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old bloke

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danr interpolator

haven't done anything in photoshop for ages, so i was dicking about on an empty evening and came up with this old bloke. It's not of anyone, it's not for anything ... just bored. For what its worth. Blah


  • Chunkey
    Offline / Send Message
    Chunkey polycounter lvl 20
    Very nice- I keep getting drawn by his shiny forehead, it's like an elaborate trap- you get drawn in, hypnotized by the shiny noggin, then he bites your head off....

    Anyways, loving the moody lighting, really liking the skintones too- I think some slight hints of greens and blues around the eyesockets and lower half are needed. Apart from that, I like it.

    How long did it take to make it?
  • GoK
    Offline / Send Message
    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    Awsome work man... playing around always produces good results i find.. but man thats soo nice. Graet work.

  • Thermidor
    Offline / Send Message
    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    Very nice lighting ... like chunky says, more tonal variation would help ... but it does have a certain hypnotic appeal. getting frawn into details.
  • danr
    Offline / Send Message
    danr interpolator
    thanks - i'm glad you all picked up on what i was (sort of) trying to do while working this up : trying to create a subtle expression that hopefully becomes more apparent the more you look at it. There's not much exciting in a simple portrait, i suppose the dynamism comes from the little facets ...

    i think the bug must have bitten me - i was at my wacom again tonight, working up another from-scratch-see-where-it-takes-me portrait. Not sure what it is yet, but i'll let you see it when i'm "done" ...
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