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Art Test Submission Crits/Praise Wanted :)

polycounter lvl 18
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Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
Sup Guys, here is an art test Ive been working on in my spare time, it's due on monday. The limitations were 1500 tri's, and 256x256 Texture, they gave me concept art to work from which I won't post. But I would like to hear your thoughts. Do I get the Job?






  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    So... he's a black, neo-nazi?

    Sorry, looks good. The white of his shirt is a little too white, the folds get washed out. I like his hair colour. When black people bleach thier hair it tend to be a more orangely. You've gone for a lighter tone.

    He looks like he is some kind of hired thug, but there is a uniform quality to his clothes.

    He could be brown too but his face looks black to me (white guy).
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    I think there's too much red in his skin. That's why the confusion.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    JKim3: yeah, I dont want to sound like a pussy, but thats how it was in the concept honest! everything leaned toward the red side, his skin, boots, and leather accessorys.

    Yeah I imagine he's some sort of thug. The armstrap is very nazi-ish.
    Sett: Thanks.Yes he's supposed to be black.
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    Why would that make you sound like a pussy?
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    in the wireframe it looks like you modelled the badge, but i can't see that it makes any sort of difference on the textured model?

    *edit - i figured it out... a work around the mirrored texture wink.gif*

    the texturing looks good, especially on the face, but i have to agree that its way too red. that comined with the unnaturally colored hair makes him look a little cartoonish. when it first loaded, i thought it was some red-skinned demon-type person, out of Buffy or something. that would probably be fixed by simply changing the color of his exceptionally tight sweater-vest, even if that does go against the concept art. i think they'll understand it wasn't a lack of ability that made it green instead of red.
  • Bradfordart
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    Bradfordart polycounter lvl 18
    Hey ghost, it's getting there! Could you post the flats? I think the boots and pants could you some additional subtle texture overlays. I think you could push the forms more with the cloth in the pants and shirt, in the wrinks, stretches etc. You could have more contrasts in the lighting I think, especially on the shirt (white and red areas. His face looks cool; his forhead looks a little unfinished, maybe some subtle horizontal wrinkles across. You are definately headed in the right direction though.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    JKim3: It's kind of lame when artists make up dumb excuses "That texture looks like crap" artist:" duh, That's how it's supposed too look, yeah that's the ticket!" you know what I mean? But the concept was a bit on the cartoony side, and his skin is black skin tone a bit on the maroon side.

    Sectaurs: Hehehe, Tricky! I modeled the badge and just lined it up right and painted the extension of the suspender over the badge! heheh.

    Bradfordart: Thanks man. I dont have the flats uploaded yet, Ill do it tomorrow.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    hey Ghosty

    Ya gota clean,simple mesh there which is always a very good start,that could,if needed to be easyily edited and potentially used as base model for others,good job.

    Oviously many proportional issues interms of "real-life" but I presume thats intentional due to the concept.

    As for the texture I think the issue is a lack of confidence,or at least thats my initial impression and I feel your potential employers may also see it in taht sense,which is not a good thing.
    I say that becuase I have the same problems with my textures at the best of times smile.gif

    The pants in particular look very washed out and I think you need to push details,shadow and lighting that bit further...esepcially round areas like the pockets and the belt hoops also make sure you make every pixel work for its place,you have to becuase you texture space is so small,use the 1pixel brush and maybe even pencil to bring details out.

    I have found recently the best way over the "washed out" look isto over emphise things and "let loose" simply becuase its easyier to knock back things using levels,contrast,earaser etc rather than build them up and up over and over aain with paint overs as it becuase damn boring.

    Apart from that Good job so far.

  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Do I get the Job?
    No, I think not, as your work stands.
    I like your model and the work you have put in when creating the face and arms texture. The rest, as Bronco said, PUSH IT! The white cloth needs some sort of border at its' egdges and some wrinkles. The pants needs more shadows and highlights and a edge where it meets the shirt. Look at your Vulcan Raven model. The zipper (if that's what it is) on the boots looks really weird. And where's the ziplock? If it's supposed to be strings, I just can't see it.

    Just spend a couple of more hours on the texture and you'll have a model that you really can be proud of.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    In the side view the legs have no shape - pull those verts around a bit.

    In the front view the elbows are a little thin.

    The suspenders are thinner at the bootm than at the top - you might want to revisit your texture or your UV maps.

