Who here has it?
I'm addicted to the damn thing. I bought the new Logitech Driving Force Pro steering wheel, just for this one game. Breezing around the grand canyon @ 1080i resolution is really a sight to behold.
Anyone else addicted to this digital crack?
One thing my friend was irritated with was the lack of tire marks still. An from what I've seen the AI isn't too spectactular either.
Then again though, there are 630 cars, and you can tweak a LOT of stuff on them. It's a "racing simulator" afterall, not a "game". :P
Still yet to unlock the Extreme races (GT world and super car events to do left)
Caddilac Cien is a Pita to learn to drive since it has horridly slow shift speed, but once you figure it out, you be barreling down the track
Too bad I spend my Money On a Logetec Momo Force Jr. for the PC, damn thing won't work on PS2 for sure. (althought the PS2 Logetech steering wheel will work on a PC)
Total BS. But... could be believable if you look at how the GT series is being advertised. "The Ultimate Driving Simulator." A game that boasts the most advanced and accurate representation of real life car physics. If you're an average game consumer and beleive that... play the game, crash your car, and see how the wreck turns out... you'd be pretty discouraged from ever stepping foot into a car. Let alone actually purchasing one.
GT is giant advertisement medium for car makers. The last thing they want is for consumers to be scared away from their cars.
Forza looks cool. Will have to wait and see how it plays. Not really looking forward to playing in on the Xbox controller, though.
And for those of you who may want to bring up Forza visuals VS. GT4 visuals... take this into consideration.
The Xbox is obviously the more superior hardware out of all the current consoles. So there should be absolutely no reason why Forza shouldn't look good.
The PS2 on the other... while not entirely weak, does have the least amount of physical ram out of all the consoles. For Polyphony to achieve the level of detail they have in GT4 is an amazing achievement. Software trickery and memory management at its absolute best.
It's a bit like having a guy with 2 legs (Xbox) and a guy with no legs (PS2)... and asking them to go from point A to point B. The Xbox could simply take a stroll and walk to point B. The PS2 would have to drag his body with his arms to point B. Which is more impressive?
The Xbox is walking down a road and there's a wall blocking its way. The Xbox uses brute strength to forge its way through.
The PS2 is walking down another road and again, there's a wall blocking its way. The PS2 simply walks around and carries on.
I'm at like 26%, I think. I have the Classics race and the GT world word to do for the Professional league.
Rwolf: What'd you use for the classics race? The AC Cobra that shows up just dominates everything. It's a bit unfair.
Fave car at the moment is the Elise 111R. A few mods and soft sport or race tires and the thing corners like it's glued to the road. Crazy stuff.
Polyphony gave another reason with this one, they said they're already pushing the PS2 that hard they can't simulate damages since there's not enough power left. Considering the realism goal a whole load of processing would be needed to calculate the damage as opposed to the "this part has that many hitpoints left" system commonly used. Additionally, the changes damages have on the handling of cars aren't trivial and I doubt they're going to trash cars just to get refs for the behaviour (and different cars might behave differently even if they suffer the same damage).
Breezing around the grand canyon @ 1080i resolution is really a sight to behold.
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I thought the PS2 wasn't capable of outputting in HD? This is one of the games I'd love to play, but I don't own a PS2
aw c'mon flaagan! You cannot be serious! Would you rather they textured them so that they looked bad at high speed and good at slow speed?! ;-p
Seriously though, you're gripng at the PS2's capabilities there, not GT4. This game is an amazing technical achievement. It looks better than any other console racer, and it's about as good as can be squeezed or will ever be squeezed out of the Playstation2 console. Yeah it has issues but graphical gripes are totally unfounded imo. Polyphony Digital are at the absolute pinnacle of knowing how to get the best out of their limits. It boggles the mind to think what they're going to pump out of the PS3.
It's actually a good thing that it feels like GT3. It wouldn't make sense if the game shifted away from the core feeling they've established in the series.
"i still kind of hold it against them that items in the game are textured to be sped past, and not looked at in slow speeds"
How else are they supposed to look? It makes sense to create everything with a purpose for the sake of saving memory. It's like giving a crate a 1024x1024 texture when no one (other than artists) would pay attention to the crate's texture. It's a complete waste. And there's no reason for it.
