Picked up the latest PC ZONE (UK games mag) a couple of days ago and they had a section called "50 most memorable gaming moments ever!!" and it just went through a list of there most memorable moments in gaming.
They acturally presumed when there editor came out and told them the article that Half-life 1/2 would win.
However after thought it was acturally "The Secrets of Monkey island" that won,with its comedy swordplay,funny plots,stan the boat salesman and the "please insert disc 22" gag which made the designer Ron gilbert very unpopular with tech support staff apprently.
other moments included watching barbarians throwing themselves at walls of romen steel in ROME:-total war
and just tearing along the highway on a superbike into the sunset while listening to emotions FM on GTA:vice city.
Id agree with the monkey island series being properly the funniest thing made for the PC ever I have played through 3 of the 4 games and have really enjoyed them.
So,over to you strange people now,whats your most memorable moments??
oh yeah in metal gear solid 3 when snake after losing his eye throws up the c3 shaped like a moth and catches it, that was good too.
the first sabre lock in JK2 multiplayer.
deflecting a human opponent's blaster bolts back and killing him(!!) with the lightsabre in JK2 MP.
meeting the first HUGE monster in serious sam and nearly messing myself.
getting to a cliff over the sea in halo and looking out at the sea and the ring in the sky.
being transported in first-person mode in elite force the first time.
most of call of duty, including the fact that the team did stuff without any input from me.
Devil May Cry 1: fighting the 1st shape shifting beast..fantastic
HL2: hearing that very disturing scream from the head-crab host after setting them on fire..amongst several
Painkiller: fighting the (biggest) boss with the hammer...very daunting..but fun...
Resident Evil 4: encountering the nutter with long hand blades for the 1st time, Sallazar's maze <screamed like a little girl..
Metal Gear Solid: fighting Psycho Mantis...what can I say...genius!!..absolutely genius...
being shit scared of those floating psionic jellyfish in Duke 3d
Of course.. the tentacle monster from hl
too many bits of hl2 to mention..
doom 3 where you get the chaingun and the corridor you just came down fills with tasty demon cannon fodder
stalking through the long voxel grass wearing a ghillie suit in delta force 2 to get that perfect sniper angle
fighting that f-ing massive capital ship in freespace 2
one of the worst was 3 minutes later, and discovering the "reward"
Re-Volt. One or two sections. Like jumping off a second story balcony into a backyard with your RC Car. And then another like driving over a large floor piano (like in the movie "Big")
Deus-Ex. Coming up to the base of the statue of liberty and seeing it's blown off head in a memorial.
The first time driving a mech in a 3d game like the original Mechwarrior.
Walking through the city and finally finding the Thiefs Guild in Hero's Quest.
Coming to that huge plain in Serious Sam the Second encounter, where you fight waves and waves of enemies with three Mayan temples to enter. Later on that secret room where you see them filming the original game through minatures. If you shoot the minature of yourself, you die.
The moody atmosphere of NINs music throughout Quake. Which did endear this game to me more than any other in the series.
Seeing the Ravanas/Sathanas for the first time in Freespace 1 and 2, respectively. Also: Having the Sathanas warp in right on top of you (And probably smashing you to bits as you try to get out of it's way)
Finally meeting up with Shodan in System Shock 2
Aaaaaand.... Devil May Cry: All of it. The whole damn game
hehe, man, that WAS a good moment!! I'm going to reinstall FO2 tonight.
In System Shock 2, I love my original experience of the first hybrid you encounter, who apologizes as he beats you to death with a rusty pipe. I thought the game looked kinda nifty up to that point, but from then on, I knew it was all going to be completely fucking cool!
edit: OK, as an Epic employee I'm going to sound like a tool, but I have to admit that the first skaarj encounter in Unreal 1 was awesome.
Oh, and people outside the room might die too, if they were standing too close.
Also fun moments are getting insane rocket and rail snap-shots in Quake3, and air-rocket and air-grenade hits. I got 2 air rocket hits in a row while simultaneously being in midair... skillz!
