk pointed to "yes" when I asked it...
No fucking way.
(only you WW2 nuts will know what im yapping about
360 degree situational awareness, people! that and watch your arcs...
Sure, they are going to have to change things to the story, thats acceptable. They might have to add new characters, thats acceptable.
But honestly, why the hell are they even bothering if it isn't set on MARS, it isn't supernatural, it has nothing to do with HELL.
Wow, people have been mutated into monsters through experiments.... how original! And how hard would it have been to keep the original teleportation experiments instead?
The only reason they have changed it is so that they don't have to find a location to film as mars, and do neato effects for hell. With the new story they can film it all in some guys backyard.
And I thought Carmack and Co had special terms that would allow them to let this film go ahead... what were they thinking?
At least we know the script writer is still a genius. Lets make a scientist called Dr Pinky, then mutate him into a demon, and call him Pinky Demon! Hopefully we will see other scientists such as Dr Imp, Dr Caco, Dr Mancubus and Dr Cyber.
I want to meet this Dr. Imp!
also good made traditional monster effects still outdo most cgi monster effects, the hounds in hellboy were really nice examples, everytime they used a cgi one in the shot it looked off.
i predict this movie will suck, but i will lay the blame on the writing and directing more than anything else,
oh cloud and mop.. look AT IMDB.. doug jones is playing "Dr. Carmack Imp" thats the name.. Dr. Imp. if he was playing Dr. Carmack and the imp they would have broken the names up like Dr Carmack/Imp like they do other dual roles
also this could be interperted difrnelty since they have another carmack listed, doug jones may just be playing the Imp that dr carmack mutates into
I just checked IMDB, I cannot believe they have a Dr Imp! As it is looks like there is a Dr Carmack, then a Dr Carmack Imp.
There is also someone who is called Curtis Stahle/The Baron. Who conveniently gets turned into a Baron of Hell lookalike maybe?? Oh man, this is sounding so lame.
And the rock is playing Sarge, the main character is played by Karl Urban from LOTR.
Also another character is named Goat. I want to see a Goat Demon!
it's another movie down the grinder, and sadly it cannot be done how it should've been done, as a movie true to doom.
In all the years it took them to go into space they forgot to come up with some new weapon designs too it seems.
Event horizon pulled off the hell in space stuff, so it's sure not a moral issue. Lame.
Actually if he Doom movie had Leslie Nielsen in it I would be more excited
I saw Alone in the Dark this weekend. Talk about bad movies based on games!
I will, too.
funny i missed this one !
From Doug Jones' blog he says he is playing various imps done up in glorious Stan Winston creature fx. Doug played Abe Sapien in Hellboy so at least we can look forward to some good non cg monsters in this movie.
I'm not arguing that this movie won't suck, it will probably suck major balls.