    Te texture where the shirt goes intot he trousers - it just stops. paint in a few wrinkles and make it lok like overlapping cloth.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    The T-shirt should have a seem at the end of the sleeves. Right now, where the shirt ends and arms begin it looks unnatural. Also, you have to decide on whether it's tight-fitting or loose. If you go for wrinkles, it's fairly loose, and you'll need a stronger shadow where it meets the arm.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    yeah good model except for the elbows... WHY would you do that to his elbows man? look at ur own, are they pinched like that? no then why did you do it to this poor guy? and he's not even that muscular... oh yeah also the shoulders come out a bit too far, but you see that on game models all the time, so I'll cut you some slack.

    the texture is a bit on the clean side, and I'm wondering if they REALLY wanted to see that. you know desaturating the skin a bit in a few places would help, and just minor tweaks to make it look more realistic and what not.

    anyways good luck and let us know if you get the job
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Bronco: The thing with the pants is, They are not wrinkled army fatigues or denim material, im my mind they are like wool slacks. I was looking at pictures on the web and when you have a pair of wool slacks on, there are hardly any wrinkles save the pleats. I know im tempted to put more wrinkles in, but would'nt that give it a bit of a denim or canvas material impression?

    Cubik: Hahah, Cmon man gimmie the job! I got kids to feed! I see you too have a problem with the pants, and I agree there seems to be something I can do to push it, but I dont want to convey the wrinkled army fatigue look, I want it to look like nicley pressed wook slacks.

    Rick Sterling: All valid crits, but again the pants issue. when wearing slacks they dont really give much shape to the legs, escpecailly when pressed. they just sort of hang from the hips. I thought it might be pushing it to give the legs shape from the front. Maybe I should take away the front shape to further emphasize they are slacks? It might be confusing?

    Irritant: yes the shirt should have seams at the ends of the sleeves. I imagine the shirt to be like that body armor clothing that athletes wear, like a cotton spandex blend. so it is tight but bunches around the armpits.

    Mr_Rockstar: Yes my elbows are pinched like that! No really, good call, but you know I want to emphisize the forarm from the bicep. Yeah, I think I'll keep the texture clean to keep with the cartoony/realism feel.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Hey again Ghost_rider

    Well,acturally the wrinkles I wasn't really pointing out because I also have probs texturing wrinkles,my main problem is with areas like the belt hooks and pockets things that definatily SHOULD be well empised those features of the pants just look very blurry right now and really need another going over and adjusting to bring them out.

    but as the wrinkles are a sticking point id say check out german World war 2 fatigues,It would proberly go well with the so called "neo-nazi" look he has already, id check out the creases round the knees specifically and the groin areas.

    Even if you can't make out many creases at least add larger areas of varying depth in the pants...this will give a less flat look to the overall model.

    Good luck

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    heheh, looks like a guy I went to school with, only his hair was reddish brown too.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    ok. Update:






  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    the shading on the pant makes it look a bit /\ rather than ()

    ehr not the best explanation but i hope u get my point
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    looks great man. i think the pants are supposed to have a crease in them, like some up-tight dockers handout, right?

    i think the face looks great.
    given the texture size this is a really great model. im sure you got it man wink.gif
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    they've been passing the concept for this around my school and i was tempted to take a crack at it... but finals and all limited me from being able to. Your character looks just like the concept, however my one crit would be the belt and the shirt, both which seem to have "artifacts" on them... like they're really low rez images being stretched out... perhapse just go over them once more and think less about texture and more about lighting and wrinkles.

    other than that, awesome.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    In the concept, were his suspenders covering his badge?

    Speaking of the UV mapping, its still makes the lower part of the suspenders thinner than the top - unless again it was like that in the concept.

    his tshirt still just stops when it reachs the trousers - it gives no illusion of going inside them, thus lacking a little depth. You can fix that as easily as drawing a black line around the bottom on a new layer, blurring it a little, duplicating the layer, blurring again, then setting those layers to overlay or multiply and playing with the opacity. Its a 2 minute job at most.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Ghost just be aware that just because they gave you a concept that looked cartoony it doesn't mean they don't want you to make this character look as realistic as possible. If they gave you any intructions reread them because sometimes you get concept art that they prefer to look realistic than cartoony. Add some wrinkles to the pants around the crouch area and make the seams in the knee area stronger. Good luck. The model is looking good.

  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Rick_Stirling: The reason the suspenders look smaller at the end is because that's where the geometry starts to slant toward the side. It's an illusion. The part where the suspenders look wide is because the polys are perpendicular to the camera.The skinny parts are on polys that are on a 3/4 view to the camera. that's why they look right in the 3/4 view. Thanks for the crits. I just figured this out. Because I knew I did not have distortion there in the u.v. so it was bugging me. But That is the cause of why they taper, It's an illusion of the front viewport.
    Oh yeah, and yes the suspenders are supposed to be over his badge. I guess the wanted some sort of asymmetery, along with the scar across his forhead.

    Sage: Yeah whenever I get an art test I re-read the instuctions like 5 times. The criteria of the judging will be poly usage, texture painting ability, and closeness to the concept art. But I know what you mean, and I hate it when they do stuff like that.
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