Rooster: Heh, I did the same on Cthon the first time round... oh and hiding in the voxel grass in Delta Force 2 was great fun! I had a 2-player game once... it lasted about 45 minutes, and had a total of 2 kills... heh.
*sniff, I shure do miss that elecro-ball
seeing Sonic move faster than the camera
playing mario in 3d and throwing bowser into bombs
"welcome to quake III arena"
prince of persia for PS2. the whole game.
"requesting anti-aircraft support"
playing tomb raider on my gf's laptop when a dog jumps out at lara, and my gf accidently stabs the top of her mouth with a fork. no bleeding, but hilarious what a couple pixels can do.
"wake up Mr. Freeman". the gravity gun.
And the first time I saw the gruesome death by chain gun in Fallout. Man, I love those games! I'm with ya all they Mal!
Also finishing X-Wing was memorable because it took me and a friend a very long time to finish.
From more recent games I remember the ending cinematic from Mafia where tommy gets shot years after he got away in the witness protection program. Kind of a Scarface "crime doesn't pay" ending.
riding in the convoy, manning the .30 cal, shooting the militia types in DF:BHD's first mission.
a few minutes later, riding in the black hawk and hosing them with the minigun from the air.
getting a 'holy shit!' on team arena when i got fragged about two inches from capping the flag.
the glorious moment i first squished Xaero on the final map on Q3A, thus negating his last kill.
getting the code to work to fly the millenium falcon on rogue squadron 3D
2 player Street Fighter Alpha. Me as Ken and asherr as Ryu beating down M. Bison for hours.
walking down the first new section of the mansion in the Resident Evil remake. just to the left of Kenneth's body outside the dining room. i sat there a few minutes getting the courage to move toward the raven's cage. and again when going down underground in the room with the masks that see, hear, smell and speak no evil.
Resident Evil 2: The 4th Survivor mission. man i was so glad when i finally beat that little bit.
Counter Strike. my friend shooting me with the AWM. he gets a head shot on me and it continues on and hits asherr, who is right behind me, hits him in the shoulder for 70%+ damage.
seeing my first 'high rez' game on the PS2. the opening movie of Armored Core.
beating the tanker stage in Metal Gear Solid 2 always fills me with awe when Metal Gear Ray jumps from the ocean and lands on the the halves of the tanker and then back flips into the ocean again.
oh, and my next one will be whenever i manage to finally play Resident Evil 4 -____-
Super Mario 64: Playing three hours straight in a shop with the TV set a ridiculos height of three meters and then walking out with the worst neck- and back-pain I have ever had.
Super Mario Bros III: Just sitting and playing the game for the first time with my best friend a nice, sunny afternoon.
Secret of Mana (Gameboy): Finshing the game, never having understood a word of it.
Metroid Prime: The whole game.
Super Metroid III: The intro and ending. Me and my friend tried to draw a map of the whole game. This went overboard and we started making up entire sections filled with ridiculos amounts of weapons, traps and enemies. In the end we had a map consisting of over 300 A4 pages which covered one entire wall.
Quakeworld Team Fortress: Too many moments to mention, ruled my life for a couple of years back in the day.
Syndicate: Getting the flamethrower for the first time.
Monkey Island: Insult sword fighting!
And so many more.
Seeing Elite for the first time, being blown away by the fully 3D rotating wireframe Cobra MkIII on the title screen.
About 3 minutes later when I realised that this wasn't Battlezone in space, but that I could go anywhere in this massive galaxy!
Playing mercenary for the first time realising that I could BLOW SHIT UP!
Playing Wipeout and unlocking Venom class for the first time - it seems so slow today, but back then it was like flying at a quizillion miles an hour.
Monkey Islands 1 & 2. I agree with that, they're both genius.