It really annoys me how a lot of people have a lack of apreciation when it comes to clever use of technology. It's not always about brute force. Anyone can punch their way through things.
DaZ knows what's up.
Rwolf: That classic series is horrible. The AC car and BUICK special are just way too fast. I got lucky and had an old corvette as my main competion. The XR-7 got me the wins.
Just finished the 60 lap endurance race around Grand Valley. 187 A-Spec points! Fully modded Elise 111r vs. various JGTC cars.
Fully modded Elise eh? Now there's a surprise. I need to see this thing run in 1080i resolution.
Did anyone else feel this?
But then again, it was the second on the PS1, and GT3A was the first on the new hardware. Hmm.
Soul - 60 laps? I'd go nuts there
MOst realistic driving sim Ive played. Right up there with Grand Prix Legends. If you have a good wheel give it a go. Free demo. Awesome multi. and they are coming out with thier new "s2" mega patch soon. Only for hardcores though. If you dont have patience you'll hate it. Managed to get about 5 people at work hooked. Great for lunchtime lapping.
Basically the breakdown was I was on Soft Racing tires, while the rest of the field were on Super Hard Racing tires.
I basically had to pit every 10 laps. With my driving style, 10 laps was really pushing it. Midway through the 10th lap, my tires would be nearly red. The AI would pit every 15 laps.
The advantage I had was my tires would heat up far quicker and allowed to blast through and build up a good gap. But at the end of my stints, the AI's tires would be very green... and they'd start putting in quicker and quicker times.
The AI and I basically traded off on who led the race because our grip levels and pit stop would cross together. At the end I came through on top. I made NO mistakes during the 2 hour race. It's so satisfying knowing I came out on top with an underpowered car
KeyserSoze - not sure where you heard that, but the PS2 most defineatly runs at 1080i. It seems that the hires GT4 mode was made for widescreens in particular, so my screen is slightly squished, even when choosing the 1080i 3:4 ratio.
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I just did a quick google search, and apparently GT4 is the first PS2 game to support 1080i... I just assumed the PS2 was only capable of 480i and maybe 480p (I thought I remember reading it somewhere).
Anyway, that just makes their accomplishment that much more amazing. I would've guessed with how much they're already pushing the system, that running at such a resolution would've brought the PS2 to it's knees. That's pretty incredible.
God damn it, I need to tell my dad to buy a PS2 and GT4 just so we can make use of our new 52" widescreen HDTV that's only running 480i for our satellite and 480p for our DVDs. Do you need a special DVI adapter or something? Our tv uses the HDTV2 standard (720p), though, so I'm not sure if that would work or make full use of the tv's full capabilities
Unless you're willing the proper techniques of racing and the workings of tuning a car's settings... then you're not going to enjoy the game.
Casual players who enjoy arcade racing games will get turned off as well.
I think you have to be into cars and know more about them than the average person to really enjoy the GT series.
I don't even like arcade racers... Main issue is the lack of error feedback, I never know what I do wrong.
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You go into the corners too fast
Racing is 50+% about braking.
Main goal is to have fastest possible exit speed in corners.
Main mistakes:
1st people dont brake
2nd they think its about corner entry speed :P
And finally, start slow then try to go faster and faster, the other way around you dont learn nearly asmuch.
And this does not apply to arcade games where its mostly about reaction speed.
2) i won't hold a gripe against your gripe about my gripe about the textures, but yes, they still look muddy, and yes, i realize that's a ps2 limitation
3) my gripe still remains about the clutch.. i mean, come on.. how can it be a 'simulation' when the driver doesnt have to worry about frying the clutch or stalling the car to upshift? and if this seems like a ridiculous want, then you should of played Sierra's "Viper Racing" way back when it came out.. just tapping to upshift makes the 'simulation' about as arcade-ish as you can get.
4) still is too bad poly didnt jump ship to xbox so they could get some sweet multiplayer in there.
Althought if you want a true Simulation Experience you might want to try "Racer" No Assisted Steering, No traction control, Stalling, Clutch option, Community Dependent for content.