Hi all, this is a Wip of a model inspired on the Anubis model of Unreal Championship2 XD
Here some pix

And, sorry for my poor english

I will upload the model to Fileplanet, but i have this temporary download link for the community...
Download ****
really really really really really really awesome model...i LOVE Egyptian culture, and i LOVE mixing futuristic technology with it...it just makes the greatest thing ever, though i prefer a jackal (Anubis, same thing)
Only thing i hate about the model, is just the huge amount of bulk you have on the head and shoulders (no not the shampoo)...there is just so much weight there, its bothersome and kind of an eyesore to me...it looks fine in renders, but in UT2k4 it looks very awkward
either way you can definately count on me downloading this beast...*orgasm again*
Once again though.. awesome model and design.
Oh, didn't mention how much I love the model. I just think you can do so much more with the texture.
I will have in mind your comments for the others skins!
Whats the tri count of this guy? Flats if you get a chance? I'm curious to see how you used your texture space, everything looks really even, which is a good thing.
You can kind of see what I'm getting at here (although it's pretty evenly distributed and alternated)
I'd say doing it going in one direction on a couple of segments at a time would help out. Not as strong as what I did though, as there was also an envmap shader added in-game.
Hope that helps.
just woow im now a fan !
Here some pix of the wire...
Model Polycount: 3682
Thanx again guys!
I'm impressed.
I can't wait to add this model to my game.
Are you going to make more UC:2 characters?
With his more slender, athletic proportions I can't help but want to see slightly more delicate, slicker armor bits, maybe suggesting he's a bit more agile a character than Anubis and the other steroid junkies in UC2 ... but what you've got is cool as shit anyway. I'd love to see more UC2-derived stuff from ya.
Other than that, absofuckinlutely fantastic!
Are you going to make more UC:2 characters?
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I dont know....Maybie other egyptian god.... (Like Sobek)
Well, i work on the textures again....
Other pix here...
Now with shaders....
PS: Thanx for all your comments guys!
I believe the original texture is fine I wouldn't touch it.
Most of the comments here aren't taking Unreals shaders into account, spend the rest of your time there and you'll have a masterpiece.
As for the Dirt, it's a matter of preference, sometimes I like to see a clean look. Has the royal feel that a God would have.
Are you going to release the unreal package to the community?
The ankh emblazoned on his crotch looks a bit odd to me, though. It's almost as if it breaks with the "classiness" of the overall design and just seems stamped on to fill in a blank. Nevertheless, it's a great looking character and a very solid piece overall.
Ace work, texture is awesome, just a little shader work in UT, and you're rarin to go. Excellent stuff man.
upper legs reminds me a little of Saint Seya armor designs too
The model look really good with the shader and without it. I might recommend realesing the model giving the options to use with the shader and without...
As for a 2nd model ... I'd like to see your take on Selket. You don't have to make a copy past version of the UC2 version.
Lauren is pretty cool too ... hmm...
I can't wait to use this character!
The model look really good with the shader and without it. I might recommend realesing the model giving the options to use with the shader and without...
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Good idea...Thanx
As for a 2nd model ... I'd like to see your take on Selket. You don't have to make a copy past version of the UC2 version.
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I dont have any pic of Sobek, because i dont know if the Sobek model exist.... XD
I can't wait to use this character!
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Well, the "God Horus" skin is finished, and the team skins too (blue and red) Now i still working on other two original skins for the model...
Thanx Etienne, and all for the comments. And i repeat, sorry for my bad english....
Where are you from? My first language is French... I don't like writing it outside of work. heh heh
I've read about Sobek in UC:2. But I've not seen any images of him yet.
I can't wait to see the final product. Do you need a beta tester?
go to Characters, Sobek is at the bottom center of the char select image.
Etienne: I live at the end of the world (In a country called Chile) and i speak spanish... XD
Here other pics of the new skin...
I still working on this skin...
He wasn't there a few days ago... I guess they "unlocked" him. I don't like how Sobek looks.
How is fall in Chile? Today is the first day of Spring in Canada. You must have the oposite since you are in the South side of the planet.
Your skin looks AWSOME! Does the Blue do something? Like fade in and out?
Take care!
Etienne: Thanx for your comments. And yeah, the lights have fade effects. (And We are in Summer here
sundance: Ok, I will work on the CTF4 Skins
Thanx guys!
and thanks
I don't want to be in the way of this guy also! How is your 2nd skin coming along?
Here a render of the last skin....
The release is planned for today or tomorrow... XD
Bye guys! And thanx for the crits and the feedback