The opening strains of the theme to Rambo on the C64, quickly trumped by the music from Monty on the Run which I had on the same Xmas(they still sound groovy, and you can download them from thar interweb)
Finally completing Maniac Mansion and realising that to complete it properly I had to do it again with all the other possible combinations of characters (I never did). And who ever thought you could get so much game play out of a single house?
Metal Gear Solid - The big revalations at the end. One mind fuck after another. The sequels are good, but nothings fucked up my head like that since, except perhaps...
System Shock 2 - She was Shodan all along! and that's just the start of it.
GTA 3 - being chased by 4 squad cars while blasting peds with my fireengines giant squirt gun. Yeah baby yeah!
And more... Lots and lots of games... so many...
If we are going to talk older games, why not Tapper, Pacman and Microsoft Dechlaton (the one game they did right!).
In Marathon, it was those sudden quiet moments when, drenched in alien entrails thrown up by the fury of your gunplay, you paused before Durandal's interface terminal, and that crazed AI let you know that you were indeed a legendary figure, a namless cyborg with no other destiny than to be an implement of destruction.
1982 - Finally beating Donkey Kong. So many quarter wasted.
1987 - Beating the first Leisure Suit Larry game
1993 - Having visions of running through hallways with WW II Nazi emblems after playing Wolf 3D
1993 - Sitting alone for hours playing Blake Stone. Really started getting me into the sci-fi gaming mode.
1994 - Playing Doom for the first time, and being utterly spellbound, and even terrified. The first time I saw a Pinky demon, I probably nearly wet my pants.
1994 - Aliens TC for Doom. Easily the best TC of it's time, no contest.
1995 - Hexen. Getting to that final level, with Korax. At the time, I thought it was the greatest game. Could still be considered that in my mind, of it's time.
1996 - Seeing the fiend jump at me from the darkness in e1m2 in Quake. I nearly fell out of my chair. I finally did fall out of my chair when Cthon emerged from the lava. Still, one of the all time greatest game sequences.
1997 - Quake II. For my money the most cohesively constructed single player game, from the artwork, to sounds, to storyline, of it's time. I played Half-Life during that era as well, and never felt the same about it as Quake II. Quake II just made me want to kick some ass
2002 - Gunman Chronicles. A vastly underrated game. I really enjoyed playing it, and while the artwork quality was varied, overall it was probably the best TC ever created. I loved the old west meets the future atmosphere. The game had so much attention to detail.
2002 - Quake II, Quake III DM. I hadn't played DM in years, not since the Q1 days, and quickly found out I had alot of catching up to do. Still it seemed this big, vast world out there, and I've been addicted since.
2004 - UT2003. Finally ponied up and was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the game, considering how much I had disliked the original Unreal.
For straight creep factor...The first time the world changed in Silent Hill. When, after exploring the school you come back to the elevator and there's a new button, and boy that new floor's a treat!
crushing nazi's against moving pillars in the very very old game "Rise of the triads"....
Duke3d:- 'Shake it baby!' cash to the strippers to show their bon-bons.
Command and Conquer(first game):- The end video of the demise of kane in his temple of nod.
pro evolution soccer 4:- The moment in the last few minutes of the match when Wayne Rooney scored from outside the penalty with a volley into the topcorner of the goal to win it for us against 2 other of my mates,having had the pass come over his shoulder.(controlled by my mate)
Janes World war 2 fighters:- My first night of online gaming ever,when I proved myself against an online squad pilot and beat him in a first-2-5 duel...I flew with the virtural squad for a good few years after that over multiple flightsims...very happy days
Operation Flashpoint:- when two of my friends and I were playing a mission over LAN to ambush a convoy,the enermy had a helicopter spotting us and my mates lined up with RPG rockets to take it down I took pot shots with a sniper pissed the pilots off immensly and my mates when we were all blown to kingdom come.....classic.
Medal of Honour:-allied assault:- Beach landing...nuff said
Sam and Max-hit the road:-lots of comedy moment.
Day of the tentical:- The section with George washington and the outhouse time machine....hehe
Or my friend and I playing Secret of Mana to max our characters.
But the round robin, 2 day free for all Street Fighter 2 SNES marathon at my friend's house with 4~5 of us was fun as shit.
Ahhh, good times.
2. Mastering the art of the concussion grenade jump as a scout. This could send you flying so fast that no one could shoot you in the air, and would send you sailing across any kill zone safely.
Call of Duty Multiplayer: Realizing that you could actually straddle proned-out snipers, and bash them to death. This looks beautiful with killcams on, and I managed to get 4 of them in a row one time. Duck walk, duck walk, bash, duck walk, duck walk, bash... Muuuuwwwaahhhahahah!
beating some kid at college on streetfighter vs x-men using ryu and doing a 35 hit combo version of the fireball move, cos i saved up my special move energy.
playing transformers quake 2 v3 and actually transforming and FLYING for the first time.
using the flamethrower in multiplayer rtcw to "clean" the bunkers in the beach map
running around in kingpin for the first time
hunting someone in kingpin DM for 5 minutes and getting a headshot from him
playing the alien part of avp with 3Dstereo glasses
hunting predators as an alien in avp DM
getting a "holy shit" by killing the enemy flag carrier in q3a ctf right at my flag in more trouble
searching for pen and paper after years because of hunter :redemtion on the xbox
running around in my first q3a map
dancing in the spotlight in sc2
playing the most stupid c64 games ever because they where banned
getting the story of silent hill 2 (most of them
the tension of vietcong while staying in the swamp in the middle of the night
Just about everything in Ultima 7. I love that game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dude! I can't believe I forgot U7. The moment in Serpent Isle where you emerge to find everyone -- fuckin' everyone -- lying on the ground dead was a classic moment indeed.
In U5, the point at which you can defeat the Shadowlords (I forget the specifics; capturing them in some kinda portable Ghostbuster prison or something?) kicked ass too. After spending the entire game being completely terrified of those guys, finally turning the tables was a major event.
Shit, they're just flooding back to me now: the first time moose and I teamed up to kill a Son of Arugal in World of Warcraft ... ohhhh, YES! After I was big and bad enough to solo him, I went back to Silverpine over and over to hunt the bastard down out of spite ...
My favorite game moment when I was a kid was probably defeating my shadow in Legend of Zelda II (Link)
As far as recent game memories:
a 6 or 9 hour FFA starcraft match on one of the largest maps with Shawn Wood and Tom Jenkins in college one weekend. I don't remember who won, but I snuck a ghost into his fleet of Star Cruisers and did the classic jihad suicide bomb attack....classic.
A close runner up was one of my first lan parties, playing doom2 deathmatch. I was being chased and I hit reverse and let my opponent fly by me, then I shoved a rocket up his ass and won.
I loved that.
games rule...I love my job.
I choose my wording carefully when it comes to "spoiling" things...
Since I'm here, I'll throw in another. Unreal, when you step out of the Rykers for the first time. Gob dropping when it came out.
oh you fucking BASTARD
First time I played Headhutners for Q3.
First time scoring in bombing run with UT2004 demo.
Once for some odd, odd reason I aced every single bot to pieces in Q3DM17 and I just hit every single time, won like 29 to closest bot was 13. Never happened since.
Most of FF7
Cooperative streets of rage 3 where you save the president.
Killing the Giant croc in res evil 2, or possibly replaying with machine super shot gun.
hours long battles at age of empires 2
completing Alundra, i bet there is no one here who can say they have done that(if there is then well done your equally sad).
playing UT2004 ctf demo earlier today and getting 50+ kills, no deaths and 100% efficiency on every damn weapon!
Lately it was in Hl2. When the woman in the underground railroad motioned me over. I was rounding the bend, and didn't quite know where to go next. She was kneeling in a cement drainage tube. She told me where to go next and said she was going to stay behind for any stragglers. It really got to me, I could definately feel her self sacrifice wanting to stay behind. HL2 for me is the best single player game I've ever experienced.